Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2355 Are you worthy of my sister

Chapter 2355 Are you worthy of my sister
Chapter 2355: Are you worthy of my sister?
Yue Lingxi turned around and looked, it was the Yue family.

"Yuelingxi, Yuelingfeng, why are you here?" Yue Lingyun's obese body walked towards Yuelingxi arrogantly.

Yue Lingfeng was very angry when he saw Yue Lingyun, "What business do we have to do with you here?"

"Hey! Yue Lingfeng, you have had trouble with me since you were a child, and you still look down on me when you grow up. Let me tell you, you can't afford me now!" Yue Lingyun had a haughty, unattractive face, It looks a bit hideous.

Yue Lingfeng sneered coldly: "I really think of myself as a rich man, who wants to climb up on you, and don't you think you are worthy?"

Yue Lingfeng's tone was sarcasm, it's been more than [-] years, and there is no sibling relationship at all.

Yue Lingyun was a bad boy since she was a child.

"Yue Lingfeng, you bastard?" Yue Lingyun trembled with anger, every time she quarreled, she couldn't quarrel with Yue Lingfeng.

"Sister, let's go!" Yue Lingfeng didn't want to talk nonsense with this family.

That's how they look like family.

If my sister was in their house, she would be out of place.

The elder sister is so beautiful, and they all exist like servants.

Yue Sheng looked at the beautiful Yue Lingxi, and a wicked smile flashed across his ordinary facial features: "Xixi, I haven't seen you in half a year, you are getting more and more beautiful."

Yue Lingxi looked at Yue Sheng, knowing his disgusting face, her face gradually turned cold.

She looked over Yue Sheng and saw her former adoptive father and mother behind. They were obese, and this family was really a family when they were together.

Yue's mother likes big fish and big meat, and she has a plump figure. The advantage is that she has fair skin. She looks even more beautiful than Yue Lingyun.

She slowly retracted her gaze and looked at her younger brother beside her: "Xiaofeng, let's go."

"Xixi, don't rush away." Yue Sheng stepped forward quickly, blocking the way of the siblings.

Yue Lingxi looked at him defensively, she knew how hateful this brother in front of her was.

When he knew that she was not the biological daughter of the Yue family, he set his mind on her.

want to marry her!
She thought Feng Tao was okay, but Feng Tao was even worse.

Yue Sheng looked up at his parents who were not far away: "Dad, Mom, please hurry up, I finally saw Lingxi, let's explain things clearly before we leave."

Yue's father didn't speak, but Yue's mother quickened her pace.

Yue's mother looked at Yue Lingxi and her brother with a proud face.

"Hey! Lingxi, after all, we are still a family. Why don't you even say hello when you see your parents?"

The tone was mocking and arrogant, as if she were the empress dowager.

Yue Lingxi's complexion became more and more bad, how could she have the nerve to say such a thing?

"Mrs. Yue, I'm sorry, we can't afford to climb high in your family. My brother and I have something to do and left first."

"Wait!" Mother Yue narrowed her eyes, she now regrets letting Yue Lingxi go.

Yue Lingxi is so beautiful, she can bring back a lot of business for her.

Although she also likes her own daughter very much, every time she sees her huge body and takes her out, she is always laughed at by those rich wives.

Instead, everyone praised the beauty of Lingxi.

Yue Lingxi cannot marry Feng Tao, but it is also possible to marry other rich people.

Yue Sheng looked at Yue Lingxi's pretty face, and his legs began to feel weak.

"Mom, tell Lingxi quickly, I like her, let her marry me." Yue Sheng couldn't wait any longer.

Since seeing Yue Lingxi again, the women around him have become more and more distasteful to him.

He just wanted Yuelingxi.

Yue Lingxi looked at Yue Sheng with a cold face, only feeling sick.

"Yuesheng, are you dreaming?" Yue Lingxi's eyes turned red with anger.

Yue Lingfeng took a step forward, protecting his sister behind him, looking at Yue Sheng like an angry leopard ready to go.

Mother Yue smiled, and seeing Yue Lingxi's eyes turn red, she felt much better.

It's not that his own children are always unfamiliar, what a white-eyed wolf.

"Lingxi, I think highly of you if I asked you to marry Ah Sheng. You have also stayed in our family and know what is going on in our family. You have been living outside for a lifetime, and your income for a year is not as good as our family's income. Marrying Isn't it good for our family Yuesheng to enjoy the happiness?"

"Mom, I don't allow her to marry your brother." Yue Lingyun disagreed.

Yue Lingxi is so beautiful that she will take away her halo.

"Shut up!" Yue Sheng looked at his stupid younger sister displeased, and only knew how to eat every day.

"Brother..." Yue Lingyun was very unhappy, holding Yue's mother's arm and coquettishly: "Mom, in our family, I can't find what kind of woman my brother wants, why do I have to find a woman like Yue Lingxi?" .”

Yue Lingxi listened to their chat and was speechless. Why does this family rule her life.

"Yuesheng, I won't marry you even if I die, get out of the way!" Yue Lingxi was angry. She knew Yuesheng had such thoughts early in the morning. After returning to China, she carefully avoided Yuesheng, because Yue Sheng is also an out-and-out scumbag.

Relying on a little money at home, spending time and drinking outside, I don't know how many little girls have been cheated by him.

"Hehe!" Yue Sheng smiled angrily, looking at her watery little face carelessly, "Yue Lingxi, if I didn't see how pretty you are, do you think I would come to you?"

Yue Lingfeng said angrily: "Yue Sheng, don't take a piss to take care of yourself, are you worthy of my sister?"

Yue Sheng smiled evilly, raised his eyebrows, and looked arrogant: "Why can't I be worthy? I am rich. What kind of woman can't marry a rich woman? I can marry the most beautiful woman in the world."

Yue Lingfeng: "Really? Then you can use your money to marry the most beautiful woman in the world. My sister is not the most beautiful woman in the world, and my sister doesn't want to marry you at all. You can go wherever you are from, Good dogs don't get in the way!"

"Go away!" Yue Sheng didn't want to talk to the poor boy in front of him, so he pushed Yue Lingfeng hard.

Yue Lingfeng fell heavily to the ground, and the bottom of his eyes was ignited with monstrous anger.

"Xiaofeng." Yue Lingxi quickly squatted down to help him.

"Bastard, I'll fight with you." Yue Lingfeng suddenly got up from the ground and ran towards Yue Sheng.

Yue Sheng already had the upper hand, watching Yue Lingfeng attack him, raised his foot, and kicked Yue Lingfeng in the stomach.

Yue Lingfeng fell to the ground again, grinning in pain, but hated himself for not even being able to beat Yue Sheng.

How can he protect his sister if he is so weak?

Yue Sheng grew up like a punk, fighting and making trouble, he did all the things he would do during the rebellious period.

An obedient boy like Yue Lingfeng is only at a disadvantage in his hands.

"Xiaofeng, don't fight him, you can't beat him, he grew up fighting, don't be as knowledgeable as this kind of person." Yue Lingxi became impatient, and supported his younger brother vigorously.

As soon as she helped Yue Lingfeng up, Yue Sheng quickly took her hand, "Go, Xixi, come home with me."

"Let go!" Yue Lingxi struggled hard.

Yue Sheng was very strong, holding Yue Lingxi's wrist like iron tongs, making Yue Lingxi unable to break free no matter what.

Suddenly, Yuesheng let out a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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