Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 216 Whose call is it, so mysterious

Chapter 216 Who Answers the Call? It's So Mysterious
Chapter 216: Who answered the phone, so mysterious
Some people say that a beloved woman is the most beautiful when she cooks for herself in the kitchen. This time, he really realized it.

He wore a gentle smile throughout the whole process, and the smiles he has smiled all day today are more than the smiles he has smiled in the past ten years.

When Lan Zijun came out, his movements were very light. Seeing Lu Haocheng patting his mother, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

What exactly does Lu Haocheng want to do?
Although, judging from their looks, they are definitely father and son, but his every move towards his mother is too weird.

"Bang..." Lan Zijun knocked on the door on purpose, Lu Haocheng remembered Lan Zijun, he quickly clicked save, and then put his phone on the coffee table.

He turned his head and saw that Lan Zijun was just changing his shoes, he was slightly relieved.

He was too involved just now, fortunately Xiaojun didn't see him.

Lan Xin watched her son come out, and said, "Xiaojun, drink a cup of hot water, and then go dry your hair, don't catch a cold."

"Okay! Mom!" Lan Zijun returned to the table, poured a cup of hot water, and took a few sips.

He glanced at Lu Haocheng who had a smile on his lips strangely, then turned and went back to the bathroom to dry his hair.

Lu Haocheng looked at his little back, feeling a little distressed, Xiaojun is very sensible.

Every move is as warm as a little adult, but he is also very sensible, with a slightly more cheerful personality.

In Lu Haocheng's heart, an inexplicable emotion kept spreading to the apex of his heart.

At this time, Lan Xin had already cooked the noodles, tomato and egg noodles, which was the fastest.

She came over with the noodles, put them in front of Lu Haocheng, and said, "Mr. Lu, this is tomato egg noodles. Eat some to fill your stomach first." Her tone was lukewarm, even alienated and polite.

"Okay! But, is there really only noodles?" Lu Haocheng looked at her with dim eyes.

Lan Xin suddenly raised her eyebrows and looked at him, "Lu Haocheng, you will be very happy if you have a bowl of noodles to eat this big night, and you are still picky, eat quickly, and go back to your house after eating." She looked at him with a cold face Looking at him, his aggressiveness has worn down her good temper.

"It's quite happy!" He smiled softly at her, bowed his head and ate the noodles.

Lan Xin was taken aback by his gentle smile, and was also poked in the heart by his words.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, something was wrong with Lu Haocheng, he was courteous for nothing, rape or steal!
Lan Xin looked suspiciously at Lu Haocheng, who lowered his head and was eating with gusto.

Her craftsmanship has always been very good. In those few years, in the Jiang family, people in the Jiang family never waited for her to eat together, and the servants would not leave food for her.

Every time she goes home, she has to cook and eat by herself. Over time, she has developed her cooking skills.

With a child, in order to make the child full every meal, she puts a lot of effort into cooking.

Lu Haocheng ate with gusto. Last time I ate the dumplings she made, they tasted very good. This time I ate the noodles she cooked, and they were even more delicious!
He ate happily, but Lan Xin looked puzzled.

Suddenly, Lan Xin thought about calling. Lan Xin saw that it was her mother calling. She glanced at Lu Haocheng, "I'll answer the phone."

With that said, she walked over to the kitchen to answer the phone.

Lu Haocheng raised his eyes and glanced at her back. Who answered the phone, so mysterious?

Could it be Le Jinxi's call again?
Lu Haocheng withdrew his gaze slightly, and suddenly saw a box without a cover on the bottom of the transparent table, and inside was a platinum Patek Philippe watch. He looked familiar with the watch.

(End of this chapter)

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