Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2196 Encounter, every day is difficult 4

Chapter 2196 Encounter, every day is difficult 4
Chapter 2196: Encounter, every day is difficult 4
Lu Ziran looked at Song Jianing apologetically.

"Ningning, I'm sorry!" He couldn't hurt Song Jianing, and he must refuse when he should.

When Song Jianing heard the sorry, she clasped her hands on her knees tightly.

She knew that he wouldn't really like her. The reason why he was always there all these years was because he pitied her.

"Zi Ran, I see." She smiled softly, not blaming him.

Lu Ziran's heart became even more confused, he seemed to have hurt another girl's heart.

"I'm sorry, Ningning!" He apologized solemnly again.

Been a jerk once, he won't be doing it a second time.

He never gives a girl he doesn't like a chance.

But Song Jianing was always different. She was special to him these years.

In those years, when Yan Zishu sent him a message, he would compare Yan Zishu and Song Jianing. Song Jianing was always gentle, well-behaved and sensible.

At this moment, his heart was pierced like a knife, and he didn't know who he was feeling sorry for.

Lu Ziran and Song Jianing returned to the hotel together.

As soon as they reached the elevator, they met Song Jianing who was going downstairs to buy medicine.

I don't know what I ate tonight, my stomach is very upset.

Yan Zishu's complexion was very bad, and there was still a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

Lu Ziran watched and frowned slightly.

Yan Zishu nodded at the two of them, but did not speak.

"Director Yan, do you want to go out?" Song Jianing's voice was gentle and soft, always so pleasing.

"En!" Yan Zishu bowed his head and hummed, not letting them see his strangeness.

With her head down, she walked past Song Jianing.

Song Jianing entered the elevator first, and seeing Lu Ziran standing still, she shouted, "Zi Ran, come in quickly."

Lu Ziran looked at her, "Ningning, you go up first, I eat too much, go for a walk."

Song Jianing's face suddenly changed, scoundrel, are you going to leave her like this?
Yan Zishu's complexion was very bad, probably because he was not feeling well.

Before the elevator door closed, Lu Ziran turned around and ran out of the hotel lobby.

Song Jianing blocked the elevator with her hand, and the elevator door opened again.

She followed suit.

Yan Zishu walked towards the business district opposite the hotel, where there would be a pharmacy.

But the more she walked, the more her stomach hurt.

She bent down slightly, looked up, and saw that the pharmacy was still some distance away from her.

It was too painful, she leaned against the wall and stopped to rest, sweat was streaming down her forehead, and her face was even more pale as snow.

When Lu Ziran chased after her, he saw that she was in so much pain that she couldn't even walk.

"Yan Zishu, are you uncomfortable?" Lu Ziran supported her.

Yan Zishu seemed to have heard an auditory hallucination. When she was in the most pain, she actually heard Lu Ziran's voice.

Just like when giving birth to Tiantian and the others, the pain almost swallowed her, but she endured it desperately.

At that time, seeing that all the pregnant women around her were accompanied by their loving husbands, she was the only one with her mother and father.

At that time, she was thinking that if she and Lu Ziran fell in love, it might be the other side.

Just fantasizing like that, she finally came to get through it.

The most painful time has passed, what is this little pain now?

Yan Zishu woke up instantly.

Mei Mou looked over, a trace of worry flashed across the man's finely crafted facial features, and he looked at her calmly with dark eyes.

His hand holding her arm was so hot that she could feel the heat of his hand through the clothes, which also made her truly feel his presence.

The breath on his body is reassuring, she really wants to lean on him, but she knows she can't, this embrace doesn't belong to her, Yan Zishu.

She suddenly shook off his hand forcefully, her voice was cold: "Go away, don't worry about it!"

There is no one else here, and there is no need for the two of them to pretend to be friendly.

She shook her head, the pain relieved a lot, and she walked to the pharmacy not far away.

She is taking medicine first and going to the hospital, but her assistant has something to go back to the city tonight.

Wei Shangxun also went to find his sister because his sister was going to university in Jiang City, and Ye Wei couldn't get through the phone, so she went down to buy medicine by herself.

Lu Ziran looked at the stubborn Yan Zishu and frowned. She couldn't do it like this, she couldn't even walk, and she couldn't go to the hospital.

He chased after him again, and supported Yan Zishu, "Yan Zishu, you can't even walk in pain, do you still want to be so brave?"

Yan Zishu really didn't know that Lu Ziran was so annoying, didn't he tell him to get lost?

Why did you come here again.

There was a sneer on her pale face, "Lu Ziran, aren't you afraid that I'll set you up again? Hmm?"

Lu Ziran was taken aback, looking at the cold smile on her face, her heart seemed to be poked by something.

Yan Zishu took the opportunity to open his hand, "Lu Ziran, I have followed what you said, and I will not appear in front of it again. I also said that when the filming of this drama is finished, I will return to Ningshi. We will never see each other again." Yes, I, Yan Zishu, will do what I say, just like seven years ago, when you asked me not to appear in your world, I have completely disappeared from your sight."

"So, Lu Ziran, I've already let you go, please let me go too, okay?"

His words extinguished her passion and love for more than ten years.

With one word, he sent her to hell.

Isn't that enough?

When Lu Ziran heard the last sentence, she suddenly let go of her hand weakly.

Yan Zi Shu glanced at his hand from the corner of his eye, endured the pain in frustration and continued to walk forward.

Lu Ziran just stood there quietly looking at her lonely and stubborn back.

He suddenly remembered a line: "When I care about you, you are the treasure in my hand. I am stingy because I love you, and I am angry because I care too much about you. When I give up on you, you are nothing in my heart." , who you are with has nothing to do with me!"

This is the line of the last heroine he acted in. It's not a classic, but it's very heart-wrenching.

In the end, he was still worried, and watched Yan Zishu enter the pharmacy, and he stood guard outside the pharmacy.

Yan Zishu told the clerk about her situation, and the clerk said that she might have acute gastritis and asked her to go to the hospital, and there was a hospital 500 meters ahead.

However, Yan Zishu still bought the medicine and asked the clerk to give her a cup of hot water. After taking the medicine, she left the pharmacy and went to the hospital.

Lu Ziran watched her leave the pharmacy, and didn't intend to go back to the hotel, but walked inside instead.

He followed again.

After Yan Zishu took the medicine, she still didn't get better. She was sore and swollen. She hated pain, and when there was an uncomfortable place on her body, she would think of all the grievances she had suffered.

She went straight to the emergency room and got hung up.

The final diagnosis was acute gastritis.

The moment she was lying on the bed, hung up with salt water, and after the nurse left, Yan Zishu couldn't help but shed tears.

She didn't know why she was crying, anyway, she just felt wronged at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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