Chapter 125 An An Is Your Fiancee

Chapter 125: An An Is Your Fiancee

When Lu Haocheng heard Mrs. Gu's words, he suddenly understood the reason why Lan Xin had alienated him suddenly.

"Madam Gu, you misunderstood..."

"Oh... did I misunderstand?" Mrs. Gu suddenly interrupted Lan Xin with a sneer, and looked at Lan Xin with gloomy eyes.

She approached Lan Xin step by step, looked at Lan Xin contemptuously with elegant eyes, and sneered coldly: "I only believe what I see with my eyes, you are seducing Ah Cheng!"

When Lan Xin heard this, she lowered her head, she wanted to avoid Lu Haocheng's, but things are often so coincidental.

Lu Haocheng released a cold aura, a cold breath, mixed with a sense of oppression, permeated from his whole body, making the atmosphere even more oppressive.

"Aunt Gu, please be careful with what you say. This is a matter between me and Miss Lan, not your business." The cold voice was as sharp as a sharp knife, making people fall into an ice cellar.

Mrs. Gu frowned, and looked at Lu Haocheng in disbelief. This was the first time Lu Haocheng had spoken to her like this in so many years.

And it's for a woman!
As for Gu An'an, she was overwhelmed by fear and nervousness.

Every time Lu Haocheng was angry, she couldn't bear it.

In the oppressive atmosphere, even Lan Xin felt that her breathing was not smooth.

Lan Xin also felt the strangeness of the atmosphere.

He tried to break free from Lu Haocheng's hand, but Lu Haocheng held her hand tightly and wouldn't let go.

And hold on tighter and tighter!

Doesn't he know that doing so will bring her a lot of trouble?
Both Mrs. Gu and Gu An'an wanted to execute her Ling Chi.

Lan Xin glared at him, she was never a pretentious person, but why did Lu Haocheng do this?
Lu Haocheng turned a blind eye and still looked at Mrs. Gu with gloomy eyes. If she knew that Lan Xin standing in front of her was probably her daughter, would she still say that?
He has always complained about Aunt Gu, it was her who let Gu Anan take Lan Lan's place.

It was she who brought back Gu An'an, a woman with ulterior motives.

Moreover, not long after Lan Lan lost her, she adopted Gu An'an. To put it bluntly, it was to ease the feeling of missing her daughter. To put it bluntly, Aunt Gu adopted Gu An'an for the benefit of her family.

Under Lu Haocheng's gaze, Mrs. Gu gradually regained her senses. She glanced at the hands that were still holding each other, and the anger in her heart suddenly rose again, and she said sharply: "Ah Cheng, for a woman, you treat me like this. Aunt? Don't forget, An An is your fiancee.

An An should be left by your side, not this woman. "

Gu An'an, who was nominated, looked up at Lu Haocheng in a daze. With big bright eyes, he looked at Lu Haocheng with pain, as if Lu Haocheng cheated on her behind her back.

Lu Haocheng looked at Mrs. Gu, he slightly hooked the corners of his lips, his whole body was dazzling, and he was born with a unique charm, which could eclipse all the surrounding scenery, and easily made himself the focus of attention.

"Aunt Gu, you have to tell me a few times before you remember what I said, my fiancee of Lu Haocheng is Gu Yilan, not Gu Anan.

I respect you, respect you, because of what?You know very well. "The last sentence he said was angry and cold.

Gu An'an's heart was smashed to pieces by a blunt object in an instant, and he still only had the dead Gu Yilan in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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