Chapter 2121
Chapter 2121: Heartbeat
"Okay, Qiqi." Han Yuxuan put the hair dryer back.

Only then did Lan Ziqi come to her senses, it turned out that being pampered by a man who is so excited is really very happy.

Wait, what was she thinking just now?

She pressed the position of her heart, is this the feeling of heartbeat?

What a wonderful feeling!

When Han Yuxuan came out, he saw Lan Ziqi sitting stupidly, with one hand on his heart, staring blankly ahead.

Han Yuxuan walked over, shaking his slender and beautiful palm in front of her eyes, "Qiqi, what are you thinking?" His voice was as gentle as ever.

Lan Ziqi regained consciousness and looked at him, "Han Yuxuan, tell me, are you an old driver?"

Han Yuxuan was taken aback by her sudden question.

"Silly girl, what are you thinking? Even if I am an old driver, I have saved all the romance for you in the past years."

Look, look, provocative words come at your fingertips, this is not an old driver, she doesn't believe it herself.

"I'm hungry." Lan Ziqi changed the subject, she ate quite well last night, and now she's hungry again.

Han Yuxuan watched her change the subject, his eyes darkened, but her coquettish voice instantly healed his heavy heart, "I've already made breakfast, let's go down to have breakfast first, and I'll wash the cherries you picked yesterday too. It's clean, I'll accompany you out for a walk after eating later."

"Wow! You woke up so early." Lan Ziqi looked at him and smiled. In fact, she found that Han Yuxuan didn't smile very much in front of outsiders. The gentleness will be faintly shown on the face.

This is the so-called different romance to her.

"It's not too early." After Han Yuxuan finished speaking, he stepped forward.

Lan Ziqi slowly got up and followed behind him, looking at the straight back, she couldn't help feeling a little jealous, why is the back so pleasing to the eye?
Han Yuxuan cooked three dishes and one soup. There were still a lot of ingredients left over from Lan Ziqi's purchase yesterday. He made a steamed fish, vegetable soup, boiled shrimp and braised pork.

Lan Ziqi saw that Han Yuxuan was very careful, knowing that her stomach was uncomfortable, and the dishes were light, even the braised pork looked very appetizing.

Han Yuxuan likes braised pork very much, and he can cook it himself. Lan Ziqi still had a lot of pork belly left over for barbecue, so he made braised pork.

When he is alone, he basically doesn't know how to cook, it's too troublesome, and it's tasteless to eat alone.

But with the girl he likes, he likes to cook for the girl he likes.

Han Yuxuan served her a bowl of vegetable soup and put it in front of her: "Qiqi, first drink some soup to warm your stomach."

"Thank you!" Lan Ziqi smiled sweetly, even she didn't realize that she smiled very sweetly when facing Han Yuxuan.

But Han Yuxuan saw it in his eyes and was sweet in his heart.

Han Yuxuan knew her preferences and temperament. She was born very well, and she didn't have the temperament of a big lady. She was a little arrogant, but it also depended on who she was in front of.

In front of family and friends, she has an easy-going personality, just like her mother, no matter where she is, she can give people a very comfortable and good impression.

Lan Ziqi ate a piece of braised pork first. It was soft and glutinous, not greasy at all, and it looked very good.

"Han Yuxuan, I think you can open a restaurant with your skills." Lan Ziqi said while eating, and took another piece after eating.

Han Yuxuan looked at her and said nothing, the braised pork was very soft, and it didn't taste too greasy.

"Han Yuxuan, you said that you also invested in the Taohuayuan project, so you won't go back until a few days later. My original plan was to stay here for five days." Lan Ziqi wanted to know when he would go back, anyway, she It's been fine for a few days.

Han Yuxuan looked at her, and gave her a piece of steamed fish: "I'll go back with you."

In order to come to her, he was busy working all day yesterday. After arranging all the work, he came here after ten o'clock.

He's already back, and I don't want to miss it anymore. As long as Qiqi doesn't hate him, he will guard her side.

"Ah" Lan Ziqi suddenly remembered the couple who picked cherries together yesterday, and suddenly wanted to go cherry picking with Han Yuxuan.

"Then let's pick cherries after lunch." Lan Ziqi planned what to do today, picked cherries and came back, then went for a walk by the lake, bought some ingredients and came back to make dinner. I guess I can only do this in a day up.

"Okay!" Han Yuxuan nodded with a smile, he likes to do everything with her.

After lunch, Han Yuxuan cleaned up the dishes.

Lan Ziqi went upstairs to apply sunscreen, found a straw hat for Han Yuxuan, and went downstairs to wait for Han Yuxuan.

Han Yuxuan looked at the straw hat in her hand, she was still wearing one on her head.

He smiled: "Qiqi, you don't want me to wear a straw hat?"

Lan Ziqi looked at her and him: "What's wrong with this straw hat? It's cool, and it's not easy to tan your skin. You're so white, you won't be handsome if you get tanned."

Han Yuxuan's skin is also very fair. God seems to have given him all the good things. He has good facial features, fair skin, and even thick and beautiful hair. Although she is very beautiful, she is jealous of Han Yuxuan.

"Okay." Han Yuxuan took the straw hat from her hand and put it on when he heard the words "you're not handsome if you're tanned".

Summer is very hot, and the heat is unbearable.

However, it is very comfortable on the mountain. The breeze blows and gently touches the face. It feels very good. The air is fresh, the flowers are fragrant and the birds are singing, and it is very comfortable.

Also walking on the ridge, yesterday and today feel completely different.

Yesterday her heart was empty, but today it was filled with some emotion she didn't understand, and she was in a particularly good mood.

"Han Yuxuan, you go to stand by the lake later, I'll take a picture of you, you are so handsome today, I'll go back and draw you as a souvenir." Lan Ziqi said looking at the lake in the distance.

Han Yuxuan followed her gaze, the lake was very beautiful, the surrounding scenery was reflected in the lake, there were mountains in the lake, and there was a lake in the mountains, the scenery was unique.

"Okay!" For him, it was more than he could have wished for.

The two soon arrived at the cherry orchard. Today is the weekend, and there are more people than yesterday. It is very lively and the atmosphere is very cheerful.

Han Yuxuan took her hand and walked carefully on the slope.

The cherry orchard in front has almost been picked.

The boss has opened another garden and has just started picking cherries. The cherries on the tree are particularly red, and the ones that have not been picked before will be picked faster.

"Wow! Husband, you see they are so well matched, they are really talented and beautiful, making people enviable and jealous."

"Aren't I handsome?" The man's voice was a little heavy.

"Handsome, handsome, my husband is the most handsome." The girl quickly explained with a smile.

Lan Ziqi blushed, and Han Yuxuan smiled happily.

Lan Ziqi heard someone say that they are talented and beautiful, and their feet are a little weak, and when they step on the ground, they will fall forward.

"Qiqi, be careful!" Han Yuxuan quickly pulled her into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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