Chapter 1930 I was scolded away

Chapter 1930: I was scolded away

Le Jinxi didn't have time to think about it, so he carried Mengrou directly to the emergency room.

He stood outside the rescue room, the lights in the aisle flickered on and off, hitting his anxious handsome face, but the anxiety in his eyes could not be ignored.

He just remembered, isn't Xie Xingmian here to take care of Mengrou?
What about people?

Le Jinxi took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Xie Xingmian. He checked the time, and it was late at night, so he endured it again.

He has the spirit of getting up, and he won't disturb others easily in the middle of the night.

In his heart, Le Jinxi didn't want Xie Xingmian to know about it.

After the autumn rain, the night became very cold. Le Jinxi hugged her body and leaned against the corner of the wall, looking at the door of the emergency room quietly. The dark passage was very quiet, only the occasional sound of the autumn wind blowing.

The strands were blown away, and some remained around Le Jinxi. With his soft sigh, there was a trace of popularity in the silent passage.

Four or ten minutes later, the doctor came out of the emergency room.

Le Jinxi let go of his arms and walked towards the doctor: "Doctor, you have worked hard, how is the patient?"

The doctor rubbed the area between his tired brows, and said in a reproachful tone: "Is the patient not accompanied at night? Acute colic, it would be dangerous to send her a little later. Let her do a blood routine test on an empty stomach tomorrow morning to see if there are any other symptoms." , is out of danger now, let’s send him back to the ward first.”

"Thank you, doctor, for your hard work!"

The doctor nodded slightly, turned and left.

After waiting for a while, Mengrou was pushed out.

Le Jinxi looked at Mengrou, his face was pale and bloodless, and a burst of anger suddenly rose in his heart.

Damn Xie Xingmian, how does he take care of others?

I followed the nurse back to the ward, the nurse put on the needle, explained some things to Le Jinxi, and then left.

Seeing that Mengrou was fine, Le Jinxi was finally relieved. After he relaxed, he felt his mouth was dry. He got up and poured himself a cup of hot water. After drinking it in one go, he felt his whole body warm.

Only then did she sit on the edge of the bed and watch over Mengrou.

In the early morning, the autumn wind is blowing, and a layer of mist rises on the glass of the window. Under the sunlight of the sun, it merges into dewdrops and rolls down, shining with a luster like pearls.

Mengrou wakes up slowly, the intense noise still seems to be in her ears.

"Mengrou, why are you so mean? Let different men stay in your ward to take care of you. It's fine if Xie Xingmian liked you before, but what about Le Jinxi? It's fine for a dignified president of the Le Corporation to be ordered by you. You're still so shameless." I'm sorry for him, it's an honor to be on two boats."

"Xie Xingmian met me because he likes me. How dare you rob me of a man? Mengrou, I'm going to tear you apart..." Mengjiao's bitter and mean voice echoed in her mind.

Mengjiao rushed towards her uncontrollably, Xie Xingmian slapped Mengjiao angrily, Mengjiao was relentless, until she finally couldn't take it anymore, angrily scolded both of them out.

Later, she was in a bad mood and felt very uncomfortable. Her stomach suddenly hurt, and it was very painful. She was sweating coldly, but she didn't know what to do. In the end, she couldn't help but fell into the dark abyss.

All the things in her mind came to her eyes one by one, and she opened her eyes weakly, feeling the sunlight outside the window, she blinked slightly, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, the dazzling light, It made her a little uncomfortable, and she closed her eyes again before slowly opening them.

Sensing that there was someone beside her, she turned her head slightly and saw Le Jinxi who was lying asleep beside the bed.

President, why is he here?
Mengrou recalled it carefully. When she was in severe pain, she seemed to call him.

So, did he come here at night?

Mengrou was moved in her heart, except for her mother, almost no one cared about her life or death.

Unexpectedly, there was a wonderful warmth hitting the heart, and the restless breath in the dream seemed to be calmed down at this moment.

Mengrou's heart was jumping with joy, her mood was excited, and even her eyes were brighter than usual.

There was a special kind of germ, which quietly emerged from the cocoon in her heart. She looked at Le Jinxi quietly, and a subtle light flashed in her eyes.

Looking at the handsome face who was so close at hand, his sleepy appearance was so seductive, even looking at him like this, she felt an inexplicable shyness, and she blushed violently.

Le Jinxi woke up slowly, raised her eyes, and met Mengrou's gaze.

He froze for a moment, then slowly said: "Wake up."

The hoarse voice seemed to have not woken up, and the low voice made people feel a little tired.

"Well, President, you can sleep for a while." Mengrou said a little embarrassedly.

Le Jinxi raised her eyes and looked out the window, it was another sunny day.

"Don't sleep."

It was five o'clock in the morning before she finished all the salt water. He was so sleepy, so he lay down beside the bed and squinted for a while.

Mengrou opened her mouth, she hesitated to speak, but when she thought of him coming here overnight last night, she couldn't help but say, "President, thank you last night!"

Only then did Le Jinxi remember what happened last night, and asked with a frown, "What happened last night? Didn't Xie Xingmian stay here to take care of you? Someone."

Le Jinxi looked at her quietly, wanting to hear her explanation.

Mengrou pursed her dry lips, her mouth felt very uncomfortable, could you pour her a glass of water.

Before she could speak, Le Jinxi saw her intention.

He got up and poured hot water for her, and helped her sit up again.

After Mengrou drank the water, she felt a lot more comfortable in her mouth.

"I scolded him away."

Hearing this, Le Jinxi was slightly taken aback.

Mengrou told Le Jinxi what happened last night.

When Le Jinxi heard Mengjiao's name, she was instinctively disgusted.

"So, you even scolded Xie Xingmian who came after you?" Le Jinxi felt a little sympathetic to her, it was hard enough for her to have such a younger sister.

"Who...Sleep likes him. I just have a good impression of him. I wanted to give him a chance, but it turned out like this. I told him not to come in the future, lest Mengjiao won't let him go." Mengrou's tone was a little urgent .

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Le Jinxi.

Le Jinxi's heavy heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Le Jinxi was depressed for a while, this damn feeling.

"I'll take you to the bathroom to wash up first. You should do a blood test first. You had colic last night, and you need to be checked today." Le Jinxi changed the subject.

"Oh, no wonder it hurts so much. It turned out to be colic. Hmph, it's all because of their anger. Every time I quarrel with Mengjiao, my stomach hurts." Will the woman really get divorced when she goes back?

Probably not, if she really left, Mengjiao wouldn't be making such a fuss last night.

(End of this chapter)

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