Chapter 2312 She Is Really Stupid

Chapter 2312: She is really stupid

Lu Ziran looked at her movements, inexplicably wanted to laugh, but didn't dare to laugh. When he smiled, Yanzi was about to get angry again.

"Swallow, listen to me, don't worry about what happened last night, you are my girlfriend, you don't have to hide anything in front of me, you can be yourself happily, what I like is that you are real state, so don't feel embarrassed."

"You can't do whatever you want in front of your boyfriend, how miserable your life is."

"So, Yanzi, you can do whatever you want in front of me from now on."

Yan Zishu froze for a moment, stared blankly at his smiling handsome face, and to be honest, was moved by his words.

"Can you really tolerate everything about me?" Yan Zishu looked at him and asked in surprise.

Lu Ziran smiled and asked back: "Swallow, then I am in your heart, what do you think of me? Why can't I tolerate everything about you?" Today they have the opportunity, they can talk about this issue.

Yan Zishu's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice, "I thought you were a scum before!"

Lu Ziran: "..." These words really hurt my heart!

Yan Zishu looked at his handsome face suddenly lost, and smiled again: "Now that I get along with you, I feel that you are very considerate and careful."

Lu Ziran smiled instantly, sure enough, this is the power of words.

The last sentence can make you fall to the bottom, and the next sentence can make you rise to the clouds!
Lu Ziran looked at Yan Zishu with a cheerful smile.

Yan Zishu is very funny, so he is stupid.

"You can't bear to be praised!"

Lu Ziran: "That's because the person who praised me is a swallow."

"Hmph! You really can say anything with this mouth. Let me ask you, how do you know that Yang is always the cooperating veteran?"

Lu Ziran suddenly remembered what happened last night, and he was still in a bad mood. He told Jiang Xiaohe what he learned from Mu Ziheng when he called her.

After Yan Zishu heard this, she felt lingering fears. If Lu Ziran hadn't come to pick her up last night, she would really have been taken advantage of by that doggy man.

"What about those people now?"

Lu Ziran: "The police station has opened a case for investigation."

Yan Zishu breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I can rest assured."

She looked at Lu Ziran again, and thanked him sincerely: "Lu Ziran, thank you! If it weren't for you, I can't even imagine what would have happened last night?"

"Fool!" Lu Ziran gave a doting smile and said, "Swallow, tell the truth after drinking, was what you said last night true?"

Yan Zishu's face turned red in an instant. Would it be too late for her to say that she couldn't remember what she said?
After falling asleep and waking up, she remembered everything.

She would rather she couldn't remember anything now.

"What... what did you say?" Yan Zishu planned to crawl into the turtle shell and not come out for a while.

What a shame!

And in front of her male god.

Lu Ziran watched her pretend again, feeling a little helpless, but through what happened last night, he already knew that she still had him in her heart, and that was enough.

"Lu Ziran, I want to eat potato chips, pure and original flavor, I want to eat now." Yan Zishu thought it was better to change the topic, this topic is too embarrassing.

Lu Ziran stood up and said, "Yanzi, wait a minute, I'll go buy it."

"Oh!" Yan Zishu didn't dare to look at him, and waited for the door to close before she raised her head.

The mobile phone beside her vibrated, she picked it up and saw that it was Qiqi.

Lu Ziqi: [Xiao Shu, how are you getting along with my brother during this time?Little Yiyi is fine, don't worry, my dad took him to Uncle Mu's house today to find Little Ruyi to play with. ]
Yan Zishu looked at it and smiled, she knew her son was having a good time there.

Every night when I have a big video call with him, he is so excited.

Yan Zishu: [Qiqi, your second brother and I are on good terms. ]
After thinking about it, she still told Lu Ziqi what happened last night.

Between her and Lu Ziqi, apart from Lu Ziran's matter, there was nothing to talk about.

Yan Zishu edited several times before explaining clearly what happened last night.

When Lu Ziqi saw it, she sat on the bed and leaned forward laughing.

Han Yuxuan watched from the side, just smiled dotingly, hugged her and watched them chatting together.

Although you can't see the smiles between their little sisters, it is obviously more important to be happy with your wife.

Lu Ziqi: [Xiao Shu, the tone of my second brother's speech has changed a lot now. I found that he has grown up very fast during this time. Xiao Shu, it was you who changed him, and you made him grow up.Xiao Shu, when will you become my second sister-in-law? ]
[If you marry into our house, the two of us can play together. ]
Looking at her words, Yan Zishu couldn't help but smile.

[Hehehehe, do you want me to marry into your Lu family just to play with you? ] Of course, this is a joke, she knows Kiki will not take it to heart.

Lu Ziqi: [Xiao Shu, it’s true to play with me, and it’s true to be my second sister-in-law. You don’t even know how much my mother likes you. She went to Ningshi for half a month and came back always talking about you, Our family loves you very much. ]
[Of course, we hope that you and my second brother can hit it off. ]
Yan Zishu took a deep breath, and Lu Ziran's sudden appearance made up for many regrets in her life. She was young and frivolous, and her notebook recorded what she and he wanted to do together.

Now I have done several times, shopping together, watching movies together, going to a banquet together, all of these have been realized.

Yan Zishu: [Qiqi, I see. ]
Lu Ziqi: [Xiao Shu, I ordered some wild mushrooms here, and airlifted some to you, as well as lychees, remember to eat them. ]
Yan Zishu remembered that this season is the season when a large number of lychees are on the market.

Wild mushrooms are also a favorite of hers, and the Lu family would airlift some over to her family in previous years.

Yan Zishu: [Thank you Qiqi! ]

Lu Ziqi: [Xiao Shu, let's stop talking, I'm going for a walk. ]
Yan Zishu: [Alright, take care of your body and don't get too tired. ]
After chatting with Lu Ziqi, Lu Ziran also came back, carrying large and small bags in his uninjured hands.

Yan Zishu walked over and took it, "Why did you buy so much?"

Lu Ziran: "I'm used to it."

Yan Zishu: "..." Well, everyone in his family loves to eat, and they are used to buying so much, which is normal!

Yan Zishu took out the flavor he liked and ate it.

Eating and eating, she thought of Lu Ziran's expression when she went out again, his expression made her feel very bad, as if there was something that couldn't be solved, it made him extremely uncomfortable!

She simply put down the potato chips in her hand and asked, "Lu Ziran, do you have something to hide from me, such as something you can't solve?"

She wanted to share some with him.

Lu Ziran smiled and said, "No, what can I do. But let's go home after a short rest, and Dr. Huo will come over later."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Yan Zishu's mind, and he looked at his hand suddenly, so she was really stupid, and what Lu Ziran was most worried about right now was his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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