Chapter 2331 You Can't Escape 2
Chapter 2331: You Can't Escape 2
Just today, she was kicked out by her family and abandoned by her boyfriend, leaving her alone in her world.

Just returned to China, there is only one friend, and I can't find her now, Yue Lingxi hangs her shoulders weakly, that bastard is so energetic, her waist is about to break, if she hadn't drank alcohol, under the paralysis of alcohol , she thought she would faint already.

She did faint, and when she woke up, she didn't dare to see who that person was, she just felt that the other person was tall and brave, mighty and oppressive.

And she doesn't want to know who it is?

She smiled again, her desolate smile highlighted a deep loneliness under the dim yellow light.

Her brows and eyes are alluring, her eyes are picturesque, vivid and clear, like the moon like a lake, and there is a bit of chic in her coldness.

Thinking of reporting to the Lu Corporation tomorrow, she cheered up again.

She lowered her head to glance at the time and looked around, she found another hotel and opened a room, ready to take a good rest and deal with tomorrow's work.

The Lu Group was handed over to Lu Haocheng's eldest son Lu Zijun three months ago, and now Lu Haocheng has retreated behind the scenes and has become the chairman of the Lu Group.

the student surpasses the master.

The young Lu Zijun's business methods are even better than his father's.

Commercial giants, not only in the whole of Asia, but now more than half of the assets abroad are owned by the Lu family.

No one would not envy such a family background!

The resume she submitted before returning to China was accepted by the Lu Group, and she will go to work in the design department tomorrow.

Lu's Group has always focused on clothing, which is also nostalgic, because the wife of the chairman of the Lu's Group has been fond of designing since she was a child, and the Lu's Group has been doing this all the time.

Now that the Lu Group is in the hands of Lu Zijun, he is still working on the design.

I heard that Lu Zijun graduated from an elite university in country M, which is one of the best universities in the world, and there are only a handful of people in country Z who study at an elite university.

Yue Lingxi opened a room, and when she was taking a shower, she almost rubbed off a layer of skin, but she still felt uncomfortable.

Judging from the man's figure and breath, he doesn't look like an older person, and his voice is nice, so even if she is bitten by a dog, she won't feel disgusted.

Does that bastard Feng Tao make her sick?

Greasy, she was literally blind.

Yue Lingxi came out of the shower and set the alarm clock on her mobile phone. She can drink well, and after a hangover, she won't feel too uncomfortable, but she is tired and sleepy!

Early the next morning, when Lu Zijun woke up, his whole body was still aching, he frowned slightly, thinking of everything last night, it was still a little unreal.

He got up very early, and after calling Song Yao to come over, he went straight home for breakfast.

Back home, only father and mother were there. The two got up early and just came back from exercising. After Lu Hao successfully became a man and retired, he felt a lot more relaxed. He is now planning a travel route. He wants to drive a caravan, but blue Xin disagrees.

Lu Haocheng had no choice but to give up, and the first stop for the two of them was Ningshi to see their grandson and granddaughter.

"Dad, Mom." Lu Zijun's voice was gentle. He only showed such a gentle expression at home. In front of outsiders, he was like a statue.

Lan Xin looked at her son, smiled lovingly, and felt distressed: "Xiaojun, why did you come back after dawn? Did you work late again last night?"

Lu Zijun shook his head slightly, with a faint smile on his picturesque eyebrows: "Mom, no, I'm resting at the hotel, and I'm coming back for breakfast now."

"Okay, then you wait, mom goes to the kitchen to have a look." Lan Xin patted her son's arm lightly, originally wanted to pat his shoulder, but his son was too tall, and it was troublesome for her to stand on tiptoe.

Lu Haocheng looked at his son, his eyes flickered, and asked: "Xiao Jun, it seems that you are very comfortable with the company's affairs."

Lu Zijun smiled helplessly, "Dad, you are only 50 years old this year, and I am 25 years old this year. You still have ten years to stand at the top of the pyramid. Why do you have to let me inherit the company?"

The chairman of other enterprises is still managing the affairs of the company in his 70s.

Even though it had been three months, Lu Zijun was still very depressed.

Ranran stayed in Ningshi to live, came back occasionally, and only took care of the business in Ningshi, and Qiqi followed Han Yuxuan back to their small home, and the three younger brothers were still young.

In an instant, he became the breadwinner of the family.

I have great responsibilities on my shoulders. Although I don't feel out of breath, I still like to live a free life.

Lu Haocheng: "I'm also managing the company's affairs. With Jincheng watching, my life is easier. I have struggled for so many years, and it's time to rest. Now it's your young people's world."

Lu Zijun didn't say anything, he was not in a good mood, he sat down, and after a while, Lan Xin came out with a glass of warm water.

"Xiaojun, drink some hot water to warm your stomach first."

"Thank you mom!" Lu Zijun took the glass and drank half of it.

After breakfast, he went back to his room to change clothes.

Seeing the scratches on his back, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he put on a silky black shirt and black straight-leg trousers. His slender body, as long as jade, was ascetic and wrapped in a coolness that was not angry and majestic.

He turned around and went downstairs, Song Yao was already waiting in the living room.

"President, there is an early meeting at [-]:[-] this morning, a dinner with the partner at noon, and an inspection of the northern city in the afternoon." Song Yao talked about today's itinerary.

When Lu Zijun heard that there was a social meeting, he felt uncomfortable all over. Now that his father is retiring, Uncle Ou is also retiring and going home to take care of the family business.

Now Lu's Group really only has the younger generation, and only the mother is the chairman of the Yida Group. That's because the mother has no suitable person to take over.

Otherwise he will be even busier!

Lu Zijun pursed the corners of his lips. It had been three months, and he still wasn't used to such a scene of flirting with others.

"Let's go." He said in a deep voice.

"Yes, President." Song Yao followed behind him cautiously, and for some reason, he always felt that the President was unhappy today.

Also, when has their president been happy?
"By the way, President, a new designer has arrived today, and he will officially start working from today."

"En! Got it." Lu Zijun nodded slightly.

Yue Lingxi woke up when the alarm clock rang for the third time, and when she opened her eyes, looking at the bright sunshine outside, she silently got up and took a shower.

After washing up, she took a taxi to her friend Tang Yiyi's house.

When she came out of that house yesterday, she put her luggage at a friend's house.

Tang Yiyi lives in an ordinary community, an ordinary family, but Yue Lingxi's best friend before going abroad.

"Boom..." She knocked on the door.

Soon, a cute-looking girl with a ball head, wearing a pink T-shirt and denim shorts poked her head out and looked at Yuelingxi, very happy.

Tang Yiyi smiled: "Xixi, you are here, come in quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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