Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 159 Lu Haocheng's iron wrist is well-deserved

Chapter 159 Lu Haocheng's iron wrist is well-deserved
Chapter 159: Lu Haocheng's iron-blooded wrist is well-deserved
Lan Xin nodded, "Then..."

"Lanlan, go back to your room and sit down for a while, and then leave later. I'll come and call you later." Lu Haocheng said, stretching out his strong long arms, and opened the door of the room.

Seeing this, Lan Xin glanced at him, without any emotion on her face, turned and went back to the room.

Lu Haocheng watched her go in, the corners of his lips curled up gently on his handsome face.

He closed the door and glanced at Ou Jingyao.

Ou Jingyao nodded and walked into another room.

The three of them walked in together.

Ou Jingyao turned on the computer, and the motivational screen appeared again.

Ou Jingyao sneered and turned down his voice, turning the disgusting scene away.

Mu Ziheng said with a smile: "They thought that everything would be fine after turning off the power, they simply underestimated our Secretary Ou, our Secretary Ou is a computer expert."

Lu Haocheng sat back on the sofa with a heavy body, his face was terribly gloomy.

"Unfortunately, there is a problem with the angle, and Gu An'an can't see clearly." His tone was cold and chilling.

Su Jingming pursed his lips in fear, "Haocheng, don't you really want to kill them all?"

Mu Ziheng suddenly knocked on Su Jingming's head, and scolded: "Su Jingming, have you lost your mind? The mother and son sincerely want to kill Haocheng, and Haocheng is only fighting back this time. Which side are you on?" people, for whom do you speak?"

Su Jingming touched his head and looked aggrieved.

Not long after he came back, how would he know the twists and turns?

Lu Haocheng glanced at him coldly, and pointed to the mobile phone in his hand with his slender fingers.

Su Jingming understood, quickly opened the video, and handed it to Lu Haocheng silently.

Lu Haocheng took the phone and looked at the picture in the video with gloomy eyes.

Mu Ziheng also tilted his head to look at it, and when he saw it, he was shocked, "This Wang Jing, is she trying to put an end to their Wang family's troubles?"

The more Lu Haocheng looked, the colder his expression became, his thin lips were tightly pursed, his deep eyes seemed to be jumping like flames, and his whole body exuded a dangerous aura.

Mu Ziheng and Su Jingming glanced at each other, the faint coldness spreading out made the atmosphere in the room depressing.

Mu Ziheng's first thought was that the Wang family had come to an end.

Lu Haocheng looked very seriously, watching Lan Xin fight back, his eyes were fixed on her confident and calm smiling face.

This kind of her gives people a feeling of being strong and undeniable.

Looking at those people standing aside gloating, his black eyes were sharp and awe-inspiring, and the hand holding the phone trembled with anger.

He knows how cold people are in this world.

His Lan Lan was the person on his heart, but in that situation, no one was willing to help her, they all stood aside and watched the show.

"Ou Jingyao, starting tomorrow, cancel all cooperation with the Wang family." Lu Haocheng's tone was cold and low, every word seemed to be a death sentence for someone else.

Mu Ziheng and Su Jingming looked at each other in blank dismay, and it was exactly as they thought.

Lu Haocheng's iron-blooded wrist is well-deserved.

"Got it!" Ou Jingyao replied casually.

Mu Ziheng glanced at the expressionless Ou Jingyao, tsk tsk tsk, is there anyone in the world who is more suitable to be a secretary than Ou Jingyao?

With such a monstrous face, how can it be noodle soup?

Look at the four of them, they are all handsome and handsome, but none of them can marry a wife.

(End of this chapter)

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