Chapter 2174 Sweetness in the Snow
Chapter 2174: Sweetness in the snow
Their first stop was Solini, where Lan Ziqi lived with her grandparents and brothers after going abroad.

They lived there for four years. They didn't move to another city until they graduated from primary school and went to junior high school.

Surrounded by a forest of red maple leaves, and in the distance is Aldeburgh, which is built on the top of the mountain and can be seen when looking up at home, just like the palace in Snow White.

It is winter now, and the place is still covered with heavy snow, but the outline revealed is as beautiful as a picture.

Lan Ziqi and Han Yuxuan walked towards the villa hand in hand.

The villa here was bought at that time, and it was not sold, because she would come back occasionally, live here sometimes, and live in another city.

None of the houses here are for sale because her eldest brother is still living in this country.

In front of the villa, Lan Ziqi looked at Han Yuxuan: "Han Yuxuan, this is the first place I lived after going abroad. At that time, I felt quite desolate when I came here, and the neighbors were far away. We are the only family in this small forest. , but it’s quiet, no one disturbs, but I always feel lonely.”

"You don't know, my second brother didn't get used to it after coming here for a year, and he was nagging all day long. My grandpa and grandma felt that he was going to be mentally ill, so they sent him to the hospital twice."

"Actually, he doesn't like staying here. He's homesick."

Back then, if the Li family hadn't suddenly appeared, their family would not have been forced to separate for so many years.

But after so many years, fortunately, they have all grown up very well.

Han Yuxuan smiled. In fact, he still knew Lan Ziran a little bit.

"Qiqi, your second brother's character is just what he says, but he is actually quite strong." Especially watching the movies and TV series he made, the hard work, only I can understand.

"Yes, he is just complaining and arguing to go back, but he will still study hard. Even if he changes places, his studies are still very good."

Lan Ziqi took his arm and said with a smile: "Come on, let's go in first, we're going to live here tonight."

"it is good!"

Lan Ziqi opened the combination lock familiarly. She told her elder brother in advance that she would come and live here. The elder brother is now running the business empire that his grandfather built here. He still has studies, so he has never returned to China.

Knowing that she is coming, the place has already been cleaned up and the ingredients are well prepared.

Lan Ziqi turned on the floor heater, and the room became warm immediately.

Han Yuxuan looked at the decoration in the house, which was the same as the ones in China, and it looked very warm. He glanced at every place, thinking of the scene in his dream, the girl was also very happy here.

Lan Ziqi stepped on the soft carpet in fur slippers, sat down at the solid wooden table, arranged the tea set, and boiled water to make tea.

Han Yuxuan took off his coat and embraced her from behind.

"Qiqi." He called softly.

"Hmm!" Lan Ziqi smiled slightly, and pressed the hot water switch with her hand.

"It's nice to have just the two of us tonight!"

Lan Ziqi: "So?"

Han Yuxuan kissed her earlobe and said with a smile, "So I'm very happy!"

"Hehe..." Lan Ziqi was pleased by his words, leaned slightly into his arms, "Han Yuxuan, you came against the light, you are worthy of all the tenderness in this world."

She felt sorry for him, really.

"Our Qiqi is too." His voice was a little hoarse and gentle, he covered her lips, and tasted it repeatedly, until the teapot on the table rang, and he reluctantly let her go.

Lan Ziqi made tea for him shyly, she was thinking, if the two continue like this, one day they will break through the line of defense.

The two drank tea for a while, and Han Yuxuan volunteered to cook. He knew that she had a bad stomach, and when he was with him, he would try his best to ensure that she could eat on time every day.

Lan Zijun prepared a lot of ingredients.

Give Han Yuxuan a chance to show off his cooking skills.

At dinner, Lan Ziqi looked at a large table of dishes and smiled happily. Seeing that they were all her favorite flavors, Lan Ziqi was even more moved.

"Han Yuxuan, why do you know everything?" Lan Ziqi ate a piece of braised fish, the taste was just right.

Han Yuxuan sat down opposite her and picked up a prawn for her. The prawn was pre-processed, the shell and prawn thread were removed, and it tasted very chewy.

Lan Ziqi took one bite, eating happily.

"Han Yuxuan, after I marry you, will you continue to cook for me like this?" Lan Ziqi liked his cooking very much, and thought he was really good, everything was perfect.

"Yes, Qiqi, as long as I have time, I can cook for you every day." Han Yuxuan smiled brightly.

The obsessed Lan Ziqi was dizzy, and finally ate too much.

She burped several times, and tidied up the dishes with Han Yuxuan in embarrassment.

Han Yuxuan liked to see her shy look, so he didn't say anything?
After the two put away the bowls and chopsticks, Han Yuxuan took Lan Ziqi to the yard for a walk to digest food.

It was cold at night, so the two of them walked on the porch of the yard.

The castle not far away is brightly lit, giving people a visual sense of heaven and earth.

"Qiqi, is your stomach still hurting?" Han Yuxuan looked at her worriedly.

Lan Ziqi shook her head: "After doing some things, I don't feel uncomfortable anymore."

"I'll rub it for you when I go back later."

"Okay!" Lan Ziqi nodded shyly, "It's you who made the food so delicious, it made me overwhelmed, but Han Yuxuan, I really like this kind of life, how about you?"

Han Yuxuan stopped suddenly, looked down at her affectionately, "Qiqi, I'm so happy that I'm about to fly."

"Hey..." Lan Ziqi happily ran away, "Han Yuxuan, let's go for a snowball fight."

"Okay!" Han Yuxuan chased after him with a smile.

Lan Ziqi stopped in the yard, grabbed a handful of snow from the flower bed, quickly shaped it into a ball, and threw it at Han Yuxuan.

The snowball was thrown in the night sky, surrounded by the sound of the wind, Han Yuxuan gave way lightly, and dodged. Tall and tall, he grabbed the snow from the tree casually, and hit Lan Ziqi without pinching it too firmly.

It broke up halfway and fell to the ground.

"Hehe..." Lan Ziqi leaned forward and backward with a smile, "Han Yuxuan, haven't you eaten yet? You're so weak."

Han Yuxuan looked at her from a distance, smiled and made another snowball and threw it towards her.

Lan Ziqi quickly moved to the left without being hit.

" can't hit me." Lan Ziqi's crisp laughter echoed in the night sky, and it was lively and sweet.

There are colorful lights flashing around the villa, reflecting the whole snow. Two happy figures are running and chasing in the snow. Their happy laughter fills the whole garden. Tired of playing, they lie in the snow and look at the stars. The dark night sky, the black and green night sky also presents another kind of beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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