Chapter 1922
Chapter 1922: The intestines are green with regret
Mengrou stared blankly at the door, this was the first time she saw her father defending her.

Over the years, in order to anger her, Mengjiao would always record some videos of her acting like a baby in front of her father and show them to her, making her sad.

The father in the video always speaks softly to Mengjiao, his eyes are full of doting.

Every time I watch the video, it's a lie to say that I don't want my father's care.

She is also a child who needs father's love and mother's love.

She also longed for the day when her father and mother would take her to the amusement park, but unfortunately it never happened.

She can only imagine in her mind.

Mengjiao is the kind of person who doesn't consider his feelings at all, the sadder she is, the happier Mengjiao is.

Lan Xin looked at Mengrou with red eyes. Her father's protection just now hit the nail on the head.

Lan Xin looked at her: "Rou Rou, do you want to sleep for a while, lunch will be delivered in half an hour."

Looking at Le Jinxi and Xie Xingmian, I always feel that the atmosphere between the two is a bit delicate.

"Oh, I... I'll sleep for a while." Mengrou glanced at Le Jinxi, and suddenly remembered what Mengjiao said just now. At that moment, she felt her whole face became hot, and she buried her face in the bed like a quail. Under the quilt, even if she couldn't sleep, she closed her eyes and planned to sleep.

It was just too embarrassing.

There was something wrong in Xie Xingmian's heart. Just now, when Mengjiao said that Le Jinxi liked Mengrou, his heart was in a mess. He had been chasing Mengrou for more than half a year. In his opinion, as long as he persevered, he would succeed. What's more, the two are working together again now.

He has a lot of opportunities, and he is not willing to leave for a while.

When Xie Xingmian was thinking this way, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

He went out to answer the phone, and when he came back, seeing Mengrou fell asleep, he said, "Boss Le, Mrs. Lu, I have to leave earlier."

Lan Xin and Le Jinxi nodded slightly.

Lan Xin also picked up her bag and said with a smile, "Hee Hee, since you're here, I'll go and see Xiao Ji Xiang. I haven't seen him for several days, and I miss him a lot."

Le Jinxi: "..." He seems to have no reason to stay here.

Mengjiao's words were like piercing a layer of window paper.

While embarrassing him, he couldn't figure out why he stayed here last night?

"Lanlan, do you want me to take you there? I'm driving here."

Lan Xin shook her head with a smile, and took a deep look at him, "No, I'll drive here too, please accompany Rourou well."

After Lan Xin finished speaking, she looked at the two of them thoughtfully, and then left with a smile.

Le Jinxi stared at Lan Xin's back: "..." Why do you feel that Lan Lan's smile is a little weird?
Le Jinxi looked at Mengrou on the hospital bed, and shrank into the quilt.

He stood there blankly for a while without making a sound, went straight to a chair not far away and sat down, did not disturb Mengrou, but took out his mobile phone to deal with business.

Lan Xin took the elevator to the first floor, and as soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw Yu Tianxin with a haggard face.

Lan Xin was stunned for a moment, she hadn't seen this woman for two days, how could she feel like a different person.

Her face was pale, and even wearing sunglasses could not conceal her aura as if she had died once.

Meeting Lan Xin, Yu Tianxin was also a little surprised.

She couldn't help trembling, thinking of the place she went to, she never wanted to see Lan Xin and Lu Haocheng again in her life.

But Lan Xin is not by Lan Xin's side, should she give back to Lan Xin all the inhuman torture she has suffered because of herself?
Yu Tianxin's assistant glanced at Yu Tianxin.

Although she has withdrawn from the circle, she is still used to bringing this assistant who has been by her side for many years.

"Sister Yu, what's the matter, do you know each other?" The assistant looked at Lan Xin and asked, the atmosphere was very bad, obviously the relationship between the two was not good.

Yu Tianxin glanced around and saw that there were not many people, so she said, "Go up and wait for me first, I will come up in a while."

Her wound was not treated in time, it was already inflamed, and she came here today to treat the wound.

"Okay!" The assistant entered the elevator.

Lan Xin lowered her eyes slightly.

Yu Tianxin took off the sunglasses on her face this time, and looked at Lan Xin with a sneer.

"Lan Xin, I didn't expect that I would appear here." Yu Tianxin's tone was a little excited, wishing to tear Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin to pieces.

Is it wrong for her to love one?

In the end, he was sent to a place like hell by the one he loved to be tortured all night.

"It's nothing unexpected, as long as you're still alive in this world, you can meet." Lan Xin's voice was weak, and she didn't want to chat with her.

"Your husband didn't do anything to me, are you very disappointed?" Yu Tianxin wanted to anger her, seeing the expression on her face didn't change at all, she became disappointed in her heart.

"Really?" Lan Xin sneered, "You look very bad, as if you died once, but in fact, I doubt your true feelings. You pretended that you and Ah Cheng were very affectionate in front of me at the beginning. Let me leave Lu Haocheng because of your words."

"Now you look full of hatred, you don't show any love for Lu Haocheng, and you don't like Ah Cheng very much. You went abroad to be a star for a few years and won a best actress award, but in the end you can only play the role of the second female, the third female and the fourth female. It also revealed a lot of scandals, and I can't stay abroad anymore, so I want to come back and find a rich and powerful person to marry."

"I guess you have a crush on Lu Haocheng, but you like his money more, right?"

Yu Tianxin was taken aback for a moment, and Lan Xin's words hit her heart.

Those things have already been dealt with by others, how could Lan Xin know?
"So, I won't make it easy for you, and you and him don't want to be happy forever!" Yu Tianxin said more and more hate.

Looking at Lan Xin's eyes, he wished to tear Lan Xin's body to pieces.

Lan Xin still looked at her calmly: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. You are not the first person to say such a thing to me. Before you, there have been several women like you. They are all like you. Said the same thing, the final end, bankrupt."

Yu Tianxin's body trembled uncontrollably, she wondered how Lu Haocheng would deal with Feiya Media.

"Ah Cheng told me that you are the legal representative of Feiya Media, and I understood. Do you remember that your company has a co-artist Xu Li? If she didn't seduce my best friend's husband, I wouldn't know your identity." ?”

After asking Mo Qi to investigate, everything became clear. Many things happened by chance. After an investigation, I realized that the water behind this was very deep, and there were people who were planning to do something wrong.

"What? Did you already know about Feiya Media?" Yu Tianxin was very surprised. After the surprise, she realized that she couldn't hold back.

"Not bad." Lan Xin looked at her calmly.

Although she hated this woman, she still endured the unhappiness in her heart and stood here.

"Hehe..." Yu Tianxin laughed at herself, her intestines were full of regret.

(End of this chapter)

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