Chapter 2188 Encounter, give up 7
Chapter 2188: Encounter, give up 7
"Go drink." Lu Ziran didn't want to go back.

Not only did Chu Feiyang not listen, but he drove the car very fast.

Lu Ziran: "."

"Chu Feiyang, what are you doing?"

"Hey, what can I do? Take you home. Drinking is worse than going home. I will accompany you. Grandpa Yi can also drink. I know you have guests at home tonight. Mr. Yan's daughter, Qiqi, told me , and I’m still single. These days, my mother has been pressing me to find a girlfriend. So I went to have a look. Qiqi said that she is very beautiful and capable. The most important thing is to have a good temper, Qiqi said It suits me quite well. I'm just afraid that she might not like me." Chu Feiyang purposely came to take Lu Ziran back to help him take a look, for the sake of his wife, he had to stand back while drinking with his brother.

Lu Ziran: "She's not suitable for you." She spoke extremely fast!
"How do you know she's not suitable for me? Do you know her?" Chu Feiyang gave him a funny look.

Lu Ziran was very upset, and really didn't know what Qiqi was thinking and how she would introduce it to Chu Feiyang.

How is this possible?

"It can't be done anyway, this woman is very clingy, I advise you to give up your heart." Lu Ziran was very upset.

"Hey, are you clingy?"

"Yeah!" Lu Ziran breathed a sigh of relief, every man likes a woman who is gentle and knows how to judge the situation, and he will never like the kind of woman who chatters around him all day long.

There is no freedom at all.

"Of course, that's fine. Those who love each other don't like to be together all day long. If she clings to me, I'm very happy. If it's not because she cares, who would want to cling to you? People are so busy now that they can spare You should be grateful for a little time to stick with you."

Lu Ziran was stunned for a moment, listening to Chu Feiyang's words, he felt so enlightened.

Only those who care about you will take the time to greet you, once you don't care, you can't even remember who she is.

Between him and Yan Zishu, one completely forgot, and the other remembered clearly.

So, that night seven years ago, his not remembering hurt her completely, and in the following seven years, she completely disappeared from his life.

well! !

What is this all about?
Lu Ziran had something on his mind, he had never realized that time would pass so quickly.

By the time he recovered, he had already reached the door of the house.

Chu Feiyang shouted excitedly: "Get out of the car."

Then Lu Ziran heard the sound of the car door being closed, and Chu Feiyang ran in like flying.

Lu Ziran got out of the car slowly, the reason why he came back was simple, Yan Zishu and Chu Feiyang were not suitable.

He came back for this reason?

"Ah!!" Lu Ziran felt that the most embarrassing thing in this generation is today's situation.

Why is it always so unsatisfactory?

In the living room, Yan Zishu and Lan Ziqi were chatting, and Han Yuxuan went to help in the kitchen.

Lu Haocheng chatted with his three sons upstairs, the family was really warm.

"Qiqi, I'm here." Chu Feiyang walked in with a smile.

His eyes were locked on Yan Zishu's face, hey, so beautiful!

Wearing a pomelo-colored suit, a white shirt, and a shawl with beautiful hair, Yan Zishu has a slender figure, long hands and long legs, but is extremely good-looking. At the moment, in Chu Feiyang's eyes, everything looks good.

"Feiyang, are you here? Let me introduce you. This is my friend Yan Zishu. Haven't you heard me say it before? Shushu is in Ningshi and rarely comes to Jiangshi. Otherwise, you would have met long ago. gone."

Chu Feiyang became nervous in an instant, and his smile was serious, "Hi, Miss Yan, I'm Chu Feiyang."

Yan Zishu knew him, she met him at Qiqi's wedding last time.

"Hello, Feiyang, you don't have to be so unfamiliar, just call me Zishu." She also often heard Chu Feiyang's name in Qiqi's mouth, and now she felt inexplicably familiar when they met.

"Okay, Zishu." Chu Feiyang's smile became shy.

This Yan Zishu was completely in line with the ideal of his dream lover.

Yan Zishu was about to speak, when he raised his eyes, he saw Lu Ziran walking in casually, the smile on his face disappeared suddenly.

"Hey, second brother, didn't you say you have something to do and you won't come back?" Lan Ziqi looked at second brother's sloppy expression, feeling that he had something on his mind.

Before Lu Ziran could answer his sister, Chu Feiyang said, "Qiqi, what can he do? He just wanted to drink, but I dragged him back. Drinking is so uncomfortable. Why don't we all sit together and chat."

Lu Ziran: "..." Suddenly there was a feeling of being betrayed by a close relative.

This Chu Feiyang's head is not good enough, he never expected him to keep any secrets.

His eyes quickly flicked to Yan Zishu who was sitting on the sofa. He lowered his head and didn't look at him.

His mood was indescribable in an instant.

"Of course, aren't you busy?" Lan Xin and her servant came out with dishes, and Han Yuxuan also came out with a pot of sauerkraut fish.

There were so many people, Lan Xin had two servings of dishes prepared.

"Mom, suddenly I'm fine again, so I'm back."

Immediately, his eyes quickly shifted to Han Yuxuan, "Ah! Brother-in-law, you are so diligent. My sister is very lucky."

Han Yuxuan smiled, but did not speak.

"Second brother, I am married to a husband who can cook, and I am very happy every day. Second brother, you should learn to cook too. In the future, my second sister-in-law can also enjoy the blessings!" Lan Ziqi got up and walked to her husband. , holding Han Yuxuan's arm, the two looked at each other and smiled, eyes full of love.

Lu Ziran: "Oh! I can't stand it any longer. It's better for you husband and wife to hide at home, not to come out."

Although Lu Ziran said this, his tone was full of pampering.

Han Yuxuan is really nice, Kiki

married a nice man.

"Hehe..." Lan Ziqi smiled happily.

Lan Xin looked at the nervous Yan Zishu, "Shu Shu, come over to eat."

Yan Zishu stood up and responded with a smile: "Aunt Xin, here we come."

Lan Xin took off her apron, "Feiyang, go and see your grandma and grandpa Yi first, I'll ask your uncle and them to come down for dinner."

"Hey! The two of them are so old, they still like to be alone in the backyard." Chu Feiyang is very envious of the love that is sincere and serious.

Lan Xin said with a smile: "That's right, you juniors should learn more from them. They have been together for decades and have never quarreled. They are considerate and tolerant of each other. Even now that they are old, the two of them The world is still the happiest."

Lan Xin smiled and went upstairs to ask Lu Haocheng and the three children to come down for dinner.

After more than ten minutes, a large table sat down to eat, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Yan Zishu felt a little uncomfortable, Lu Ziran was on her left, and Chu Feiyang was on her right.

Lan Xin sat across from her, and kept picking up food for her, "Shu Shu, you haven't been to Jiang City for several years. I was chatting with your mother a while ago, and he said that you have been busy working as a screenwriter for the past few years. "

Yan Zishu replied with a smile: "Yes, Aunt Xin, I really like the work of screenwriting."

(End of this chapter)

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