Chapter 2179 Lu Ziran, who are you

Chapter 2179: Lu Ziran, who are you?

There is always someone in life who always goes with you, but you really want to live with him——Yan Zishu

In the presidential suite, the sun shines in the morning, illuminating the whole room, and a warmth spreads, which makes people feel comfortable.

Of course, the messy clothes on the ground, and the two people sitting by the bed all looked very bad, very bad.

The man sitting on the left has an excellent figure, and his abdominal muscles make people want to scream. His eyes, as deep as stars, are full of anger, glaring at the woman on the other side.

The woman was wrapped in a bed sheet, looking at the bruises and red purple cinnabar on her butterfly collarbone, she knew how intense last night was.

Lu Ziran never dreamed that there would be a nightmare waiting for him when he woke up in the morning.

It was his birthday last night, and it was hard for him to take the time to go back to China and spend it with his relatives and friends.

Unexpectedly, the next morning made him a real man.

"Who are you?" His angry eyes wanted to kill the woman across from him.

She was so drunk last night, the person who helped her in was obviously Song Jianing, why did she become this strange woman in front of her?
The sentence "Who are you?" made Yan Zishu's expression froze instantly, and he stared fixedly at the angry man in front of him.

The greatest sorrow in the world is that the man you love all your life doesn't know you.


Before Yan Zishu finished speaking, Lu Ziran interrupted her.

"I don't care who you are, but I still want to tell you that we were nothing last night, and you don't want to get any benefits from me, and don't appear in front of me again, or don't blame me for ruining you .”

The cold words, the ruthless eyes, and the disgusted body language made Yan Zishu's heart stabbed one by one.

When the words to explain came to her lips, she forced her to go back.

Lu Ziran picked up the nightgown on the ground and wrapped herself up, stood up and turned her back to Yan Zishu, glanced behind her, and said with a cold warning tone: "When I come out, if you are still here, I will let you know, The consequences of designing me are not something you can afford."

After finishing speaking, he strode into the bathroom.

Yan Zishu didn't react until he heard the sound of running water. He blinked his already sore eyes, and tears fell down.

The ruthless voice was still lingering in her ears, and tears fell on the back of her hands. Her hands were beautiful, slender and fair, and they were rare pair of beautiful hands in the world.

Feeling slightly cool, she looked up slowly as if waking up from a dream, looking in the direction of the bathroom, her heart was so fragmented that she couldn't put it together no matter what.

She finally realized a problem, how can a man who only reply text messages to perfunctory you and doesn't even know you like her and cherish her?

In Lu Ziran's heart, she was probably just a passerby who would only pester him every day, and she didn't even know what she looked like.

He offended her and was afraid that the relationship between the two families would not be good, so he could only reply to her once every two or three days, and it was perfunctory to reply in time.

The past flashed through my mind frame by frame.

She laughed at herself, wiped her tears, picked up the clothes on the ground, destroyed all her evidence, and resolutely left the room.

Lu Ziran came out of the shower, tilted her head, saw the empty room, was slightly taken aback, then frowned, walked over, lifted the quilt, picked up her own clothes, was about to turn around, saw a few spots of blood, He frowned instantly.

I couldn't help but think of the stunned and obviously painful eyes just now, I always feel a little familiar, but I don't know where I saw it.

He grabbed a handful of hair irritably, turned around and changed his clothes.


Seven years later!
Ningcheng, a three-storey villa, European style, the yard is full of flowers and plants, the middle path is paved with bluestone slabs, and the small courtyard is full of warmth.

"Mom, mom, look quickly, this is the butterfly that grandma took me to buy on the street today. It is made of brown leaves by an old man. It is so green and so beautiful!"

Yan Shutian, who was already in elementary school, happily ran to Yan Zishu who was tending the flowers and plants in the yard with a handmade butterfly.

Yan Zishu smiled, and gently stroked his daughter's head. The little girl appeared to be juicy, her skin was very fair, and her big eyes sparkled like she could talk.

Because of running, it was spring again, and it was a little hot, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

She wiped her daughter's sweat and asked with a smile, "Where's brother?"

"Go to the next door to accompany grandpa." Xiao Shutian focused on the butterfly in his hand, and did not look at his mother.

Yan Zishu smiled, and patted his daughter on the shoulder: "Hurry up and do your homework. After a while, your brother will finish and you haven't finished. Mom will make dinner for you."

When Xiao Shutian heard this, he remembered the purpose of going home.

"Mom, grandma asked me to come over and tell mom that you should stop cooking tonight and go to eat next door."

Yan Zishu glanced at the villa next door and smiled, "Alright then, go over and do your homework with brother first, and mom will come over in a while."

"Okay, mom, kiss the baby." Yan Shutian looked up at his mother with a smile, and pointed to his fair little face.

Yan Zi felt so relieved, he lowered his head and kissed his daughter's small face, and then Yan Shutian left happily.

She straightened up, her soft black hair was scattered, and her clear facial features became more charming, more beautiful and seductive.

Seven years ago, she went to Jiang City alone, and when she came back, she became pregnant. She didn't want to abort the child. This was her last salvation.

This is what she told herself, her parents were very angry and helpless, after all, she was the only daughter.

Surprisingly, she was pregnant with a pair of twins, a son and a daughter, what a fulfilling life.

The love of parents is always heavy. In order not to let others laugh at her, parents resolutely decided to move away from the familiar circle before, and live here with her and their children.

The environment here is also very good, not too far from the city, and it is very convenient for my father to commute to and from get off work, and my mother is alone with the servants at home to help her take care of the children.

The family had a very happy time!
Dad bought two villas in one go, connected together, to give her and the child enough space to get along.

Just as Yan Zishu was about to go there, he received a call from Lan Ziqi.

"Shu Shu, Han Yuxuan and I will get married on NO.16 next month, you must come and be my bridesmaid."

Yan Zishu paused slightly while holding the phone, and said with a smile, "Qiqi, congratulations!"

"Shu Shu, you keep saying that you want to come to Jiangshi, why haven't you come? I feel like I haven't seen you for a long time."

Yan Zishu looked up at the bright sky. For seven years, she really rarely went to Jiang City. Even if she did, it was because of work.

"Qiqi, I will come, congratulations, our little girl is finally getting married."

(End of this chapter)

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