Elf Battle System

Chapter 357 A Battle Without Victory

Chapter 357 A Battle Without Victory

In anger, Kioka released the water flow ring, and a huge water curtain surrounded Kioka, continuously restoring Kioka's physical strength, and gradually recovering from the damage caused by many elves.

Kioka's defense ability is undoubtedly the top among the legendary elves, especially the special defense ability, and most of the long-range moves are also special moves, so this is why Kioka can resist so many moves.

No trainer dared to let the elves get close to Kyoka, because Kioka was too huge. If they really wanted to let the elves go to melee to release moves, there would be only one result, and that would be that the elves would be instantly killed on the spot.

When there is a certain distance, you can also dodge Kioka's long-range moves. After all, Kioka is huge and moves very slowly.

However, if the distance is too close, it is impossible to dodge Kioka's moves, and being hit means losing combat power.

Lin Chuan had already stopped attacking, the gap was too big, maybe the moves he released with all his strength could recover in a second for Kyoka who had activated the water flow ring.

The damage caused is not as fast as the opponent's recovery. This is undoubtedly a meaningless battle, which can only be infinitely stalemate.

However, humans need to sleep, and elves also need to rest. It is impossible to release moves indefinitely. As long as they stop, Kioka will quickly return to his best state, and the previous battle will be in vain.

Thinking about it is a bit desperate.


As time passed, the trainer in the sky commanded the elves to release moves, but everyone's heart no longer had the will to fight.

When a person faces an opponent who is countless times stronger than himself, all that remains is powerlessness, let alone an opponent that so many people cannot fight against.

Even Potaya showed his intention to retreat, because it was meaningless to continue fighting like this, and sooner or later the Sebastian side would be unable to hold on.

Even if they are really strong-willed and can persist in staying up all day and night, the physical strength of the elves is limited, and it is impossible to continuously release moves.


Finally, Potaya gave the order to stop, and there was no need to continue the fight. He had already made a decision to abandon the islands in the West Sea.

To be honest, the islands in the West Sea are very barren, without any good resources, and the people who live there are ordinary people, so the overall value is not great.

In fact, in the alliance's plan, if Gaioka can't be stopped, then give up the islands in the West Sea and the town of West Sea, so as to buy more time.

Although it is cruel, this will make many people displaced and homeless, but the alliance has also prepared a way out, will arrange for them to live in a new area, and provide enough funds to allow them to develop again.

Of course, this was originally a last resort decision. Before coming here, Portaya really never thought of gathering so many trainers to fight against Kyoka together. The result would be like this.

In fact, the main reason is that Kioka has always existed only in legends. Even if it is recorded in books, it is not too detailed, which leads to a misjudgment of Kioka's strength.

To be honest, Portaya is the peak trainer in the Sebas region, and he has really thought of Kioka's strength to the highest level, otherwise he would not bring nearly [-]% of the senior trainers to the battle.

However, who knows that Gaioka's strength is stronger than he imagined, and he really can't be blamed for it. He is just a regional champion, just a young man in his 20s.

More than 60 senior trainers stopped, they no longer had the will to fight, and had long wanted to stop this unwinnable battle.

Lin Chuan looked at the sea, but Gaioka had no intention of stopping. If it was before, after everyone stopped, Gaioka might release the tsunami with peace of mind and slowly expand the ocean.

But now, Kioka is already angry, they have angered Kioka, after the water spray move is over, Kyoka released the move again.

A beam of frozen light was released suddenly, very fast, and went straight to the two senior trainers in the sky.

Fortunately, they took precautions and released their moves in time to resist. After a violent explosion, the trainer was injured because he was involved.

cough cough.

A trainer coughed violently. He was touched by the aftermath. Fortunately, he held onto the elf tightly at the critical moment, otherwise he might have dropped his hand and fell into the sea.

Even so, the clothes on his body were destroyed, and frost appeared on his body. It was the aftermath of ice energy generated by Kaioka's release of freezing light.

The trainer was shivering from the cold. The moves released by the elves were too powerful for humans, not to mention the moves released by Kyoka. Just a little bit of aftermath could cause a trainer to lose his life.

The trainer was quite lucky, he only got a little bit of trouble, but even so, his life was in danger at this moment, and he needed quick treatment.

"Let's go first!"

Portaya knew that he had to give up the islands in the West Sea. Fortunately, even if they were destroyed, the loss would not be too great, and the alliance had enough financial resources to make up for the loss.

It's just that this is their home after all, and it would be very sad for anyone to lose it like this. However, this is the reality. Even the elf alliance sometimes encounters existences that cannot be resisted.

If we really want to fight against Kioka, I am afraid that we can only gather all the high-end combat power in the two regions and make the best preparations to drive Kioka back to the deep sea.

Kioka is intelligent, and once he feels danger, he will definitely run away, so defeating Kioka is a matter of no thought, it is impossible at all, at most he can only fight back, if he is lucky, he may continue to sleep.

The deep sea is a forbidden area for human beings. When Kaioka enters the deep sea, unless a higher-level submarine can be researched at some time, it will not be able to reach the sleeping area of ​​Kaioka.

This is why for countless years, people have been unable to find the location of Kioka, because it is impossible to get there, let alone find it.

After having the intention to retire, everyone began to leave quickly on the flying elves. Many senior trainers felt a little helpless, and at the same time realized their own weakness.

The status, honor, and wealth brought to them by the status of advanced trainers, many advanced trainers have actually slacked off, and many trainers, especially the older ones, have begun to enjoy life.

It even caused the elves to not train for a long time, and their abilities in all aspects have declined. In fact, this point is similar in both regions.

After all, after struggling for so long, they finally became advanced trainers. However, due to the limitation of their potential and talent, they were unable to compete for the king-level trainers, and there was no room for advancement.

Many advanced trainers no longer work as hard as before, but start to enjoy life, which is also the final outcome of most civilian trainers.

(End of this chapter)

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