Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 157 The Gu Family's Face Has Been Humiliated

Chapter 157 The Gu Family's Face Has Been Humiliated

Chapter 157: Their Gu family has lost all face

"I, I don't know?" Qin Ningzhen frowned, his tone painful.

She doesn't know what's going on?

Things are clearly arranged, why did such a thing happen?

Damn it! !
Who is it?

"Which room is it in? Find it for me quickly! This brat! Our Lu family owes the Gu family all the time, and we don't know what will happen after this trouble?" Lu Yike roared angrily, walking quickly go forward.

He could tell that the voice belonged to Gu An'an.

" wait for me!" Qin Ningzhen was a little panicked. If it was Lu Haocheng, what would the Gu family not say?
But if it was Lu Haokai, a member of the Gu family, he would definitely not let it go.

Suddenly, a group of reporters broke into the dark room.

"Pa..." The lights in the room were turned on.

The flash light shot at the two people who were dreaming like a dream.

"Get out, get out of here." Mrs. Gu ran in and pushed all the reporters out.

With a bang, the door was closed.

Her cold eyes flicked across the reporters who were snapping photos with their cameras, and she said coldly, "If you newspapers dare to report what happened tonight, don't blame our family for being rude."

One of the male reporters sneered and said, "Mrs. Gu, this matter is not up to you to decide. There are many opinions. Even if we don't report it, people who saw it at the banquet will tell about it."

"Yes, Mrs. Gu, may I ask, are the people inside Gu An'an and Mr. Lu Haokai? Are they really in love? Didn't they say that Gu An'an is Lu Haocheng's fiancée? Why are they together with Lu Haokai?" The female reporter asked sharply.

Mrs. Gu closed her eyes with a headache, how could things develop into this way?

An An said that she wanted to go to the room to change clothes. She came to the bathroom and saw Lan Xin being cleaned up by Wang Jing. She wanted to wait for Lan Xin to come and taunt her.

When they were about to go back, they heard their daughter's voice on TV. This time, their Gu family was completely ashamed.

"Madam Gu, please answer my question just now." The female reporter looked at Madam Gu sharply, unwilling to let her go.

This is big news.

There have always been rumors about the marriage between the Gu and Lu families, but the people who were rumored were Lu Haocheng and Gu An'an.

But he saw Lu Haokai and Lu Anan together.

Everyone was more or less disappointed, but it was also a big news that was criticized.

"What are you all doing?" Lu Yike, who rushed over, let out a majestic roar, making all the reporters look back at him.

Several reporters stopped filming for an instant and looked back at Lu Yike.

"President Lu, we are also doing routine..."

"Shut up, what happened tonight is our Lu family's business. If you media outlets dare to report it, all of them will be closed to me. No one will be able to follow this path in the future."

Lu Yike is threatening like a rainbow. With their Lu family's status in Jiang City, he has the ability to close all these newspapers.

Several reporters looked at each other in blank dismay. They also got the news that they could get big news here, and they came here after they mentioned the room number.

Explosive news is what every reporter wants.

Seeing that a few people were silent, Lu Yike's already serious face became more gloomy and terrifying.

That strong aura made several reporters lower their heads slightly, and involuntarily took a few steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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