Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2200 Encounter, every day is difficult 8

Chapter 2200 Encounter, every day is difficult 8
Chapter 2200 Encounter, every day is difficult 8
Yan Zishu lowered her head, she understood Wei Shangxun's heart, but her heart was already dead, and she would not be revived for any man.

She and Shangxun have been good friends for many years, she can't hurt Shangxun, and she also turns a blind eye to Shangxun's heart, getting along as friends.

A few people arrived at the crew, and the director has already arrived. Today, they met the second female lead during filming. The second female lead likes the male lead. She came to the company to meet the male lead, and something unpleasant happened.

A Mary Su drama, but many people watch it, the overlord loves it, and the cute heroine is also very popular. It is popular on the Internet, and its popularity is very high.

Book fans are looking forward to the TV series being filmed soon.

There are also loud voices on the Internet.

Su Cheng and her manager Xia Ran also came over early in the morning.

Seeing Song Jianing, Su Cheng's eyes were full of hatred, and she received Lu Ziran's warning early in the morning that she could only act in peace and keep on filming.

When Song Jianing met her gaze, she just smiled faintly, looked sideways and talked softly to Lu Ziran beside her.

There wasn't much filming today. After Yan Zishu and Wei Shangxun arrived at the scene, they discussed the plot with the director. The director had no objections. The two of them explained the scene to the actors who appeared today, and then started shooting.

Yan Zishu also watched the whole process.

There were no accidents in the morning, and the filming went smoothly. At lunch, Lu Ziran suddenly asked everyone to eat.

What's more, the food at Jiangshi Grand Hotel was ordered. The director and his team smiled happily, the filming was good and the person was generous, who wouldn't like Lu Ziran like this.

Everyone said that the reason why Lu Ziran did this was because his Bai Yueguang Song Jianing was filming here.

In order to let his Bai Yueguang eat and drink well, the people from Jiangshi Hotel specially delivered the food.

When Yan Zishu went to the bathroom, he heard a few group performers say such things at the sink.

Yan Zishu listened with a blank expression, she had to learn to be indifferent about Lu Ziran, otherwise she would be hurt even more.

Seeing Yan Zishu, several people greeted him.

Another little girl was more curious about Song Jianing's identity, and asked with a smile: "Director Yan, I heard that the actor Lu has been very kind to Ms. Song since he was a child. Will the two get married after this cooperation?"

Yan Zishu was taken aback, she didn't expect the other party to ask this question, which caught her off guard.

Yan Zishu hadn't decided how to answer, but the other party said to himself: "Today, the film emperor Lu ordered meals, I heard that they are all for Miss Song to eat well?"

Yan Zishu shook his head and smiled: "I'm not familiar with them, and I don't know anything about them."

After speaking, she strode away.

Lu Ziran also came out of the bathroom, seeing Yan Zishu's leaving back, and thinking about what she said, he frowned, lowered his head, and strode forward.

When the group performers saw it, they couldn't help looking at the straight back with excitement.

"Wow! The back is so handsome."

"Yes, but it's very cold. Just now when the actor Lu passed behind us, I felt a chill behind me."

The little girls were so excited that they couldn't restrain themselves, chattering all the way.

Lu Ziran treats guests, everyone eats, if Yan Zishu orders takeaway alone, it will be a joke.

But what is surprising is that all the meals today are light, without any chili.

Director: "..." He seems...he hasn't gotten angry these days, and there's no need to eat so refreshingly.

Assistant director: "...Director, I remember that the dishes in Jiangshi Grand Hotel are not so bland. The hot and sour fish is simply the soul of the meal. I thought there would be one, but why isn't it?"

Director: "It's good to eat something, why don't you order takeaway?"

Assistant director: "Hey, how can takeout compare to the soul dishes at Dafang Store in Jiangshi? Look at this fried shrimp. The shrimp is so big. Occasionally, you can eat something light, and your stomach will feel comfortable."

After the assistant director finished speaking, he feasted on it.

The director ate a piece of steamed fish, which was so delicious.

With Song Jianing on the set, the food has been upgraded to high-end.

Yan Zishu sat down with Wei Shangxun, Ye Wei, and Jiang Xiao to eat.

There is porridge, and she has a bowl of seafood porridge for herself. The fish is also very light, so she also ate a few more mouthfuls.

The person sitting next to Lu Ziran is of course Song Jianing. Song Jianing actually knows very well that today's lunch, Lu Ziran is for Yan Zishu. The meals are very light.

But only she knew about this matter. When others said that Lu Ziran was for her own sake, she could only smile bitterly. If Lu Ziran was really for her own sake, then she would be very happy.

Unfortunately not, Lu Ziran did it entirely for Yan Zishu.

She was curious, what was the relationship between the two of them?
It can make Lu Ziran's mood change so much. Through what happened last night and today, she knows that things are far from being as simple as she sees on the surface.

She must find out what the relationship between the two of them is.

Lu Ziran watched Yan Zishu eat happily, and even ate half a fish, the corners of his mouth couldn't restrain himself from rising.

Song Jianing caught his expression and felt as uncomfortable as eating Xiang. She usually likes to eat the food at Jiangshi Grand Hotel, but today she has no appetite at all.

In the afternoon shooting, Lu Ziran's acting skills were surprising again.

Yesterday the director felt that he had returned to normal. There is nothing to say about his acting skills.

However, today he almost gave him a heart attack.

The director roared angrily: "Sheng Yan, you played the bossy boss. Now you haven't found your Bai Yueguang. You are cold to everyone, not a hooligan."

"Okay, director, I still don't quite understand, why don't you ask screenwriter Yan to explain to me." Lu Ziran looked at Yan Zishu playfully.

Director: "..." He could see that this Second Young Master Lu just couldn't get along with Yan Zishu, otherwise, why would he always find trouble with Yan Zishu.

Yan Zishu couldn't see that Lu Ziran did it on purpose, didn't he just don't want to see him, and wanted to embarrass himself and leave the crew?
However, she will not leave until her work is completed.

He had to bear it if he didn't want to see him again.

She walked over calmly to tell Lu Ziran a play, she knew what Lu Ziran knew, but every time Yan Zishu told him very seriously.

Over and over again, tirelessly.

When it was past five o'clock, it still hadn't happened.

The director felt that he hadn't finished filming the TV series yet, and he had already sacrificed for this drama.

"Screenwriter Yan, how Sheng Yan and Nalan Jin want to hug each other, you release him once." The director shouted helplessly at Yan Zishu.

Su Cheng played the role of the second female lead, she was dismissed from left to right again and again, she even doubted her own acting skills, what made her doubt even more was Lu Ziran's acting skills, why was it even more difficult than the first scene yesterday?
(End of this chapter)

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