Chapter 2111 Throbbing 2
Chapter 2111: Throbbing 2
He threw away the axe, raised his mobile phone and strode in. With the light of the mobile phone on, she watched Lan Ziqi leaning against the wall, with mist in her pupils, looking at him with a pale expression.

"Qiqi." Han Yuxuan was so distressed that he walked up to her and hugged her in his arms.

He could feel the girl in his arms trembling.

"Woooooooo..." Lan Ziqi cried out spinelessly, patting his back with both hands, "Han Yuxuan, why did you come here, I was locked in the bathroom and turned off the light, you know me How scared were you just now?"

She has never experienced such a thing. She was fearless when she was a child. She was not afraid of being kidnapped at all. She could even deal with bad guys and wait for her father to save her. But she was only afraid of the helplessness in the darkness.

It was too dark, and I couldn't see my fingers when I stretched out my hands, and I felt something following me behind me. That feeling was too scary and real.

"I'm sorry, Qiqi, I won't be here after I'm late, and I'll never leave you again." Han Yuxuan hugged her tightly, wanting to give her the greatest comfort, but found that the woman in his arms relaxed, His emotions also became out of control, and his heart was broken when he cried.

His soft voice was pleasant to hear, but Lan Ziqi felt even more wronged and cried even harder.

Han Yuxuan picked her princess up and led her out of the bathroom.

All the way to her studio, Lan Ziqi was still crying in his arms.

"Qiqi, don't be afraid, I'm here." Han Yuxuan patted her on the back lightly, his voice becoming softer.

The light in Han Yuxuan's phone and his gentle voice eased her mood a lot.

She looked at Han Yuxuan with tears in her eyes.

Han Yuxuan lowered his head, kissed her tears lightly, all the way to her cool and soft lips, tasted a little, and then reluctantly left.

Lan Ziqi was stunned for a moment, but her mood improved a lot.

"Bad guy, I'm crying so hard that you still take advantage of me." Lan Ziqi thumped his chest shyly, but she didn't dislike his kiss.

His clean and fresh breath made her feel very comfortable.

Han Yuxuan was in a daze, and after being hit by her like this, he sobered up in an instant.

He raised his lips, showing a stunning smile: "Qiqi, I kissed you because I didn't want you to cry. Seeing you cry breaks my heart."

"Hmph! You're glib." Lan Ziqi snorted arrogantly.

But why is he so happy in his heart? I feel that the kiss on his lips still stays on his cheek, and there is a warm feeling.

Han Yuxuan helped her to sit on the stool beside her, and opened the thermos, the hot water inside was still warm.

He poured out a glass and handed it to her, "Qiqi, drink some water."

Lan Ziqi took it, took a sip, and returned the lid to him.

She glanced around and said angrily, "Who locked me in the bathroom and turned off the light on purpose."

When Han Yuxuan heard this, his soft brows and eyes sharpened instantly.

"Qiqi, let's get out of here first, I'll take you to dinner first, and I'll send someone over to check what's going on here later."

"Okay!" Lan Ziqi didn't want to stay here anymore, "But I have to change clothes, I've been in the bathroom for a long time." Although it didn't smell very good, she just didn't want to wear it.

"Okay, let's go to a nearby mall to buy." Han Yuxuan took her bag and led her away.

In the car, Han Yuxuan put her bag and thermos on the back seat.

Lan Ziqi opened the door of the passenger seat by herself, and the faint fragrance caught her nostrils, and what caught her eyes was a bouquet of bright roses, so delicate and charming.

"Qiqi, do you like it?" A pleasant voice sounded from behind.

Lan Ziqi's heart skipped a beat. Indeed, she likes roses very much. The reason for liking roses is simple. They are beautiful and amazing. At first glance, the layers of petals are also very comfortable.

It was only then that Lan Ziqi discovered that Han Yuxuan knew her preferences very well, as if he had learned her preferences on purpose.

But I was more moved.

"I like it." She turned to look at him and smiled.

Under the night sky, she smiled brightly.

Han Yuxuan stared blankly at her shimmering smile and lost his mind.

"What are you doing, get in the car, go shopping first, and then go eat, I'm hungry." Her eyes were still red, and her tone was a little anxious. To Han Yuxuan's ears, it sounded like she was acting like a spoiled child.

"Okay!" Han Yuxuan was alienated and indifferent by her coquettish voice, and his smile became more gentle.

Watching him get into the car, Lan Ziqi also smiled with crooked eyebrows.

Han Yuxuan took Lan Ziqi to a nearby shopping mall to buy a set of clothes, and then took her to the restaurant he had found in advance for dinner.

During this period, Lan Ziqi was afraid that her parents would be worried, so she called home again, and then went to eat with Han Yuxuan in peace.

After dinner, Han Yuxuan sent Lan Ziqi home. She looked very tired. Han Yuxuan wanted to take her for a stroll, but he couldn't bear her being too tired.

When they arrived outside the gate of Lu's house, Han Yuxuan got out of the car and helped her open the passenger door. After Lan Ziqi got out of the car, he brought Lan Ziqi a bag and roses.

"Thank you." Lan Ziqi saw that he was very careful with her, and smiled sweetly again.

"Come in, I'll pick you up early tomorrow morning." Han Yuxuan's voice was as gentle as ever.

"Oh, good!" Lan Ziqi waved her hand towards her, turned to go in, her face was still a little hot, she knew she was shy.

Han Yuxuan watched her enter the car before getting into the car.

As soon as he got in the car, he called Bai Mo.

"What's the matter, call me so late? I thought you were busy dating and forgot about me?"

Han Yuxuan said with a sullen face: "Qiqi was locked in the bathroom in the ancient city tonight, and the power was cut off. You need to check and find out who did it?"

At this time, Han Yuxuan's eyes were sharp, as if there was a deep sea that was about to storm, making it difficult for people to see through.

"Ah...does anyone else dare to do this kind of thing on the set?" Bai Mo was surprised and then felt very strange, "She has no competitors. Does the problem come from you?"

Han Yuxuan pursed his lips, and thought of Mu Lan involuntarily in his mind, "Check Mu Lan and see."


"En!" Han Yuxuan hung up the phone, looked sideways, and looked out the window, where the Lu family villa was brightly lit.

After sitting for several minutes, he drove away and went to the supermarket to buy ingredients.

When Lan Ziqi returned home, his parents and brothers were still awake, so he sat down in the living room and chatted with his family for a while, but he didn't tell his family what happened that night.

I didn't go upstairs to bed until eleven o'clock.

Lu Haocheng and Lan Xin also returned to the room, Lan Xin could tell that he was not very happy.

"Ah Cheng, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Haocheng looked at her with a serious expression: "Honey, I've been on guard against that brat Han Yuxuan since I was a child, but after more than ten years of guarding against him, he's still here to support our little princess."

(End of this chapter)

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