Chapter 337
Liu Xianhui smiled softly: "The plum blossoms are the most cold-resistant. The colder they are, the more beautiful they bloom. The coldest lakeside, it's normal for them to grow the best."

Liu Bingfan nodded.

Suddenly he exclaimed loudly: "Be careful!"

Liu Bingfan stretched out his hand to grab Liu Xianhui's hand, the person who was standing upright suddenly was about to fall down, and was pulled back by Liu Bingfan.

When the people around heard Liu Bingfan's exclamation, they all looked sideways.

The understanding of outsiders is naturally that Liu Xianhui almost fell into the lake, but Liu Bingfan pulled her back and saved her.

It's so dangerous.

Liu Bingfan supported Liu Xianhui, and quietly switched places with Liu Xianhui, glanced at Liu Yiqin out of the corner of her eye, and saw Liu Yiqin was approaching, and immediately said: "Second sister, be careful... a little..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Liu Xianhui, who looked like she was alive after a catastrophe and slightly flustered, suddenly disappeared from her eyes again.

Accompanied by two loud bangs of "Plop" and "Plop", the ice surface instantly shattered, and Liu Xianhui and Liu Yiqin fell into the lake one after another, splashing water, and the water splashed on Liu Bingfan's hands with bone-chilling coldness. Hands stay in the air.

As the two of them fell into the lake, the girls who had been attracted by Liu Bingfan's exclamation earlier screamed.

All of a sudden, the crowd enjoying the flowers became extremely commotion.

"Did you see it? Miss Liu Er was pushed into the lake by Miss Liu Si, and she fell with her."

"My God, is Miss Liu Si crazy? Why did you push your own sister into the lake? The lake is so cold, what happened?"

"Miss Liu Er specially reminded everyone to be careful of the lake just now, but she was pushed into the lake by her sister in a blink of an eye. I don't even know what to say..."

"That's right, Miss Liu pulled it just now, but she survived once, and she fell down in a blink of an eye."

"What should I do? The water in this lake is icy cold. Will they freeze to death in this lake?"

"If you don't freeze to death, you should drown. Isn't this lake very deep, and many people have died."


"Someone fell into the lake, hurry up and save him."

In the panic, someone shouted loudly.

The sound of this cry for help was pale and feeble amidst the gongs and drums of the stage.

But the commotion here still caught the attention of the adults in the pavilion.

The stage was stopped, the vocal music stopped, and the news of falling into the water spread immediately.

The eldest princess and Mrs. Xue came here with people.

The other wives also didn't care about watching the play, and followed one after another.

Seeing that her daughter was safe and sound, she was instantly relieved.

The eldest princess, Mrs. Xue, the wives of the Xue family, the old lady, and the eldest lady saw Liu Bingfan and Lin Ruyou standing together, and their hearts were relieved.

Immediately shouted: "Hurry up and save people."

"Putong", "Putong" went down to a few guards.

Mrs. Xue Er quickly stepped forward and asked, "Fan'er, how are you? Who fell?"

With sadness in his eyes, Liu Bingfan murmured: "Second aunt, Fan'er is fine, but the second and fourth younger sisters both fell into the lake. Even if the fourth younger sister is more lively on weekdays, she shouldn't be the one who would do such a thing. The fourth sister has so much hatred and resentment towards the second sister, that she wants to die together."

Second Madam Xue looked at Liu Bingfan again, confirmed that she was fine, and then said: "We don't know what happened between their sisters, you don't need to be sad, there are already guards going down to save people."

(End of this chapter)

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