Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2194 Encounter, every day is difficult 2

Chapter 2194 Encounter, every day is difficult 2
Chapter 2194: Encounter, every day is difficult 2
No, why the hell does he care what she thinks?

This day is just going crazy.

Lu Ziran let out a deep breath, these days he felt that he was really going crazy.

"Yan Zishu, I disagree with the first scene." He was overbearing to the end.

Yan Zishu looked at him calmly, and smiled: "Lu Ziran, you should be grateful to me. Don't you like Miss Song very much? Why don't you want to arrange a good show for you?"

"Yan Zishu, you... really did it on purpose." Lu Ziran was so angry that she wanted to curse.

When did he say he liked Song Jianing?

He just felt that Song Jianing worked hard and made progress, and occasionally helped her.

"Lu Ziran, you are wrong. I didn't do it on purpose. With my own professional ethics, I will not do such a thing. I will arrange it because it is necessary. This is the director's request. As a screenwriter, I also cooperate with you Adjust, since you don't want to do a kissing scene, go find a director."

After Yan Zishu finished speaking, he turned around, not wanting to pay attention to Lu Ziran who was making trouble for no reason.

Lu Ziran gave her a hard look at her back, turned around and strode away.

Yan Zishu turned around when she heard the footsteps leaving. She rubbed the center of her brows wearily. She really didn't know why Lu Ziran was so upset all of a sudden?

As an actor, you are not professional at all.

"Shu Shu, are you okay?" Wei Shangxun looked at her worriedly.

Through the past few days of getting along, he can also see that the relationship between Shu Shu and Lu Ershao is very stiff.

Yan Zishu smiled and said, "I'm fine, let's continue..."

"Yan Zishu."

Before Yan Zishu finished speaking, he heard Lu Ziran standing at the door calling her.

"What are you doing?" Yan Zishu was also angry. The weather is getting hotter and it's easy to get angry.

"Come out and tell me, how do you act here?"

Yan Zishu looked straight at the man who had won countless awards and was also the best actor.

For him, the first scene was very simple, and for him who has played various roles, it was even more comfortable.

"What are you doing? Hurry up!" Lu Ziran roared domineeringly.

Yan Zishu looked at Wei Shangxun, "Shangxun, tell me, how did he get the best actor award?"

Wei Shangxun smiled, "Shu Shu, I feel that he hasn't grown up yet, but he was born in a rich family, so this kind of personality that hasn't grown up is understandable."

Yan Zishu nodded approvingly, crossed his arms, and squinted at the man with hazy facial features standing at the door, "I think so too, I haven't grown up yet."

"Hey, hey, I said you two, you two are so brave to speak ill of me in front of me!"

Lu Ziran also felt that his behavior was very childish, but he didn't expect to be regarded as immature by them.

pissed him off!

He was usually such a sensible person, how could he become a child in front of Yan Zishu?

"Hurry up!" Lu Ziran walked out after finishing speaking, even the back could see that she was angry.

In order not to delay everyone's time, Yan Zishu could only go out to give a lecture.

By the swimming pool, the director's expression was not very good. Seeing that Lu Ershao was in a bad mood, the effect of this scene was not satisfactory.

According to his observation, Second Young Master Lu really likes Song Jianing, so why doesn't he want to have a kiss scene with her?

The assistant director whispered in the director's ear: "Director, is Second Young Master putting on airs?"

Director Yang smiled smugly, "He's not putting on airs, he's a prodigal son, and when he's filming in the Lu Group, the last thing he has to worry about is the money."

Assistant director: "." That's true!
Seeing Yan Zishu approaching, Song Jianing bit the corner of her lips lightly. The first scene was so stalemate for a long time, and there were still many intimate scenes after that, what would he do?

Originally, he acted very well, and the director also said it was good, but Lu Ziran was not satisfied, and the kiss scene was filmed in a wrong place.

Yan Zishu stood in front of Lu Ziran.

She was slightly taller than Song Jianing, standing next to Lu Ziran's 1.8 meters tall, the two matched very well.

She was very close, and Lu Ziran could smell the faint fragrance of her body. He remembered this kind of fragrance. It was not the smell of perfume, but her body fragrance. It smelled very comfortable.

Lu Ziran looked straight at her, waiting for her to see her.

Yan Zishu explained it responsibly.

In the first scene, Sheng Yan, who is the boss, was passing by the swimming pool and met Lu Xiangxiang who fell into the water.

He is ruthless and doesn't want to save people. As the protagonist, he had a miserable childhood and has no sympathy for anyone.

Just as he was about to leave, Lu Xiangxiang suddenly emerged from the water and called for help.

Sheng Yan just glanced at her mercilessly, and when he turned to leave, he suddenly thought of something. After staring at that pure and beautiful face for a few seconds, he went into the water to save her without hesitation.

After Yan Zishu explained the movements and eyes, he looked at Lu Ziran and found that he was staring at him blankly.

"Second Young Master, do you understand?" Her voice was a little loud.

Lu Ziran regained consciousness in an instant, and then nodded slightly: "I seem to understand."

Yan Zishu shouted at the director: "Director, he understands."

"OK! Everyone take your place." The director was very serious and his tone was very serious.

Yan Zishu didn't go in for a while, he stood behind the director and looked at Lu Ziran at the end.

At the end, Lu Ziran came out wearing a white towel, revealing strong and sexy abs.

He looked indifferent and world-weary, and his every move was domineering and dignified, making him a domineering president with ease.

Yan Zishu looked at his strong and sexy body, powerful and sexy and domineering, and unconsciously remembered that night seven years ago, she was tortured to the point of dying.

However, the next moment, I heard the director's angry voice.

"Ka, Second Young Master Lu, you are a domineering president, not a hooligan."

"Get ready, here we come."

"Ka, Second Young Master Lu, you are a domineering president, not a gentle lover."

"Ca, Second Young Master Lu, you are a domineering president, not a weak elementary school student."

In the first scene, the director directly filmed a heart attack.

Lu Ziran's short performance left everyone dumbfounded.

Especially the assistant Du Xin, he has been with Lu Ziran for not a year or two, he knows that Lu Ziran's acting skills are very good, and he has never been like this.

Could it be that after a few months of rest, he returned to his primary school days?

It doesn't make sense!


The worst thing was Song Jianing, who couldn't keep up with her physical strength, diving into the water again and again, the skin on her body was wrinkled.

Others couldn't tell, but Yan Zishu could tell that Lu Ziran definitely did it on purpose. His acting skills, what did he look like?She knew it years ago.

The director was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and the assistant director was on the sidelines to help him calm down.

"Director Yang, don't be angry, don't just hang up before the filming of the TV series is finished. Ah, no, I can't take over your shift after you die, no, no."

"Shut up! Ah!" Director Yang's eyes darkened, this is the first game, why is he about to be crippled.

(End of this chapter)

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