Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2377 Will be jealous, just like him

Chapter 2377 Will be jealous, just like him

Chapter 2377: Being jealous, I just like him

"Brother Xiaojun, can I stay at your house? I don't like staying in hotels." Min Yu would not miss any chance to get along with him.

She should have returned to China earlier, she was by his side before, and there had never been any other girls by her side.

"No, I have never brought the opposite sex or friends home. My family is very strict with family protection." Lu Zijun refused without thinking.

His mother has suffered countless injuries, and his father will not allow his mother's photos to appear on the Internet.

Every child in their family will try their best to protect themselves outside, so as not to worry their family members.

The heart of defense is indispensable, no matter how good a person is, there will be times when he betrays.

And he has hidden his identity abroad for many years, that is, in order not to attract the attention of others.

Min Yu was very sad, and asked in a low voice, "Can't you be friends too?"

"No!" Lu Zijun replied simply.

"Okay, I'll listen to Brother Xiaojun's arrangement." Min Yu's face was pale, and her whole body was covered with a layer of sadness.

Lu Zijun didn't notice it at all.

Yue Lingxi could tell that this Lu Zijun was really cold-hearted, but it still depends on who he is right.

"En!" Lu Zijun nodded.

Song Yao was standing not far away, he walked over, said "Please!" to Min Yu, and stepped forward to lead the way.

"Designer Yue." Song Yao looked at Yue Lingxi and smiled.

"Morning Assistant Song!" Yue Lingxi greeted generously.

It was only then that Lu Zijun noticed Yue Lingxi.

Song Yao had sharp eyesight and led Min Yu into the elevator.

After entering the elevator, Min Yu looked at Lu Zijun, and saw that his handsome face was different from the indifference just now, but instead a gentleness and tenderness.

This was an expression she had never seen on Lu Zijun's face.

How sensitive a woman's sixth sense is, she instantly felt that Brother Xiaojun treated this woman differently.

However, the elevator doors were closed.

She smiled and asked Song Yao: "Assistant Song, is that an employee of the company?"

Song Yao nodded: "Yes, Miss Min."

"What's your name?" Min Yu asked again, as long as she knew the name, she could find out who it was.

Song Yao looked apologetic: "I'm sorry, Miss Min, it's inconvenient for us to leak questions about the company's employees."

Min Yu frowned slightly, but Song Yao was also on guard against her.

She looked at him amusedly: "Assistant Song, we have known each other for several years, don't you understand my character? Are you afraid that I will do something to the person Xiaojun likes?"

Her words were mainly to test Song Yao.

Song Yao was also trained in verbal and sharp-edged swords, and he knew how to read words and emotions, and he also understood Lu Zijun's temper. He smiled calmly: "Miss Min, you are serious when you say that. You are also an insider. It's not that we are guarding against you." , you also understand the market here."

Min Yu smiled, but didn't speak.

Song Yao, just wait for me. When I marry close to the Lu family, I will fire you. Such a blind person can't stay with brother Xiaojun.

Not at all clever.

In the CEO's office, Yue Lingxi took out the bento for Lu Zijun to eat, as well as the fragrant corn juice.

Lu Zijun got up early this morning, and he hadn't had time to eat breakfast yet. This happened just in time, and Yue Lingxi's breakfast was like sending charcoal in a timely manner.

Yue Lingxi looked at him and said, "Drink some corn first. The corn juice is freshly squeezed by the wall breaker you sent. It is fragrant, delicious and healthy."

Lu Zijun picked it up and took a sip, it was really fragrant and delicious.

"My mother will also do this for me. She also likes corn very much. It's delicious."

Lu Zijun took another sip, picked up his chopsticks and ate the egg rolls and pan-fried buns.

The taste is very good, "Xixi, your cooking is delicious!"

Yue Lingxi's face was full of smiles: "I have learned to cook by myself since I was in college. My adoptive parents don't take care of me. I have to take care of myself."

Lu Zijun stretched out his hand to rub her head with loving eyes, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I will cook a lot of delicious food when you have me in the future, and I will make it for you in the future."

"Really?" Yue Lingxi's creamy face was full of surprise, it was hard to imagine him wearing an apron and cooking in the kitchen.

"Really, why don't you come to my house tonight, and I'll cook something delicious for you." Lu Zijun said, and also fed her a fried bun, with a very serious expression, as if he was perfunctory Yue Lingxi.

The scene just now reminded him of the scene he saw on campus when he was in college.

The elite school is very large, and the coverage rate of green plants is also very high. When they arrive at the university, the teacher's education method for them is also very unique. They don't have to arrive at school on time every day like the outside world. They are all top students, and everyone is top-notch .

I can sleep until eleven o'clock in the morning before going to school.

When he passed by the grove, he would see some couples eating lunch under the tree, you have a bite, I have a bite, he thought it was very interesting at that time.

It's just that I haven't met someone I like, and I don't have the urge to fall in love.

Watching Yue Lingxi open her mouth to eat the pan-fried buns he fed, her soft lips gently held his fingertips, and an electric current spread through her whole body in an instant, causing ripples in her heart. He liked this feeling very much.

Speaking of going to his house, Yue Lingxi remembered the scene just now, and asked with a smile: "Will you take me back to your house? Was that your friend just now?"

Lu Zijun shook his head slightly: "It's not really a friend, she's an apprentice of my master, she's my little junior sister, but I'm not familiar with her, I've known her for many years, but I haven't said a few words, it's strange to me. "

Yue Lingxi: "—" It's been several years and you actually say you're a stranger, how sad that little junior sister must be!

Lu Zijun looked at her deeply: "Did you see what happened just now?"

"Hmm! I thought it was the girl you liked. The moment I saw her take your arm, I felt very sad and wanted to hit you." Yue Lingxi looked at him with a smile. Fortunately, it was not what she imagined. like that.

Lu Zijun put down his chopsticks, and asked seriously: "I can understand that you were jealous just now?"

Yue Lingxi blushed, and whispered: "You can also understand it in this way."

"Hehe——" Lu Zijun smiled, a little less indifferent, and the smile was gentle and bathed the soul.

Will be jealous, just like him.

"I asked about my mother's itinerary. Next month, a branch of Yida Group will open. She will come back to attend the opening ceremony. Then I will take you home to meet them."

"Okay!" After figuring it out last night, she no longer resisted this matter.

The word "good" put Lu Zijun in a great mood, with a loose and gentle smile.

At this moment, two gentle hearts are transparent and warm.

"By the way, what do Auntie and Uncle like, I can't go there empty-handed, can I?" She still inquired about their likes in advance so that she could buy gifts.

(End of this chapter)

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