Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 1927 It's cool no matter what you think about it

Chapter 1927 It's cool no matter what you think about it

Chapter 1927: No matter how you think about it, it feels good

"It's okay. I'm resting today. I'll be with you all day. I didn't have time to ask you out before. I always felt sorry. I was chasing you. Suddenly, I became very busy at work. I was afraid that we would be unfamiliar. relationship." Xie Xingmian answered kindly.

Mengrou was speechless for a moment.

If it wasn't for the good impression she had before, she really didn't want to keep him.

After all, Mengjiao's incident happened before the relationship between them was established.

"Oh, let's watch a movie together." Anyway, there is nothing to talk about, and I don't want to be alone.

She grew up hating you being alone.

Now that you have feelings, then give him a chance to get along with him for a while and see if it's not suitable for you.

Seeing that she didn't reject him, Xie Xingmian smiled involuntarily.

Walk over to pick up the remote control on the table and turn on the smart TV on the TV.

Mengrou looked at the TV and said, "Let's watch the movies released recently. There are a few good movies."

"Okay!" Xie Xingmian patiently searched for movies.

The atmosphere in the room was much better. It was raining outside the car, and the room was quiet.

Facing this atmosphere, Xie Xingmian twitched the corners of his lips happily.

Le Jinxi returned to the car feeling a little depressed.

It was still raining lightly outside the car, he silently looked at the foggy street outside the window, occasionally one or two pedestrians passed by.

After watching for a while, he thought about it, but he didn't know where to go?
In the past, he liked to go to Lanlan for dinner, and after Lanlan made dumplings, he would let him eat there.

He would also go to play with her in the name of watching the three children.

But today he didn't know where to go.

Le Jinxi felt the fear of falling into the endless abyss again.

In the end, he drove away from the hospital expressionlessly.

When Lan Xin and Le Jinxi came back from Ning Feifei's house, they saw Le Jinxi unexpectedly.

He didn't go in, but leaned against the car. His slender figure lowered his head slightly. In the mist, he looked like a pensive prince in a cartoon, looking at the phone in his hand seriously.

Lan Xin asked in surprise: "Xixi, aren't you in the hospital? Why are you here?"

Le Jinxi looked at her and smiled, "Someone is taking care of her, so I'll be back. I miss Xiao Jixiang, so come and have a look."

Le Jinyan asked with some doubts: "Who is in the hospital? Why don't I know?"

Le Jinxi explained: "It's my new assistant, who was injured and hospitalized, and Lanlan also knows him."

"Oh, girl?" Le Jinyan heard something unusual.

But thinking of Song Nuoxi last time, she was very upset, thinking that she would become her sister-in-law, but she was used by someone to deal with Lan Xin and Jinxi, and she was so angry that she wanted to kill someone.

Le Jinxi smiled and nodded.

Le Jinyan said: "Then what are you doing when you're not in the hospital and watching people come over? Ah, I guess it was a man who took care of the girl in the past, otherwise you wouldn't have come back."

Le Jinxi: "..." This is my sister, I really understand him.

Lan Xin knew it was Xie Xingmian without thinking about it.

"Okay, let's go in first." Le Jinyan looked at her younger brother and smiled, with a meaningless smile. At this age, she was much more stable.

"Hmm!" Le Jinxi felt a little depressed, especially when he looked at his sister's meaningful eyes, as if he had something with Mengrou.

"Where's brother-in-law? There's no one in the family." Le Jinxi picked up little Jixiang who was in the cart. Little Jixiang knew Le Jinxi, and smiled on Le Jinxi's face, and grabbed Le Jinxi's inch-long Hair tossed back and forth.

Le Jinyan thought of the sad journey of the four big men, and said amusedly: "I have something to go out, maybe I will be back soon."

Thinking of the depressed expressions of the four big men, how happy is she?

Especially Lu Haocheng, no matter how she thought about it, she felt refreshed.

With Lu Haocheng's gloomy expression at the moment, anyone who saw it would be afraid.

Le Jinxi played with Xiao Jixiang's hand, and said with a smile: "Sister, why do I look at you a little gloating, is something wrong?"

"No, what could happen? Can Lanlan and I visit the door leisurely?" Le Jinyan didn't hide her good mood, entered the door after entering the password, and even walked bouncing around .

Le Jinxi & Lan Xin: "..."

There was nothing gloating about it, neither of them believed it.

Lan Xin thought for a while, and seemed to know why she was so happy?
Lu Haocheng and the others certainly didn't see it as a happy life.

She still knew Yanyan's little thoughts, at this moment Lu Haocheng was afraid that he wanted to kill someone.

"But Xixi, you're really in a bad mood. I think you'd better go back and see your assistant." Le Jinyan looked at her younger brother. He hadn't seen his expression for a long time.

It's rare for him to be so serious about girls other than Lan Xin, she must be on the sidelines.

Le Jinxi was taken aback, was the expression on his face so obvious?
"Sister, what nonsense are you talking about? Mengrou has someone she likes, and Lanlan knows about it too." Le Jinxi's voice was very white.

When Le Jinyan heard this, she frowned slightly. She overestimated her brother's endurance and underestimated his desire for love.

Lan Xin watched from the side without saying a word. There are some things that I don't feel affectionate about, so it's useless to say more.

The appearance of Xie Xingmian might inspire something.

She has also been observing Jinxi's emotions. She is very happy for him that he can come out completely.

His fate must have come, he has always been a very kind person, and he is also terribly persistent about some things.

When she was weak, she wanted to hide away alone, and didn't want others to see her wounds.

Jin Hee is also such a person.

But Jinxi has an advantage, she has always known where her advantage lies.

"Yanyan, Xixi, I'm going back first." She thought that Lu Haocheng was in a bad mood, and that he was also sad when he returned home alone.

Le Jinyan curled her lips, knowing that what she said just now had affected her, and she also knew that she valued sex over friends.

"Understood, go back quickly, be careful on the road, and report to me that you are safe when you get home."

"En!" Lan Xin looked at Le Jinxi and gave her a cheering look.

Le Jinxi: "..." Why does everyone think that he has something to do with Mengrou?

Their eyes, like a manic tide, washed away his restless mood, this feeling is really too bad.

After Lan Xin left, Le Jinxi sat on the beige sofa with Xiao Jixiang in his arms, slightly distracted.

Le Jinyan made him a cup of coffee and put it on the table, and put her son in the electric cradle beside her.

"It's time for this kid to sleep."

Le Jinxi looked at the electric cradle and said with a smile: "Sister, isn't it interesting to rock little Jixiang to sleep by yourself?"

Le Jinyan's tone was cold and expressionless, "It's very interesting, but why should I let my little hands be troubled?"

Le Jinyan turned on the automatic cradle, flickered and looked at the old man comfortably, and Xiao Jixiang squinted her eyes and raised her hands, she looked so cute.

(End of this chapter)

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