Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 110 His impulsiveness fulfilled Le Jinxi

Chapter 110 His impulsiveness fulfilled Le Jinxi

Chapter 110: His impulsiveness fulfilled Le Jinxi

The eyes of the two met, but the same light was shining, arrogant, deep, and there seemed to be invisible sparks flashing in the air, crackling and crackling.

It shows more that when rivals meet, they are all angry!
The atmosphere instantly became oppressive and weird!

Lu Haocheng withdrew his hand first, looked at Lan Xin with deep eyes, and asked with a light smile, "Lanlan, you and Mr. Le seem to have a good relationship, have you known each other for a long time?"

His tone was very relaxed, as if he and Lan Xin were more familiar and closer than Lan Xin and Le Jinxi.

Lan Xin looked at Lu Haocheng with a pitch-black and clear light, glistening with water, clear and free of impurities.

Why did this Lu Hao suddenly become so strange?
Lan Xin looked calm and composed, but she was sensitive, but her heart was on guard.

Le Jinxi was extremely angry at Lu Haocheng's intimate actions and his tone of voice towards the couple. His handsome eyes gracefully passed over Lan Xin's expressionless face, and suddenly looked at the smiling Lu Haocheng.

Before Lan Xin spoke with an affectionate tone: "Boss Lu, Lan Lan and I have known each other for a long time, and Lan Lan is my girlfriend!"

What Jin Xi said made Lan Xin and Lu Haocheng's expressions change drastically.

The difference is that Lan Xin looked at Jin Xi who said this in shock.

And Lu Haocheng looked angry and cold.

His appearance made Le Jinxi, who had been forbearing all this time, utter these words.

Lu Haocheng suddenly felt that what he did today was a little impulsive, and his impulsiveness helped Le Jinxi.

But there is no way, today he knows that this woman is his son's mother, and most likely is his Lanlan, he thinks domineeringly that she can't flirt with other men.

Looking at Lu Haocheng's expression, Le Jinxi felt a sense of revenge in his heart, who is there?Can snatch Lanlan away from him.

Lu Haocheng is not close to women, but suddenly behaves intimately towards Lanlan.

Anyone who knows treasures can see that Lan Lan is a dazzling pearl.

Jin Xi smiled and said, "Boss Lu, my girlfriend tends to be shy." After speaking, he looked at the distance between the two meaningfully.

But the bottom of his heart was full of anger, this Lu Hao pairing with Lan Lan was not just a whim.

Lan Xin looked at Jinxi again, but on Jinxi's clear face, there was a clear smile, and she focused on Lu Haocheng.

There seemed to be a feeling that Lu Haocheng was not good at letting go if he didn't get out of the way.

Jin Xi's handsome face was originally pure and gentle, but compared to Lu Haocheng's, his aura was not at all inferior to Lu Haocheng's cold, arrogant and domineering aura.

The atmosphere seemed a little stiff, and even Ou Jingyao, who was sitting next door, suddenly felt a little nervous.

Lu Haocheng, who was so silent, was angry, very angry!
Lu Haocheng raised his eyes slightly, his deep eyes were much clearer, and his face was full of moonlight. His uncharacteristic behavior surprised Ou Jingyao in the next seat.

Lu Haocheng spoke in an unhurried tone: "Lanlan, it turns out that Le is always your boyfriend. I thought it was natural..."

Lu Haocheng deliberately hesitated to speak, but Lu Haocheng said the word boyfriend very seriously.

Of course, what he didn't say at the end surprised Jinxi suddenly.

He is too impulsive, but he is a signed model of their company.

Now that he said this, wouldn't it be the same as telling Lu Haocheng that Lanlan didn't have a husband?
Jin Xi was extremely upset in his heart!
But it is the words that are spoken and the water that is poured out.

When the two met for the first time, they thought that Jinxi would be slightly better in this battle without gunpowder, but in the end it was Lu Haocheng who won.

(End of this chapter)

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