Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 154 Does She Look Weak and Deceptive

Chapter 154 Does She Look Weak and Deceptive

Chapter 154: Does she look weak and easy to bully?

The mocking look, the sarcastic voice, every word was like a sharp knife, piercing deeply into Lan Xin's skin.

An invisible pain enveloped her whole body.

How can a person, a well-educated person, speak so meanly.

do not know why?According to Mrs. Gu, this kind of pain is several times worse than the pain she experienced seven years ago.

Lan Xin stopped three steps away from Mrs. Gu, raised her eyes, and the pained expression in her beautiful eyes instantly subsided.

Facing the overbearing Madam Gu fearlessly: "Madam Gu, I think you have misunderstood. I, Lan Xin, have nothing to do with Lu Haocheng..."

"Hehe..." Mrs. Gu suddenly sneered and interrupted her.

"Lan Xin, what you said is really nice, if it doesn't have anything to do with it, why would he introduce Darlene to you, and what's going on with Yi Tianqi?

Does Miss Lan seem to be very popular? "She looked at Lan Xin's eyes, squinted slightly, and there was a deep meaning behind her words.

Who is Yi Tianqi?The real estate tycoons in Jiangshi and Fanshi had a hard time even if she wanted to see him.

When Lan Xin heard this, she suddenly felt that Mrs. Gu was unreasonable.

She twitched the corner of her mouth with a sneer, and said with a smile: "Madam Gu's ability to understand is really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. In Madam Gu's eyes, people who have no status must live like a dog." ?

Don't you even have the qualifications to know rich people?
Also, instead of stopping me halfway like this, mocking me, and telling me not to provoke Lu Haocheng, why don't you go back and teach your daughter how to tie a man's heart? After Lan Xin finished speaking, she glanced at Mrs. Gu sharply and coldly, then turned and left angrily.

Does she look weak and bully?Everyone has to step on her head to stop.

Then, she will tell them with practical actions that she, Lan Xin, is not easy to mess with, nor is she easy to bully.

In seven years, she has learned too many things, people in the industry, and she manages relationships extremely well.

The pace of life is so fast, and the pressure of responsibility is so great, her daily life is bitter and tiring, and she is even more frugal.

During this period, the ones who have been helping her are her best friend and her most beloved mother.

The moment she stood up again, she understood that only by herself can she feel at ease, and only if she has the ability can she smile more beautifully.

She doesn't have much money, so she can find a way to make money. She doesn't have a car or a house, so she can work hard by herself, and she bears the pain and tiredness by herself.

She will be very grateful for a leaf given by others.

But she will also use this leaf to make a big tree for herself to enjoy the shade.

She, Lan Xin, rarely complains about the injustice of fate, she always remembers a sentence, if you are strong, no matter how big the difficulty is, it will be a trivial matter.

No matter how great difficulties are waiting for her ahead, she has to break through the world by herself.

"Lan Xin, stop." Lin Mengyi caught up with Lan Xin and blocked her way.

Looking at the back of her arrogantly leaving, she was trembling with anger, and it took a long time to say these few words, especially the last sentence, which made her almost breathless with anger.

"Lan Xin, Haocheng, he is not an ordinary person. He and An An grew up together, and the relationship between the two is also very good. After you appeared, the relationship between the two gradually cracked.

Lan Xin, even if I beg you, let Hao Cheng go, let Hao Cheng and An An be together?An An cried all day today, she..."

"Madam Gu!" Lan Xin quickly interrupted her.

(End of this chapter)

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