203 Get Out

Chapter 203: Get out

Mu Ziheng looked at him and nodded, "I'll go, I'll go right away, this is your lifelong wish, I'll take care of it together today, and I don't have to be a cow or a horse for you anymore."

If he stayed here and looked at Lu Haocheng like this, he would definitely feel that he had seen a ghost, and his heart might not be able to bear it.

Lu Haocheng's reaction this morning, he will have indigestion in a while.

When he got up, no matter how tired he was, he had to serve this great god first, and his life would be easier.

After Mu Ziheng left, Lu Haocheng sat on the leather rocking chair, with a gentle smile in his dark handsome eyes, as if his whole world had returned.

But at this moment, there was a slight noise in the room inside.

His eyes sank suddenly, he got up and walked inside.

I saw Gu An'an lying sleepy on the big soft bed he usually used to rest.

Lu Haocheng's dark eyes instantly froze into ice, and his face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Why are you here?" The cold voice was mixed with violent wind and rain, and in the dark eyes, there was a raging storm.

Gu An'an's whole body trembled, and she curled up tightly in fear at the moment, how would she explain it?

Why did she appear here, and the news of the thunderbolt she heard just now.

Between Lan Xin and his mother, why did Lu Haocheng go for a paternity test?

"Let me ask you, why the fuck are you here?" Lu Haocheng's angry voice echoed in the office, and his cold voice, like a sharp ice pick, pierced Gu An'an's heart fiercely.

How much Gu An'an hopes at this moment, this is just a cruel nightmare, and everything will be fine after waking up.

She got up obediently, and looked at Lu Haocheng, her big watery eyes were full of grievances.

She lowered her head, not daring to look directly at the furious Lu Haocheng, she whispered: "Brother Haocheng, I worked overtime too late last night, so I fell asleep in your office."

Actually no, she came early on purpose and entered Lu Haocheng's office while Ou Jingyao was going to the bathroom.

She knew that Lu Haocheng would not see her, but she really wanted to see him.

She regretted marrying Lu Haokai more and more.

She wanted to come to Lu Haocheng's place to see if there was any chance. She really didn't want to marry Lu Haokai.

Lu Haocheng glanced at her with disgust, and there was undisguised disgust in his eyes.

Seeing the delicate makeup on her face, she didn't look like someone who had slept all night.

"Get out, immediately!" Lu Haocheng shouted angrily, pointing at the office door, his face was full of anger, cruel and ruthless, and he, who was always cruel, vented his anger to the fullest at this moment.

Gu An'an shed tears of grievance, wiped Lu Haocheng's side, and ran out.

She knows Lu Haocheng's temper too well, if she confronts him head-on, she will die even worse.

Hearing Lu Haocheng's furious voice, Ou Jingyao was about to enter the office to take a look, but just as the door was opened, Gu Anan rushed out crying.

A look of doubt flashed across Ou Jingyao's handsome eyes, when did this Gu An'an go in?

He walked into the office with elegant long legs, ready to accept Lu Haocheng's gunfire.

However, when Lu Haocheng saw him, he didn't say anything.

He went straight to the chair and sat down, took a sip of coffee elegantly, and suppressed the extremely angry anger in his heart.

Only then casually looked at Ou Jingyao who said nothing, he sneered and said, "Ou Jingyao, would you make such a mistake?"

(End of this chapter)

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