Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2373 Why not introduce me to be your girlfriend

Chapter 2373 Why not introduce me to be your girlfriend
Chapter 2373: Why not introduce me to be your girlfriend
Lu Zijun listened to this, it was as simple as growing fruit, but the process was difficult.

"Forget it, my brother's family is twins, and Qiqi's family is also twins."

As for him...

He sneaked a glance at Yue Lingxi's stomach, which happened to be seen by Yue Lingxi again.

She immediately shyly put her hands on her belly.

Said: "My family is also twins."

After Yue Lingxi finished speaking, she was taken aback, why did she explain like this?

The corners of Lu Zijun's lips raised involuntarily, "I like my daughter."

Yue Lingxi: "..."

Her voice was very small: "I...I like my daughter too."

Lu Zijun's smile widened, "Then we will have a daughter."

"This... How does this involve the matter of having a baby." Yue Lingxi looked at him nervously.

She was a little concerned about what Yue Sheng said, whether Lu Zijun would play with her feelings.

No wonder she thought so, their relationship came too fast.

She was afraid that if she fell into it, she would not be able to get out of it for the rest of her life.

Lu Zijun turned his head and glanced at her with a gentle smile: "There will always be."

Yue Lingxi glanced at him, and couldn't help asking: "...Lu Zijun, are you sincere?"

When Lu Zijun heard this, he knew that Yuesheng's words made her feel insecure.

Coincidentally, when we arrived at the foot of Yuelingxi's family complex, Lu Zijun parked his car, looked at her and said, "Don't take what Yuesheng said to heart, whether I mean it or not, you feel it with your heart. If you can't feel it in your heart, I said that in many vows to eachother, you will not think that I am serious."

Yue Lingxi nodded, she must have thought about it.

For a person like Lu Zijun, once he likes someone, he means it sincerely.

"Get out of the car first." Lu Zijun took off the seat belt for her.

Yue Lingxi only took a look at Lu Zijun's car, it's a limited edition Lycan, the price is really beautiful!
She didn't even dare to think about the price.

When she got out of the car, Lu Zijun had already pulled out a lot of things from the trunk.

Yue Lingxi was startled, "Why do you buy so many?"

Lu Zijun looked at her: "I don't know what gifts to give for housewarming. When I went to the mall, I asked the salesperson. These things were recommended by them. I picked them myself. There are many daily necessities, as well as cakes. In Song Yao In the car."

Yue Lingxi: "..."

A lot of words, her family can't let go.

"Didn't you give me the card? Why do you still need to buy something?" She felt very stressed.

Lu Zijun smiled, "I want to make your life more comfortable, so that I can create better works."

"President, Designer Yue." Song Yao unknowingly came behind them.

"Assistant Song." Yue Lingxi also greeted with a smile.

Song Yao: "Designer Yue, let's go up."

Yue Lingxi nodded, and the three of them carried things up, there were too many things, but on the second floor, it didn't take much effort.

Yue Lingxi took out the key to open the door.

"Sister, you're back." Yue Lingfeng looked towards the door as soon as he heard the sound of the door opening.

"En! Xiaofeng, come and help me." Yue Lingxi was a little nervous, after all Lu Zijun brought too many things.

"Oh!" Yue Lingfeng was also taken aback when he saw Lu Zijun behind his sister.

Mr. Lu, he...why did he come here?

"Mr. Lu, hello!" Yue Lingfeng greeted in surprise.

Lu Zijun: "Hello!"

Unexpectedly, after a few people came in, four men in suits and leather shoes came up behind Song Yao, and they also had big bags and small bags in their hands. Yue Lingxi was dumbfounded, how could there be more?

After watching everyone put their things down, Song Yao handed a red envelope to Yue Lingxi, "Designer Yue, move on auspicious day, everything goes well."

Yue Lingxi was even more embarrassed, "Thank you, Assistant Song, the red envelope is unnecessary..."

Song Yao interrupted her: "Designer Yue, you want it, you want it, after you finish speaking, give the red envelope to Yue Lingxi and go out."


Yue Lingxi glanced at Lu Zijun, "Let Assistant Song stay for dinner?"

Lu Zijun remained expressionless: "No, he has to go back to work."

Yue Lingxi also stopped talking.

Turning around, there were still three men sitting on the sofa, all of them looked good.

Yue Lingfeng introduced with a smile: "Sister, they are all friends of mine at work, and they are having a good time. Today is the housewarming, and they came here to be lively."

Yue Lingxi greeted them with a smile.

Looking at the things piled up in the living room, Yue Lingxi felt a little helpless. Although it wasn't a big electrical appliance, it piled up a small room.

Yue Lingxi glanced at Lu Zijun helplessly, why did she buy so much?

At this time, Yue Wei came out of the kitchen, and seeing the things in the room, her eyes flickered.

She looked at her daughter with loving eyes: "Xixi is back."

Yue Lingxi smiled and said: "Mom, I'm back. This is Mr. Lu, my...friend."

"Ah... oh, is that right? Let your friend sit down!" Yue Wei's eyes fell on Lu Zijun's handsome face, and she stood with her daughter to match her.

Both height and appearance are outstanding, even more handsome than the stars in those TV dramas.

If only her daughter's boyfriend.

Lu Zijun took a step forward and called out respectfully, "Hello, Auntie!"

"Hello, Mr. Lu, please sit down!" Yue Wei was a little cautious, and knew that the Lu Group where Yue Lingxi worked was very large.

Lu Zijun: "Auntie, you're welcome, just call me Zijun!"

Ye Wei glanced at Yue Lingxi, who smiled and nodded.

It was only then that Yue Wei politely called out: "Zi Jun, sit down!"

"Okay, thank you, Auntie!" Lu Zijun sat opposite the three guys.

Several people nodded and greeted each other.

"It's not hard, it's not hard, you do it, and I'll make dinner."

Yue Wei turned around and went to the kitchen.

Yue Lingfeng lowered his eyes slightly, he really didn't expect that Lu Zijun would come.

He looked over, even if Lu Zijun was sitting, his aura was extremely strong, his long eyelashes drooped, his handsome eyebrows, his clean, fair and handsome appearance, his status was distinguished, how could he come back with his sister?

No, I have to try it later to see if it is what he thinks.

Mr. Lu has a good character, young and promising.

Yue Lingxi made tea for Lu Zijun.

Yue Lingfeng was busy putting things aside.

The living room is not too big, it’s okay for a family of three to live in, but the place becomes smaller when there are more people.

After packing up his things, Yue Lingfeng went to the small courtyard to set up tables, chairs, bowls and chopsticks.

Yue Lingxi glanced at WeChat, Yiyi will not come over for a while.

Yue Lingxi looked at Lu Zijun beside him, and said, "You sit and drink tea, and I'll help in the kitchen." There were so many people, mother couldn't do it alone.

Lu Zijun: "Good!"

Yue Lingxi got up, said some polite words to the three guys opposite, and went to the kitchen.

After Yue Lingfeng set up the dishes and came back, he also sat on the sofa and chatted with his friends.

He Jiayan smiled a bit reservedly: "Xiaofeng, your sister is so beautiful, why don't you introduce me as your girlfriend, you see, I still look good enough for your sister."

When Lu Zijun heard this, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at He Jiayan who was opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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