Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 114 Nobody Can Bully Us Lanlan Easily

Chapter 114 Nobody Can Bully Us Lanlan Easily

Chapter 114: No one can easily bully us Lanlan

Looking at her smiling and beautiful face, Jin Xi was a little distracted.


Lu Haocheng's words flashed across his mind.

He asked in a low tone: "Lanlan, do you want to accompany Lu Haocheng to a social event tomorrow night?"

Lan Xin has always been sensitive. Hearing his low tone, she raised her eyes and glanced slightly at his unhappy handsome face, which was indifferent and lingering with a cool breath.

She looked back and said, "There is a banquet at Yandun Restaurant. He said that they are all business partners. I am a designer. I have to go and go through the process."

"It's just a process?" Jinxi looked at her with deep eyes.

Lu Haocheng never brought his girlfriend with him when he attended banquets.

But this time, he took the initiative to ask Lanlan to go with him.

It can be seen that Lu Haocheng's motives are not pure.

"En!" Lan Xin nodded.

When she was in the branch office, she would occasionally go there, but those were simple banquets. After that, there were a bunch of women chatting and gossiping, eating delicious food, and nothing else happened.

Jinxi looked at the neon lights in the distance, pursed the corners of her lips, and reminded in a dignified tone: "Lanlan, someone is checking you in secret, you must be careful during this time, I will wait outside the Yandun Hotel tomorrow night You, Aunt Mu called me and asked me to take care of your safety."

When Lan Xin heard this, her eyes were slightly cold, and her face was frosty: "Is the Jiang family investigating me?"

"I don't know yet, and I won't know soon." Jin Xi didn't think that it was the Jiang family who was investigating Lan Lan.

During this period of time, the Jiang family's business has suffered a huge deficit, and Jiang Zhiyuan is so busy that he should have no time to take care of Lan Lan.

Lan Xin turned sideways, looked at Jin Xi, and smiled confidently, with firm and confident eyes in her clear eyes.

"Jinxi, don't worry, I am no longer the weak Jiang Lanxin who was bullied back then."

Many things can be lucky for a while, but not for a lifetime. Only when you have real strength can you not be bullied all the time.

"I know! No one can easily bully us Lanlan!" Jinxi looked at her with a smile.

Whenever he sees her so strong, he can't help but want to hug her and feel sorry for her!

"Let's go! Let's go to eat late at night. I was disturbed by Lu Haocheng just now, and I'm not full!" Jin Xi looked at Lan Xin with some grievances.

Seeing his aggrieved look, Lan Xin smiled involuntarily.

"Let's go! My treat! You helped me find such a good house, I have to thank you very much!" After Lan Xin finished speaking, she turned and walked downstairs.

Jin Xi followed her with a smile, he had a feeling that he wanted time to stop at this moment.

Between them, as long as there is love, there is no right or wrong, only more suitable.

He and Lanlan have too much in common.

There are too many favorites together!Have the same dreams and hobbies!

The two closed the door and left on a motorcycle.

Jin Xi took Lan Xin all the way to find a food stall.

It sells seafood, it's still early, and there are not many people.

After the two sat down, Jinxi ordered food and two bottles of beer by the way.

He opened the beer, put it in front of Lan Xin, and said with a smile: "Lan Lan, let's celebrate tonight, just drink a bottle of beer!"

Lan Xin glanced at the motorcycle not far away.

She teased with some worry: "Jinxi, if you drink alcohol, what will you do with the motorcycle? Drunk driving is not allowed, you are trying to violate traffic laws."

Jin Xi took a sip of beer carelessly, and every move made his elegant interpretation vividly.

His eyes squinted at her gloating little face.

(End of this chapter)

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