Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2307 Swallow, see you in your dream

Chapter 2307 Swallow, see you in your dream
Chapter 2307: Swallow, see you in your dream
Seeing his shameless look, Yan Zishu couldn't help but sneer, seeing the crowds around her, she also lowered her voice: "Lu Ziran, can you show some shame?"

"No, I can't catch up with my wife. Yanzi, don't cry." Lu Ziran gently wiped the corners of her eyes.

"Go away a little bit." Yan Zishu shyly crooked him with his arm.

This man is really shameless.

After the movie was over, everyone left one after another.

Lu Ziran was not in a hurry to leave, but waited for everyone to leave before taking Yan Zishu away.

Back in the car, everything went smoothly, no one recognized him, and no one chased them, Lu Ziran was extremely happy.

Moreover, he even kissed Yan Zishu smoothly, Han Yuxuan's method was good, and he thought about sending him a red envelope when he got home later to show his gratitude.

Lu Ziran glanced at the time, it was past nine o'clock.

I'm going back. Is my daughter still sick?
"Swallow, let's go back."

Yan Zishu: "Yes!"

Du Xin started the car and left.

Along the way, Yan Zishu looked out of the car window, wondering what he was thinking.

Lu Ziran didn't bother her either. With Du Xin, a big light bulb, he couldn't say anything.

When they arrived at the Chican Bridge in Ningshi, Yan Zishu suddenly spoke.

"Duxin, pull over to the side of the road, I want to go down for a walk."

"Okay, Miss Yan." Du Xin slowed down slowly and parked the car on the side of the road.

"Swallow, I'll accompany you down for a walk."

Yan Zishu did not refuse him.

At night, the lights of the Chican Bridge flicker like a dragon flying, which is very spectacular.

The night wind was very soft, brushing against his cheeks, it was the moisture in the river water, carrying a faint coolness.

The two walked side by side. Lu Ziran also knew that tonight's movie made her feel hurt. He was careless and didn't read the plot of the story. He just bought the ticket because he thought Yanzi wanted to watch it. Now he regrets it. That's too late.

"Swallow, are you still sad?" he asked.

Yan Zishu shook his head: "It's not sad, it's just that I feel uncomfortable and want to walk."

"Okay, then I'll walk with you."

Yan Zishu nodded, but did not speak.

The two walked across the bridge silently before returning to the car.

All the way home, Yan Zishu was silent all the way, Lu Ziran didn't know what to say, at this moment, he knew that silence is the best company.

When they arrived at the gate of Yanzishu's house, Yanzi Shula drove down, and Lu Ziran followed.

"Swallow." The voice in the night was as gentle as water, like a feather gently passing through the tip of my heart, rippling with ripples.

Yan Zishu looked back at him, but his eyes were a little afraid to meet his eyes.

Lu Ziran smiled, and walked over with a slender figure, leaning over, a clear breath enveloped her.

Yan Zishu's heart froze, and when he was puzzled, Lu Ziran quickly lowered his head and kissed her forehead: "Swallow, good night! I'll see you in my dream!"

After speaking, before Lu Ziran could turn around, he got back into the car.

Yan Zishu froze in place, there seemed to be his faint warmth on his forehead.

She didn't realize it until the car left, she could only stomp her feet sullenly, the bastard Lu Ziran bullied her again.

Yan Zishu had been watching the lights on the third floor before entering the door. The moment he entered the door, Yan Zishu suddenly discovered a problem. She seemed to be used to Lu Ziran living next door.

With him around, she felt that everything around her became beautiful.

During this time of work, whenever I have free time, I always think about what Lu Ziran is doing?
Now only one hand can move, and I don't know if he can be more peaceful with his daughter at home.

Except for work, whenever she has free time, she always thinks about Lu Ziran.

She involuntarily raised a stunning smile. Under the night, it was very seductive. She didn't seem to hate this kind of life.

The next morning, Lu Ziran still got up early to send Yan Zishu to work, so he deliberately came earlier because he was afraid that there would be nothing left.

When he came over, Yan Zishu had just woken up. She had been very busy these days, and she suddenly switched to new media. She really became very busy all of a sudden, and she still had to go to the company for a meeting early this morning.

After she put on her makeup and went out after having breakfast, she saw Lu Ziran standing beside the car. The morning sun was pouring down on him, and in the morning light, he was shining brightly.

Dusin sat in the car and yawned.

Looking at each other, Lu Ziran smiled softly. In the morning light, she looked very beautiful.

"Swallow, get in the car and take you to the company."

Yan Zishu pursed her lips slightly, but she didn't refuse, she walked over.

Lu Ziran opened the car door, took out a bouquet of roses from inside, and handed it to Yan Zishu: "Swallow, here it is for you!"

Seeing the roses he liked, Yan Zishu was full of joy, and looked at him in surprise, "Where did you buy the roses so early?" At this time, the door has not yet opened?

Lu Ziran didn't answer her question, but asked with a smile, "Do you like it?"

Yan Zishu smiled captivatingly, and said shyly, "I like it very much!"

It was a strangely good morning.

She lowered her head and smelled it. The scent of roses was very light, and she liked it very much.

Like Kiki, she loves roses!

"Swallow, get in the car." Lu Ziran took a step back with a smile, and looked at her gorgeous smile that she had to put away in time, her eyes became softer.

"En!" Yan Zishu happily got into the car and greeted Du Xin.

"Dussin, good morning!"

"Morning! Miss Yan." Du Xin smiled, looking tired.

The person who chased his wife was obviously the Second Young Master, but he was the one who was tired.

These few days are really tiring. He has to get up at seven o'clock to get the roses.

Yan Zishu went out at 08:30, sometimes earlier, and he had to go out early to get it.

The car drove steadily all the way. Yan Zishu was happy today. After the car drove for a certain distance, she asked Lu Ziran, "Did you take your medicine on time when you went back yesterday?"

Lu Ziran: "Eat!"

Yan Zishu: "How about breakfast this morning?"

Lu Ziran shook his head: "I haven't eaten yet, it's too early, I can't eat any more, I'll go eat after sending you back later."

Yan Zishu thought for a while and said, "Forget it, there is a delicious breakfast restaurant near our company, I'll treat you to it!"

"Okay!" Lu Ziran wished for nothing, he was very happy to have breakfast with her.

Yan Zishu glanced at the time and gave Du Xin the address before it was too late.

Woke up early in the morning, but there was no traffic jam. After more than ten minutes, Du Xin stopped the car, determined not to be a light bulb, and consciously brought a portion to the car to eat.

This is a traditional rice noodle shop, and Yan Zishu likes it very much.

Come early in the morning to get a seat, Yan Zishu took Lu Ziran to find a secret place to sit down, the two sat face to face, she helped him order the flavors he usually likes to eat.

"Lu Ziran, you can't eat spicy food now, so don't put spicy food in it."

Lu Ziran: "Okay, I will listen to you."

Only then did Yan Zishu smile in satisfaction, is he obedient?

(End of this chapter)

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