Chapter 2341 I Won't Let Her Go

Chapter 2341: I won't let her go

Lin Shan was taken aback by his sudden anger.

Xia Qin was taken aback!
Yue Lingxi: "..." Waiting to be torn apart now!
Lin Shan looked at Yue Lingxi fiercely, and was very angry: "Yue Lingxi, didn't I ask you to send it there? Why didn't you send it there?"

Yue Lingxi looked at her calmly: "I'm sorry, I rejected you, but you forced me to come here. I don't have time to go, so I can only send it back to you."

Lin Shan was in a hurry, this bitch, actually did this.


"Enough!" Lu Zijun roared angrily.

Lin Shan suddenly had a bad feeling, she lowered her head and dared not look at Lu Zijun.

Lu Zijun stood up abruptly and looked at Lin Shan: "Why do you let Designer Yue do your work?"

Lin Shan was in a hurry. It was not easy to join the Lu Group. She knew that after Lu Zijun came back, he adjusted the technology and system again, and the company laid off a group of redundant people.

And now he is still regulating other systems, and those who can use robots will never hire humans.

In a word, for the sake of easy management, and the artificial intelligence robot will not make mistakes or betray, Lu Zijun likes this kind of manipulation very much.

"I'm sorry! President, Designer Yue just came. I wanted to let her get acquainted with the company's procedures, but I didn't expect that she didn't go." Lin Shan put all the responsibilities on Yue Lingxi.

Anyway, this woman may not be appreciated by the CEO, and now the CEO's favorite designer is Xia Qin.

How can she compare with Xia Qin as a newcomer?
Yue Lingxi: "Assistant Lin, I was already familiar with the company's procedures before I took office."

Xia Qin saw that the momentum was wrong, and she looked apologetic: "President, I'm sorry, I didn't handle the matter well?"

Lu Zijun looked at Xia Qin with deep eyes: "Director Xia, is this a problem that you haven't handled well? This is your assistant, and it's her work attitude. Suppressing newcomers and making them run errands, is this kind of thing necessary? Hold your head and think about it?"

Yue Lingxi: "..." President, add points for your favorability.

Yue Lingxi thought in her heart, you are the best in the world right now.

"President, I'm sorry, I'll go over in person now." Xia Qin picked up the design drawing on the table, turned and left.

Lin Shan didn't dare to stay, and quickly left with Xia Qin.

Lu Zijun glanced at Yue Lingxi, "It's changed!"

Yue Lingxi nodded slightly: "Okay, please take a look at the president."

"En!" Lu Zijun cherished words like gold.

He walked to the computer desk.

Yue Lingxi gave him the flash drive, and her modified animation was more convincing than the original one.

In the elevator, Lin Shan was shaking with anger, but there was nothing she could do.

"I'm sorry! Sister Xia, this matter has troubled you." She looked at Xia Qin with a sorry face, that bitch Yue Lingxi, she would not let her go.

Xia Qin's complexion was very bad. All along, her work was considered excellent, and this was the first time she made a mistake.

"Don't say it, I was careless. I should confirm it before coming to the office."

Yue Lingxi is not easy to bully, this can be seen from this incident.

The most important thing for a woman is to keep herself safe, especially in front of a man like Lu Zijun.

Lu Zijun's favorite female character must be the type of a good wife and mother.

"No, Sister Xia, it's Yue Lingxi's fault. She dared to bully us. I won't let her go." Lin Shan gritted her teeth angrily. No one had ever dared to bully her like this.

When Xia Qin heard this, she slightly curled the corners of her lips in satisfaction. With Lin Shan around, she didn't have to make a move.

In the CEO's office, Yue Lingxi looked at Lu Zijun nervously.

The man's moderately thick lips were tightly pressed, and his black eyes were focused on the computer screen.

As time passed bit by bit, Lu Zijun nodded in satisfaction. He had seen Yue Lingxi's design before, and felt that she had potential in her. With a little polishing, she would definitely become a dazzling pearl.

He wasn't very satisfied with Xia Qin's design, Xia Qin stuck to the rules, but Yue Lingxi's works were much more flexible.

Lu Zijun's slender fingers let go of the keyboard, and his voice was sweet: "It's alright, tomorrow morning when the morning meeting..."

Lu Zijun stopped suddenly, "Tomorrow is the weekend."

"Yes, President." Yue Lingxi answered her. This is also a good place in Lu's Group. Except for the on-duty staff, the senior management basically takes two days off, and the benefits are very good.

Lu Zijun looked at Song Yao: "After Xia Qin came back, he called the design department and held an emergency meeting. These clothes from designer Yue are finalized."

"Okay, President." Song Yao smiled.

He looked at Yue Lingxi: "Congratulations to the designer!"

"Thank you Assistant Song!" Yue Lingxi was in a very good mood!
"Thank you, President, I will work hard!" Yue Lingxi bowed deeply. There is nothing more exciting for her than this work being recognized.

Lu Zijun took a deep look at her, didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

With excitement, the corners of her mouth turned up, Yue Lingxi walked away from the president's office with joyful steps.

Song Yao also called Xia Qin.

Xia Qin, who received a lot of calls, was slapped repeatedly by something.

As soon as she arrived at the factory, her footsteps stopped suddenly, and the things in her hands almost fell to the ground.

This Yue Lingxi is not as simple as she imagined.

"What's wrong? Miss Xia."

Lin Shan's expression was also very bad. Could it be that the president wanted to fire them? That would be too embarrassing.

Xia Qin looked at Lin Shan, "Yue Lingxi's modified design has been approved by the president, there is a meeting later."

Lin Shan couldn't believe it when she heard it, "How is it possible?"

Xia Qin: "Shanshan, don't judge people by their appearances!"

Xia Qin knew that Lin Shan was brave and foolish!

Missy has a bad temper and is impulsive and prone to bad things, but it's not all bad.

And when she likes Lu Zijun, she only dares to like Lu Zijun secretly, she won't talk around with her mouth like Lin Shan, wishing to mark Lu Zijun as all her belongings.

She knew very well that people like Lu Zijun, once they fell in love with him, would last a lifetime.

Conversely, if it is pasted upside down, it will cause a fishy smell.

The best way is to use other people's ability to get along with Lu Zijun more, and make love with each other for a long time.

After figuring this out, Xia Qin felt better again.

In the president's office!

Song Yao couldn't help gossiping, "President, this designer Yue is really good. I put Lin Shan together. I heard that Lin Shan's family conditions are good, but she has a strong desire for revenge. This designer Yue will probably be punished." She wears shoes."

When Lu Zijun heard this, he frowned slightly, he hated this kind of discordant design department.

Human nature is like this, but he still hates it.

Lu Zijun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Song Yao, get someone to pay attention, Yue Lingxi is a new dark horse, and her design style is very novel."

Song Yao understood the president's words in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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