Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2375 Don't Think About It

Chapter 2375 Don't Think About It

Chapter 2375: Don't even think about it

After dinner, Yue Lingxi helped Yue Wei quickly clean up the dishes.

Yue Lingfeng greeted everyone to eat fruit in the living room. During this period, Lu Zijun got up to answer several calls and was very busy with work.

When Yue Lingxi came out, Lu Zijun just answered the phone and returned to the living room.

Looking at Yuelingxi, he said, "I still have to go to the company, so let's go first."

Yue Lingxi: "Then I'll take you down."

Lu Zijun nodded slightly, and after saying goodbye to everyone, he and Yue Lingxi went out.

Tang Yiyi looked at it, and with her piercing eyes, she felt that there was a drama between the two, and she had to show the spirit of soul torture to Xixi later.

When the two came downstairs, Yue Lingxi looked at him, "Do you still have to go to work so late?"

Lu Zijun nodded: "Well, I can finish it in an hour, and I'll go home and rest after finishing it."

Lu Zijun suddenly stretched out his hand to circle her.

"What, what are you doing?" Yue Lingxi looked at him a little nervously, afraid that there would be people around, and she would feel embarrassed.

Lu Zijun looked down at her, seeing her shy face, he was too reserved to look at him.

Lu Zijun smiled badly, and lowered his voice: "Xixi, I like when you're drunk."

Yue Lingxi's face suddenly turned red, and she thumped his chest, like an anxious and angry little rabbit, baring her teeth and claws to warn him, "Don't say anything, don't even think about it."

"That can't be helped, I can't control my thoughts." Lu Zijun smirked, "By the way, Xixi, that hotel is mine, if you miss me, we'll go there. Anyway, I miss you very much. If hotels are not your thing, there are also apartments near the company.”

Knowing the taste by eating the marrow, he is really at a young age now.

Now I can't wait to take her home.

"Aren't you ashamed? I'm going home to live now, and I may not have the chance to stay in a hotel, so don't even think about it." Yue Lingxi couldn't help but thumped his chest again.

The man stood still, looking at her affectionately, not at all his usual hard, serious and indifferent look.

"Then I'll think about how to marry you home." His deep and hoarse voice, in the dark night, made people's hearts numb.

Yue Lingxi didn't expect him to be so dishonest, this relationship came too suddenly, she needed time to slow down.

"Go to work quickly, don't be too late, go back to rest early." Yue Lingxi was afraid that he would work too late and not pay attention to his body.

The workload of the Lu Corporation is astonishingly large, she has seen it before.

Lu Zijun hugged her waist tightly, feeling nostalgic for her, and said in a gentle tone, "Yes! Kiss me, I can sleep well when I go back tonight."

Yue Lingxi stood on tiptoe with a blushing face, kissed him on the lips, and was about to leave, but Lu Zijun turned his back on the guest, and lingered deeply, until Yue Lingxi felt that he was about to be unable to breathe, Lu Zijun was reluctant to let go let her go.

The street lights were dim, and under the kapok tree, a few purple petals fell with the wind, and the faint floral fragrance was refreshing. Under the dim light, the figures of the two embracing each other were drawn, hazy and warm.

Lu Zijun's eyes were bottomless, and he said hoarsely, "Go back, see you tomorrow!"

Yue Lingxi blushed and nodded, then turned and went upstairs.

When she reached the stairs, she turned around and waved at him, and went up.

Lu Zijun watched her go upstairs before walking towards the parking lot.

Song Yao waited below, saw Lu Zijun coming, got out of the car and opened the door for Lu Zijun.

When Yue Lingxi returned home, without Lu Zijun, the atmosphere became much more lively. Yue Lingfeng chatted with a few friends very much.

"Sister, is Boss Lu gone?" Yue Lingfeng asked with a meaningful smile.

Yue Lingxi felt it, and became nervous, nodded quickly: "Let's go, he has to go back to the company to work overtime."

Yue Lingfeng shook his head: "The big boss is so busy, so tired!"

Yue Wei smiled and said, "Xixi, come over to eat some fruit and cakes."

Yue Lingxi walked over and sat beside Tang Yiyi.

Tang Yiyi handed her a piece of cake by the way, and said in surprise, "Did Mr. Lu buy this cake? This ice cream cake has eight flavors in one cake. It's so attractive to the taste buds, and it's also made by a famous cake maker." Yes, Mr. Lu really has a heart."

Yue Lingxi noticed that on Yuesheng's birthday, the Yue family would order the most expensive and delicious ice cream cake for Yuesheng.

She ate a few mouthfuls, and the more she ate, the more delicious she was, and she finished the last piece.

Tang Yiyi looked at her expression and smiled mysteriously.

Yue Lingfeng and his three friends were still talking about going to DF1.

In the end, everyone finalized the results, and applied for the job together according to the process three days later.

Several people played until after eleven o'clock before leaving. Tang Yiyi didn't find a chance to ask Yue Lingxi, so she had to go back first.

The house was empty all of a sudden, Yue Lingfeng looked at the gifts that occupied half of the living room, looked at his sister, "Sister, why don't we take all these gifts apart."

Yue Lingxi nodded: "Tear it down."

The family of three happily unwrapped the presents, and Yue Lingxi's mood became more and more complicated as they unwrapped them. Although these were not big-ticket items, they were not at all cheaper than big-ticket electrical appliances.

"Wow! Sister, my mother can make cakes. This oven is imported. Although it is not very big, it is enough for our family of three."

"Sister, there is also this rice cooker, which is very expensive, and the rice it cooks is delicious."

"Wow! Sister, with this wall-breaking machine, we can make fruit popsicles at home in summer. I like to make them. I will make them for my sister and mother tomorrow."

Yue Lingfeng was very excited, and had to say that their family needed everything Lu Zijun gave them.

Ye Wei glanced at her daughter, a little worried, the wealthy are the most ruthless, she was afraid that her daughter would be hurt.

Looking at her happy son, she didn't say anything, and planned to chat with her daughter when she had time.

The mother and son cleaned up for another hour before they cleaned up the house.

There are a lot of small appliances in the kitchen, it looks a bit crowded, but it has a homely atmosphere.

Yue Lingxi was tired all day, so she also went to take a shower and sleep. She lived in the second bedroom, and Yue Lingfeng was the only boy in the family, so the master bedroom was given to him.

It was originally for my mother to live in, but my mother didn't want to live in it, so she also lived in the second bedroom. Although the second bedroom is not big, it is already very satisfying for their family.

After Yue Lingxi lay down, she picked up her phone and took a look. Lu Zijun sent her a message more than ten minutes ago.

[Xixi, I'm home. ]
Yue Lingxi looked at the time, and the agreed one hour turned into more than two hours.

Yue Lingxi: [Then rest early, good night. ]
In fact, Lu Zijun had already showered and was waiting for news from Yue Lingxi.

Seeing her replying to his message, the corners of his lips raised involuntarily.

[Rest now, good night, see you tomorrow! ]
Yue Lingxi smiled happily. This kind of joy is different from that of a friend. As long as you send out the message and get a response from the other party, you will be very happy.

Yue Lingxi was having fun when Lu Zijun suddenly made a video call.

(End of this chapter)

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