Chapter 1959 Preemptive Strike
Chapter 1959: Preemptive Strike
Mengrou was very conflicted. She longed to see Le Jinxi, but was afraid of affecting his work.

"President, will this trouble you too much? You have to participate in competitions and work at the same time. You are already very busy." After Mengrou finished speaking, she boldly looked at him quietly without bowing her head. But there was still tension in Chengliang's eyes, and the knuckles of the hand holding the hot spoon turned white.

Le Jinxi had a panoramic view of her expression, curled the corners of her lips calmly, and said in a cheerful voice: "It's not too late, let's eat, it will get cold later."

"Oh!" Mengrou lowered her head to drink the soup, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

There was also a faint smile on Le Jinxi's clear and handsome face. The two of them ate this meal very warmly.


When Lu Haocheng worked in secret, he always dispatched at night. He was like the best hunter, he would never let go of his prey.

After being tossed by him several times, Lan Xin fell into a deep sleep, but Lu Haocheng was still full of energy and began to hunt. After he left, there were two more imposing bodyguards at the door.

Late at night, in the clubhouse, Lin Ye and Quan Jincheng were waiting for Lu Haocheng's arrival.

Lin Ye looked at Quan Jincheng who was in high spirits, but he felt drowsy and out of breath in an instant.

"Quan Jincheng, you have to get up to work in the middle of the night, are you still so happy?"

Quan Jincheng looked at him with a smile, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, taking a sip from time to time, with a cheerful voice: "I'm happy, because I have overtime pay."

Lin Ye: "You really lost money."

"Hey..." Quan Jincheng looked at him and smiled happily, "Brother Ye, don't you too? Otherwise, why are you working so hard?"

Lin Ye looked lonely, thought for a while, and then said: "Hey! To tell you the truth, I am because of a mid-life crisis. You are a few years younger than me, and you can't understand my current mood for the time being. I don't have a wife yet. Woolen cloth."

Quan Jincheng smiled and said, "Aren't you too? I heard that you and Ms. Li have a good relationship. It seems that good things are coming soon."

"Hey, the relationship is good, but male and female friends, one step away is thousands of rivers and mountains. We just confirmed the relationship a few days ago, and this incident happened with the Li family. The chairman wanted Yunyun to betray the Lu Group. Yunyun said Even if she dies, she will not betray the Lu Corporation, the Lu Corporation gave her a chance to be reborn."

"Yunyun works in the Lu Corporation. Even if Mrs. Li has tricks, she can't pull her down. She is naturally grateful to the Lu Corporation, but her stepmother is really not alone. She has been troubling her recently."

"Although I've been resting lately, I can't rest at all. I'm busy going to accompany Yunyun every day."

"Brother Ye, it's all called Yunyun, you're going to be faster, and you'll be your wife soon." Quan Jincheng himself has experience, and he and Qing Ning are thanks to his own initiative.

Originally, girls are thin-skinned, so men should be thick-skinned and take the initiative.

"Hey..." Lin Ye loved hearing these words. He flicked his long bangs and said with a smile, "I'm going to get married in the spring of next year. It depends on Yunyun."

"Brother Ye, come on!" Quan Jincheng made a cheering gesture.

"Haha..." Lin Ye brushed his hair a little embarrassedly, but smiled dazzlingly.

Quan Jincheng also smiled, with a serious expression, "Brother Ye, actually, I think it's good to follow Boss Lu. He has a cold face and a warm heart, and he is a very loyal person."

Lin Ye nodded, agreeing with his words.

Looking at Quan Jincheng, he smiled and said, "Do you know how Lu Haocheng and I met?"

Quan Jincheng shook his head slightly, thinking that it was an accident that he got to know Lu Haocheng. Without Lu Haocheng, there would be no Quan Jincheng now.

Lin Ye leaned on the sofa slightly and recalled the scene when he and Lu Haocheng met.

"Actually, before Lu Haocheng found Lan Xin, he was indeed a scary person. The him you see now is already considered gentle."

"If something like this happened before, he would have taken the lead in killing it long ago, and he didn't show any sympathy. Now that he has bonds, a loved one, and a child, he still restrains his ridiculous methods. A lot."

"I know him because I was hunted down in the middle of the night and he rescued me. I have been following him since then. I have always been a very important eyeliner for him, keeping an eye on the development trends of major companies."

"Huh!" Quan Jincheng didn't expect them to know each other like this, "Brother Ye, why are you being hunted down?"

"Hey, you still can't guess this. I work for a headhunting company, and I exposed my old background. That mistake, my identity was found out, and that's why I was hunted down. So, who is with me? Shun Shui, it depends on fate, since I followed Lu Haocheng, I have never been hunted down." Thinking about these years, Lin Ye has nothing to do except work hard.

Now only missing a wife is the happiest life.

At this moment, the door was pushed open.

Lu Haocheng walked in with a tall and domineering figure.

Looking at the two, he said in a deep voice, "Are you all ready?"

Lin Ye said: "I'm ready, I'm waiting for you, why are you so slow?"

Lu Haocheng smiled happily, "I have something to do, so I'm delayed."

"Huh!" Lin Ye looked at Lu Haocheng meaningfully and smiled, walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "Sure, you, I guess Lan Lan can sleep until tomorrow morning."

Lu Haocheng glanced at him and said with a smile: "It seems that you are quite experienced, let's go."

Lin Ye and Quan Jin looked at each other and smiled, and followed them out.

Lin Ye looked at Lu Haocheng's back and smiled, "Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?"

Lu Haocheng smiled, but did not speak.

Now he is the one who feels comfortable all over his body, and he is the one who is happy in body and mind.

His wife is the best!No, he is the best!
Thinking about it, Lu Haocheng smiled involuntarily, and the three of them quickly got into the car and left.

In the middle of the night, Lu Haocheng went down to the bar, and there were four or five men and women sitting there.

There were a lot of expensive wines on the table, but no one dared to drink them. The private room was full of smog and smog.

The other four women looked at the smoker with disgust.

They stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes. They all knew each other, but they just knew each other.

Some of them already understood what was going on in their hearts, and lowered their heads to think of a way.

As soon as Li Jingru had an accident, Lu Haocheng preempted them before they could take action.

There was a panic in my heart, but there was no way to leave here.

They were brought here forcefully by Lu Haocheng's people.

One of the men was not so good-tempered and drank some more alcohol.

I've been waiting impatiently for a long time.

He stood up irritably and yelled at the two bodyguards: "You are breaking the law, what are you trying to do by bringing us here?"

(End of this chapter)

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