Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2353 Don't Come To Work Tomorrow

Chapter 2353 Don't Come To Work Tomorrow
Chapter 2353: Don't come to work tomorrow

Lin Shan tilted her head stupidly, the slap came too suddenly.

Lu Zijun's eyes flickered, and he looked at his younger brother: "Enough trouble?"

Lu Ziyao roared back: "No?"

The Lu family was full of stubborn tempers, and they all followed Lu Haocheng.

Never suffer from a bit of uselessness.

Lu Zijun: "Then what do you want?"

Lu Ziyao's eyes turned red with anger: "Brother, if this kind of person stays in the company, it will damage the company's image. I want you to fire her immediately. If you don't fire her, I will call Dad. If Dad disagrees, I will call you." Give it to mom, mom will go out, and you all stand aside."

Everyone knows that Lan Xin of the Lu family has the final say.

Lin Shan was still scared, regretted, her face was ashen, she was angry with herself why her eyesight was so bad, and it was not good to offend anyone, but she offended the Fourth Young Master of the Lu family.

It was the first time Lu Zijun saw his grown-up brother cry. When he was a child, he cried. It was when his father and mother got married and went out for their honeymoon. At that time, they were three years old. They hadn’t seen their parents for several days, so they wanted to cry. up.

The three brothers are all attached to their parents. They are not at home, so they can take care of them during the day. At night, the three brothers start crying to find their parents.

But he hadn't seen his brothers cry since they were grown up.

Being so angry today, it also made him see the outside world, which was more difficult than they imagined.

"No, no, Si Shao, I'm sorry, I don't know you, that's why I had such a misunderstanding today, please forgive me, I will never do this again." She is still waiting to become the wife of the president of the Lu Corporation Woolen cloth?
After today's disturbance, she was a little further away from the president, and she was a bitch like Yue Lingxi. Without her, she would not have become like this.

Lu Ziyao frowned, and said sarcastically: "It's someone else, what are you going to do? Why don't you trample on other people's dignity? I tell you, whether you are poor or rich, everyone is equal. You like to trample on others." , I will let you taste what it feels like to be stepped on today, pack up your things immediately, and get out of the Lu Group."

Lu Ziyao pointed in the direction of the gate, "From now on, don't show up at the gate of Lu's Group again, my eyes are dirty looking at you."

woo woo woo woo……

Lu Ziyao gritted his teeth angrily, because he didn't know how to swear, so he was even angrier.

Lu Zijun raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "What's wrong?"

Lu Ziyaohong stared at him, his tone became even more uncomfortable, and he was furious, "I don't know how to swear or say nasty things, I'm so ashamed!"

Everyone: "..."

When Lu Zijun heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

This silly boy is so cute!

Lin Shan looked at Lu Zijun begging for help, "President, I really didn't do it on purpose?"

Lu Zijun: "My brother apologized, why is he still relentless?"

"I..." Lin Shan choked, and there was a reason for her reluctance. At first, she thought that this brat was delivering food, and a food delivery guy just wanted to do it like this, and he had something to do with Yuelingxi. She wouldn't agree.

Lu Zijun asked again: "Why do you say Yaoyao was instructed by Designer Yue, and what did Designer Yue instruct Yaoyao to do?"

"I..." Lin Shan burst into tears, "I'm sorry, Designer Yue, I... I made a slip of the tongue just now."

Yue Lingxi: "I'm sorry, I don't accept your apology, you didn't make a slip of the tongue, you insulted people on purpose."

Yue Lingxi was a man who had revenge, but Lin Shan's words made her very angry.

"Designer Yue!" Lin Shan frowned and looked at Yue Lingxi threateningly. She never thought that she would let this woman step down, and this woman would be so ignorant.

Who does she think she is?

"Brother, don't you want her to go?" Lu Ziyao looked at his brother angrily.

Lu Zijun: "It's not right about people."

Lu Ziyao burst into tears suddenly, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

He threw himself into Yuelingxi's arms.

Yue Lingxi: "..." This silly boy.

"Sister Xixi, I'm sorry! I'm still young and I can't protect you well, but don't worry, I'll call my mother right away, and I will never let anyone bully you."

Lu Ziyao took out his phone and called his mother.

Lu Zijun frowned and looked at him, "Hung up the phone."

"Don't hang up."


Lan Xin: "Yaoyao, what's wrong?"

"Woooooo...Mom, I was bullied, and my elder brother didn't help me. Mom, woooooo...I did nothing wrong, I apologized, but the other party refused to forgive me, and even slapped me. Sister Xixi saved me."

Lu Zijun's eyebrows were beating violently.

This kid really made a phone call.

Lan Xin: "Yaoyao, is your elder brother by your side?"

"Here, he won't help me, mom, can you come back, I miss you."

Lu Zijun stared at her bitterly: "Give me the phone."

"Hmph! I won't give it. If you don't fire this person today, you won't be my big brother." Lu Ziyao was also stubborn.

Lan Xin: "Yaoyao, be obedient, your elder brother is measured, give your elder brother the phone."

"Here!" Lu Ziyao handed the phone to Lu Zijun.

Lu Zijun answered the phone, turned around and went to the door of the fire escape to answer the phone.

The crowd didn't hear what he said, they only saw him standing quietly, nodding slightly before hanging up the phone.

Turn around and walk back gracefully.

Lin Shan has given up any hope, she is really out of her mind.

Why is she so unlucky?

"Yaoyao, take your sister Xixi upstairs to change clothes, I will take care of things here."

Lu Ziyao looked at him in disbelief: "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Lu Zijun: "Follow the company's regulations, you go back first."

Lu Ziyao was a little reconciled: "Brother, if you don't fire her, I will ignore you again. What a company cares most about is the professionalism of its employees. This kind of person is like a cancer, which makes people look sick. .”

Lin Shan: "..." This brat even said that he can't swear, isn't that very slick?
"Hmph!" Lu Ziyao roared at Lin Shan, and said, "Sister Xixi, I'll take you to change clothes."

Yue Lingxi smiled and said: "Fourth Young Master, no need, I have them in my office, and I will change clothes in the office."

She felt warm in her heart, and when she was away from home, few people helped her like this.

People like Lin Shan can be met no matter where they are.

Even if Lin Shan is gone, such things will not be eliminated.

"Okay then, sister Xixi, I'll come over next weekend and treat you to burn jelly."

"Okay!" Yue Lingxi smiled.

Lu Zijun frowned, this is really endless.

Are you still reluctant?

Also, why is she smiling so happily?
After Yue Lingxi and Lu Ziyao left, Song Yao also handed over the monitoring.

Lu Zijun looked at Lin Shan, his tone was very flat: "Look at your behavior, and I know where I went wrong, so I don't have to come to work tomorrow."

"President...I..." Lin Shan was interrupted by Xia Qin before she finished pleading.

"President, I'm sorry, I didn't handle this matter well. I didn't know about it until I came back." Xia Qin knew that if she didn't go out, Lin Shan would really leave.

(End of this chapter)

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