Chapter 2125 Let’s Fall in Love 3
Chapter 2125: Let's fall in love 3
"Ah..." Lan Ziqi didn't expect that there would be another ending. She blinked her phoenix eyes and looked at Han Yuxuan's deep black eyes quietly. There was a deep gentleness rippling there, which made her sink involuntarily. .

Han Yuxuan really liked her eyes that only focused on him, as if he was the only one in her world.

He smiled softly, with a gentle voice: "Qiqi, I want to do better, I want to travel with you, I want to love you more every day, and I want to do things you like with you every day, I want to participate in all of your world."

"There are many things I want to do with you. When I wake up at night, I kiss you without waking you up. I wake you up every morning, or I am woken up by you. I watched the sunrise and the sunset on the same day as you. Boulevard. Go shopping with you, buy vegetables, and cook together when you go home. Whenever you need, I will extend my hand to you, and I want to watch our children grow up with you..."

Han Yuxuan said a lot, and Lan Ziqi couldn't remember it anymore, but Han Yuxuan hadn't finished, so she could only listen to him quietly.

Every time he said a word, the happiness in his heart was slowly growing.

It has to be said that Han Yuxuan is indeed an expert in love, so eloquent, the birds on the tree are all talked into his arms by him.

Hey! !

What a beautiful Han Yuxuan!

However, they just fell in love, so why did they get involved in raising children together.

Sauce sauce brewed, she seemed to be floating in the ocean of happiness.

"Han Yuxuan, hurry up and hug me." Lan Ziqi stretched out her hands, her eyes were filled with water mist, she felt so unreal, her feet were a little weak.

Han Yuxuan smiled from ear to ear, dazzling and gentle, as she wished, he walked over and hugged her gently.

His silly girl is so cute!

The warm embrace brought Lan Ziqi back to reality, she lightly thumped Han Yuxuan's chest: "Han Yuxuan, have you said these words to other girls?"

Han Yuxuan smiled and kissed her earlobe: "No, I only said this to Qiqi, who I like."

"Hmph! If you dare to tell other girls, I will beat you." Lan Ziqi thumped his back, reluctant to use force.

"No, idiot, the only girl I've identified in my life is you."

The only one is you!

"Hey..." Lan Ziqi smiled, his words always please her.

Han Yuxuan greedily smelled the unique fragrance of her body, and instinctively demanded, and gently kissed her lips. He restrained the raging possessive desire in his heart.

When he couldn't get it, he kept restraining his arrogance. After he got it, his arrogance burst like a flood...

The two played happily in the countryside for five days before returning. When returning, Han Yuxuan asked his assistant to come and drive his car back, and he drove Lan Ziqi back.

Lan Ziqi slept in the dark all the way, playing crazy with Han Yuxuan these few days, really tired!

After sleeping all the way to the door of the house, Lan Ziqi woke up. Seeing that she was home, she slowly sat up straight.

"Han Yuxuan, see you tomorrow!" She yawned and turned to get out of the car, very confused.

Han Yuxuan gently pulled her back, she turned around and looked at Han Yuxuan with some puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

Han Yuxuan leaned forward slightly, planted a kiss on her forehead, and then said with a smile, "Qiqi, go back and have a good rest."

"En!" Lan Ziqi nodded, needless to say, she also needs to have a good rest, she is really too tired.

Han Yuxuan was the cutest looking at her confused look, and reminded her to pay attention to her steps before getting out of the car.

Watching Lan Ziqi go in with cherries, and beside his feet is the painting that Lan Ziqi drew for him. He looked at the resplendent and magnificent villa, and his heart was filled with excitement. Now that he has confirmed his relationship with Qiqi, he will soon You can walk in here openly, let Uncle Lu give Qiqi to him with peace of mind, and he will take good care of Qiqi for the rest of his life.

The assistant quickly drove the car over, and Han Yuxuan carefully carried the painting into the car.

Gao Jie glanced at the rearview mirror, the president went to the countryside, and felt that the smile on his face was much more, and the person was much gentler, his skin was white and his lips were bright red, he was really handsome.

Not as indifferent and alienated as before.

Moreover, the painting that the president is holding is also very careful, it seems to be regarded as a precious treasure, and he holds it carefully. After knowing this, he even drives carefully.

By the way, their proud president seems to be in love.

Had a great time with that Miss Lan Ziqi.

This kind of thing has to be shared with Bai Mo, and I will send him a wechat when I go back later, so that we can handle things easily when we know the situation.

All the way home, Han Yuxuan's long and slender hand never left the painting. When he got downstairs, Gao Jie wanted to help him get the painting, but he refused and moved away as quickly as possible. He didn't let anyone touch him. The only portrait the girl gave him.

Gao Jie: "..." He just wanted to help.

Han Yuxuan said: "You go back first, you don't need to pick me up tomorrow morning."

"Okay, President." Gao Jie could only leave.

Han Yuxuan took the painting home and put it away carefully. After going to take a bath, he changed his clothes and came out before putting the painting back in the room.

He sat by the bed, picked up his mobile phone and watched the latest movies. There were a few good ones. After watching them, he saved them and looked at his room. This is his temporary residence. If he is with Qiqi, He has to choose another villa, and he can't suffer for Qiqi.

Before he invested in this TV series, he left room for himself and wanted to buy a villa of his own in the urban area.

Most of my father's real estate is pavements, and there are also many real estate properties.

But after knowing about his father and Li Shan, he disliked his father very much and didn't like to use anything from him.

Going back to inherit the Han Group, his path may be smooth, but he is unwilling to go back, he wants to get everything he wants with his own hands.

Han Yuxuan thought about the ideal location in his heart. The Penghu villa is a bit old, but the advantage lies in the good location, but Qiqi lived there before.

Just as Han Yuxuan was thinking, his phone vibrated suddenly. He saw that it was Bai Mo, and his black eyes narrowed slightly. Then he remembered that there was still one thing he hadn't done.


Bai Mo: "Are you home?"

"Yeah!" Han Yuxuan responded lightly, waiting for news from Bai Mo.

"Hey, you had a lot of fun these days, so I didn't call you. I checked Lao Wu's communication records. The person who called Lao Wu happened to be Mu Lan's assistant. There was a banquet last night. I When I met Mu Lan, she asked me about your situation, and I said a few words overtly and secretly, her face was very ugly, no doubt it was her."

Han Yuxuan nodded, "I see."

Bai Mo: "... Yuxuan, what do you want to do? Mu Lan's behavior especially made me angry, and it's too vicious."

(End of this chapter)

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