Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2190 Encounter, check the truth 2

Chapter 2190 Encounter, check the truth 2
Chapter 2190: Encounter, find out the truth 2
Yan Zishu thought for a while and said with a smile: "Tiantian, Mom really won't lie to you this time, it may take a while to go back this time, Mom has a job here."

"Alas!" Yan Shutian pouted her pink lips angrily, as disappointed as she could be. "Mom, I got [-] points in the unit test. Grandma said, I often get [-] points, and she doesn't have the face to praise me. Isn't [-] points good?"

"Hehe..." Yan Zishu was amused, "Who told us that Tiantian is so good? Your grandma is doing it because she praises you every day. It's no fun. If you get 99 points in the exam next time, she will definitely have something to say. .”

"No, I really don't understand what you adults are thinking about every day, isn't it [-]% delicious?"

"Xiangxiangxiang, my daughter is the best!" Yan Zishu wished he could go back and lightly gently lighten his daughter's pink face, she was so cute.

What's the point of crying for that stinky man? He should have been taken to court back then, so as not to make her sad.

"Where's your brother?" Yan Zishu didn't see his son, and always felt that his son was making trouble again.

Yan Shutian moved the video over, and Yan Shuyi was sitting on the sofa watching TV with his legs crossed, holding potato chips in his hand, eating with great relish, and looking playful and evil.

Yan Shuyi's facial features resembled his father's. Seeing this familiar little face, Yan Zishu felt sad again.

"Mom, good night!" After Yan Shuyi said hello, he turned his attention to the TV.

Yan Zishu: "Yan Shuyi, have you finished your homework yet?" Her son was being naughty, which made her always worry.

"It's over, Mom, when did my homework worry you? Yan Shutian got [-] points in the test, didn't I get [-] points in the test?" Yan Shuyi pouted proudly.

He looked like Lu Ziran when he was a child.

When she first met Lu Ziran, she was also one year older than Shuyi.

"Yiyi, you have to have a sitting posture. Look at you, what you look like." Yan Zishu looked at his son and taught him softly.

"Mom, can we come to see you on May Day?" Yan Shutian asked with a smile. They will have five days off then, and she misses her mother so much.

Yan Shuyi suddenly looked at his mother expectantly.

Yan Zishu thought about it, she must have been very busy at that time, even if she came, she would only be able to see her sooner or later.

She looked at her daughter and son with an apologetic face, and looked at her daughter's expectant eyes. She really couldn't bear to say it, but lying to them would make them feel even more uncomfortable.

"Tian Tian."

"Shu Shu, just let the children go. I'll send them here. They will be very happy to see you sooner or later."

Yan Hua glanced at Yan Shuyi, who was carefree, and said in a low voice: "Don't look at Yiyi who doesn't care about anything at the moment, he misses you. When he came back from school, he went to your room and was about to cry."

Yan Zi felt sour in his heart, very sad.

"Mom, then you can bring them here, and I will try my best to spare time to accompany you." With her mother coming along, she felt relieved.

Yan Hua took a deep look at her daughter and looked at Yiyi. In fact, no matter how her daughter concealed it, they all knew the reason.

How could a mother not know about her daughter's little thoughts?
"Well! Work hard, eat well, sleep well, don't worry about other things, mother will take care of them." Yanhua looked at her daughter and smiled dotingly.

Yan Zishu looked at her mother and almost shed tears. When she knew she was pregnant, she hardly thought about it, so she decided to give birth to the child.

The Yan family is also a respectable family in Ningshi, but once she gives birth to a child out of wedlock, many people will laugh at her.

But when she told her parents about this decision, they just scolded her, not just because she was pregnant, but because she was still young, so she had to bear all these sufferings, and her parents loved her dearly.

At that time, she was very moved. Parents all over the world want their children to be happy.

After hanging up the phone, Yan Zishu sat on the sofa alone in a daze, and went to Lu's house tonight, and Lu's house treated her very well.

Aunt Xin and Uncle Lu are both good people, but why is Lu Ziran such an asshole?

She couldn't figure it out, and she didn't think about it. Since she decided to give up, she had to bury all her thoughts in her heart and raise her children well. They would be her biggest reliance in the future.

Yan Zishu always had many reasons for herself to figure it out. After she figured it out, she drank scented tea before going back to her room to rest.

When she went to work the next day, she was in a much better mood. She deliberately went to the company early, just because she didn't want to run into Lu Ziran.

Of course, if you are an enemy, the road will be narrow!
Lu Ziran also thought the same way, in order not to run into Yan Zishu, he also came early.

The two of them were the first to come to the company in the whole company.

They happened to run into each other at the door of Yan Zishu.

Lu Ziran: "."

Yan Zishu: "."

"Hmph!" Yan Zishu snorted coldly, and walked towards his office.

Lu Ziran turned around in a dream, wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say?
Looking at her appearance just now, she can be as arrogant as she can be.

"Hehe." Lu Ziran felt that he really had nothing to say except for a few sneers.

But he is not reconciled.

He chased him to Yan Zishu's office.

Yan Zishu sat on the sofa and took out breakfast to eat.

Just after taking a bite of the glutinous rice cake, I saw Lu Ziran come in.

"Get out, what are you doing here?" Yan Zi said harshly, with food still in his mouth, a little vague, but it didn't affect her aura.

He already had a woman he liked, in the same company, and she didn't want to make his work situation worse.

When Lu Ziran heard this, he was in a bad mood after tossing and turning all night.

"Yan Zishu, seven years ago..."

"Shut up, Lu Ziran, as I said, seven years have passed since that incident, and I haven't pestered you in the past seven years. You can bring up things seven years ago at will, but it doesn't mean that I can easily bring up the past. What I regret most in my life is that I went to look for you that night and lost my innocence, so, get out!" Yan Zishu said without emotion.

Indeed, she regretted it, regretted being in love with the bastard.

"Hehe..." Lu Ziran, who has always been eloquent, felt his head heat up and his eyes darkened. Could it be that he was still innocent that night?

"Yan Zishu, did you design me back then?" Lu Ziran was furious, and the words couldn't help but come out.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he regretted it a little. In fact, he knew it after watching the surveillance.

Yan Zishu was taken aback, put down the glutinous rice cake in her hand, and stood up, her big watery eyes were filled with pain and anger.

Lu Ziran's eyes flickered, he didn't dare to look directly at it, and turned his eyes away with guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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