Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2073 Elementary School Classmate Han Yuxuan

Chapter 2073 Elementary School Classmate Han Yuxuan

Chapter 2073: Primary school classmate Han Yuxuan

But this handsome man looked familiar to her.

Han Yuxuan also looked at her quietly. Compared with the elegant and reserved black dress yesterday, today's big red dress made her beauty more flamboyant and stunning.

I haven't seen her for many years, but her appearance when she grows up is better than her mother's. She has inherited her father's delicacy, her mother's gentleness, and her mixed temperament makes her the kind of beauty that can be seen for thousands of years at a glance!
He stood up gracefully and walked towards Lan Ziqi.

"Qiqi, long time no see!" The voice was magnetic and mellow, like drinking old wine, making people dizzy and enjoying it again.

Lan Ziqi: "..." Beauty boy, when did we meet?

She blinked her beautiful eyes, "Sir, your eyebrows are very familiar, do we know each other?"

Han Yuxuan smiled lightly, tenderness flashed by, but his heart was very nervous.

She said that the eyebrows and eyes are familiar, do you still remember him?
After all, they hadn't seen each other for more than ten years.

"Han Yuxuan."

"Ah..." Lan Ziqi was shocked, how did her elementary school classmate look like a male god?

Her elementary school classmate Han Yuxuan, who was chubby when she was a child, was a peerless beauty, why...why didn't she believe it?

"Are you really... Han Yuxuan?" In her impression, Han Yuxuan should be very tall when he grows up, because he was really fat when he was young.

"It's true!" Han Yuxuan looked at her dazed face, as if he was amazed. He has been exercising every day these years to maintain his figure.

The little fat man he was when he was a child has long since ceased to exist.

"Haha..." Lan Ziqi laughed a few times.

"Han Yuxuan, long time no see!" Lan Ziqi reached out to shake Han Yuxuan's hand.

Back then, the three of them went abroad in a hurry, and after he settled down, Han Yuxuan suddenly couldn't be contacted one day. Later, when she returned to China, she found out that not long after she left the country, Han Yuxuan also left the country.

Later, I was very busy studying, so I didn't contact me again.

Later, she occasionally thought of him, and that was many years ago.

"Qiqi, sit down!" Han Yuxuan pulled out the chair for her and let her sit down.

These years, although the two have not been in contact, he has been following her life trajectory.

She has held many art exhibitions over the years, but every time he rushed over, she had already left.

A year ago, he knew that she would not go back when she returned to China, so he came back from abroad.

Han Yuxuan handed her the menu, "Qiqi, what do you like to eat?"

"Ah, I'm not picky eaters."

However, Lan Ziqi still took the menu and ordered two dishes that she liked.

After Han Yuxuan also ordered a few dishes, he asked the waiter to take away the menu, and he got up to pour tea for Lan Ziqi.

Lan Ziqi was a little nervous. She had a good relationship with Han Yuxuan in elementary school.

But now he is different, he is simply a handsome brother with long legs.

"Qiqi, drink tea." Han Yuxuan put the water in front of her, and the faint fragrance filled the air, "Hey, Wuyi Mountain rock tea." She likes tea and has a tea table at home. Sit and drink tea and chat together.

Seeing that she liked it, Han Yuxuan smiled and curled his lips. He knew that she liked tea, and he prepared it specially for her.

"Try it." The temperature should be just right by now.

"Okay, but you can know good tea just by smelling the scent."

Han Yuxuan is someone he knows, and Lan Ziqi can let go.

But in front of unfamiliar people, she still maintained the reserve she should have, gracefully picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and smiled in surprise: "It's delicious."

Lan Ziqi's eyes lit up suddenly, and she asked with a smile, "This tea doesn't look like it's available in this restaurant, did you prepare it specially?"

"Yeah!" Han Yuxuan smiled, the smile was still a little reserved, but it was very charming in Lan Ziqi's eyes.

"This restaurant is under my name. Although the dishes are not as good as Jiangshi Hotel, they are still some famous specialties."

"Really? No wonder the decoration is so stylish." Lan Ziqi smiled sweetly, not daring to look at Han Yuxuan.

And she found that her face was very hot, what kind of symptom is this.

woo woo woo woo……

"Well! We didn't take over the family business, but started our own business outside." He knew that none of the three brothers and sisters inherited the family business, and they all started their own businesses outside. The three brothers and sisters lived a very low-key life.

"Wow! Are the rich second generations working so hard now?" Lan Ziqi forgot that she was also a rich second generation.

She has the same temperament as Lan Xin, she is easy to be satisfied, as long as she can live a decent life.

"Qiqi, don't you also start your own business?" Han Yuxuan stared at her quietly. Over the years, she has really changed a lot. When she was young, she was a bit domineering and spoke very straightforwardly, but now she is also very likable. .

"Me, I just do what I like. You also know that my parents treat us as free-range, and don't ask us to do anything in particular. Everything is done according to our preferences. The six children of the Lu family are all Such."

Han Yuxuan nodded lightly, but envied their Lu family's strong genes.

"Your dad is amazing!"

Lan Ziqi knew what he was talking about?
This was the pride of her father all his life. He told everyone that he had two pairs of triplets. She could see that arrogant expression anytime.

She said with a smile: "My father often praises himself like this!"

Han Yuxuan looked at her sweet smile, and was in a daze for a moment. Her white jade-like skin had a jade-like luster, her makeup was light, her skin was fair, and every frown and smile made people feel very comfortable.

Han Yuxuan came back to his senses, lowered his head to hide his embarrassment, "I heard that twins will inherit the next generation."

"I don't know about this. My mother should be able to conceive triplets, but I don't know if it can be passed on to me. Identical twins are generally not hereditary, but fraternal twins are hereditary to a certain extent. My three The younger brother is an identical twin and looks exactly the same."

"My dad also gets confused a lot, but my mom can remember and recognize who is who at a glance?"

"What about you? Can you recognize me?" Han Yuxuan liked the feeling of chatting with her very much, as if they had returned to the way they talked freely when they were young.

"Me, judging by their personalities, Xiao Liu is the most clingy, and you can tell it's him at a glance. Xiao Si is as mischievous as my second brother. As for Xiao Wu, he is as old-fashioned as my elder brother, and likes to do things quietly." She likes her three younger brothers very much because they are so lovable.

My mother no longer envies other people's homes with small cotton jackets.

"I would also like to meet them if I have the chance."

"Okay, but now that school is starting, they are all very busy. When they are busy on the weekend, I can take them out to play."

While the two were talking, the food was served.

Han Yuxuan picked up the serving chopsticks and put her favorite stir-fried squid and juicy wings in her bowl.

After so many years, he still remembered his preferences. Although he was abroad these years, he would inquire about her every year.

(End of this chapter)

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