Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2394 Don't talk nonsense in this chapter

Chapter 2394 Don't talk nonsense
Chapter 2394: You can't talk nonsense
Lu Zijun's tone was very serious: "Ling Yuchen, you can't talk nonsense."

Ling Yuchen smiled: "I was just joking, no, it's a pity that the two of you are not together?"

"Brother Chen, you really know how to joke." Min Yu smiled, if she could really be with Lu Zijun, she would really be grateful to Ling Yuchen.

Among these people, Ling Yuchen loves her the most.

Lu Zijun: "Don't make such jokes in the future, Min Yu and I just know each other."

There are some things that must be made clear, so as not to be difficult to meet in the future.

Min Yu was hurt, he said, they just knew each other?

Ling Yuchen smiled, seeing that Lu Zijun was a little unhappy, and then he realized that Xiao Qi was really not interested in Min Yu.

But who can say clearly about some things.

Lu Zijun looked at them and said, "Why don't I show you around, the design of Linyuan is also very beautiful."

Ling Yuchen shook his head: "I'll go shopping after dinner, and digest food by the way, why don't you invite your girlfriend down? I'm only curious about your girlfriend now."

Lu Zijun stood up and said, "Then wait a minute and I'll go upstairs to see if she's awake."

"Okay." Ling Yuchen was really curious, what kind of girl would Lu Zijun like?
When Lu Zijun went upstairs, Min Yu instantly breathed a sigh of relief, she had to cheer up to face the next thing.

She will become the hostess here, and everything here will be hers in the future.

Lu Zijun is the boss of the Lu family, she can lead everything here in the future.

What are those younger brothers who are still in school?
Get her out of here in the future, this place belongs to her and Brother Xiaojun.

Min Yu lowered her eyebrows, concealing the ambition in her eyes.

She was smart since she was a child, and she was proficient in computer technology. She knew that Lu Zijun's family was very rich.

She likes the life of the supremely rich.

"Dong dong..."

Yue Lingxi, who was chatting with Tang Yiyi in the room, suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Tang Yiyi: [Oh my god, Xixi, you are actually at Mr. Lu's house, are you really together? ]

Yue Lingxi: [I'll tell you when I get to work, he called me upstairs. ]
Yue Lingxi also felt that this matter was very depressing, so she told Tang Yiyi about it.

Yue Lingxi put away her phone and went to open the door.

The person standing outside the door was Lu Zijun.

"Xixi, are you awake?" There was a hint of amusement in the voice.

Yue Lingxi's face turned red all of a sudden, she couldn't remember how she got here.

Lu Zijun looked at the skirt on her body and said, "It suits you very well."

Yue Lingxi froze for a moment before realizing that he was talking about the clothes on her body.

"Every piece of clothes in your house is beautiful." There is no doubt about this, the few clothes and skirts he put in her room are all beautiful.

Lu Zijun admired it for a while, and then said: "My mother made it all when she found time."

Lu Zijun took a step forward and kissed Yue Lingxi on the forehead. His kiss was very light, like a gentle breeze.

Yue Lingxi felt her face was burning hot, and her heart was always beating wildly without warning.

Just when he was at a loss, Lu Zijun's deep and sweet voice rang in her ears: "Xixi, let's go down, I have a few friends over."

When Yue Lingxi heard it, it was indeed the case. She didn't go down just now because she didn't want to disturb them.

"Oh, good." Yue Lingxi gripped the phone tightly.

Go down with Lu Zijun.

When the two arrived in the living room, Min Yu's pupils shrank suddenly. Isn't this the female employee I met at Brother Xiaojun's company that morning?

With such an identity, she also wants to marry into the Lu family.

Ling Yuchen and Chi Mu glanced at each other, Ling Yuchen smiled and said, "A very beautiful girl."

Chi Mu also nodded slightly: "It's very beautiful, like Xiao Qi's favorite style, no wonder he brought it home."

Huo Jingyao: "This girl has a very kind face, and she will definitely get along well with Xiaojun."

When Min Yu heard what the three of them said, she was half dead with anger.

How could this woman be as beautiful as her?

Lu Zijun introduced with a smile: "Xixi, they are my friends, Ling Yuchen, Chi Mu, Min Yu, Huo Jingyao."

Yue Lingxi is not a person who is easily frightened. After Lu Zijun introduced her, she also greeted her generously, "Hello everyone, I am Yue Lingxi."

Min Yu smiled and said, "Miss Yue, I met you in Brother Xiaojun's company. Are you an employee of the Lu Group?" She really wanted to see who this woman was.

Yue Lingxi nodded, and looked at Min Yu, her eyes were full of hostility, although she was smiling, she could still feel, "I am the designer of the Lu Group."

Min Yu sneered lightly, it turned out that she was just a designer.

Those who can go to work in Lu's Group are talents, but those who can go to work are ordinary people.

Ling Yuchen looked at Yue Lingxi's beautiful face. It was indeed a special existence among the crowd. It had a nice smile and neat white teeth. Ling Yuchen had seen many women, but it was rare to see such a soul-stirring person. , but Xiao Qi took the lead.

Feeling Ling Yuchen's gaze, Lu Zijun glanced at him with some displeasure.

At that glance, domineering and full of possessiveness, Ling Yuchen instantly understood that Lu Zijun was absolutely serious.

Ling Yuchen smiled awkwardly, and closed his mouth unnaturally.

Chi Mu could also see that Lu Zijun was serious, so he didn't say anything.

Lu Zijun looked at Yue Lingxi and asked softly, "What do you want to drink?"

Yue Lingxi: "Tea!"

"Okay, I'll soak it for you, you sit for a while."

Lu Zijun got up to make tea.

Huo Jingyao said with a smile: "Miss Yue, Xiaojun is special to you. I have never seen her pay so much attention to any girl. Do you know what Xiaojun usually looks like?"

Yue Lingxi shook her head slightly, looking at these few friends, this Mr. Huo Jingyao was more pleasing to the eye.

Huo Jingyao smiled, and adjusted the glasses on his face, "He is usually very fierce, and treats everyone as if he is owed tens of millions. But I don't doubt the greatness of love at all. I witnessed it with my own eyes. The younger brother would not even give his life to chase after his wife."

Ling Yuchen said: "Hey... You should know from the news that their family is all infatuated, and they would even die for the person they like. This kind of thing is really possible."

Yue Lingxi didn't speak either, and listened to them quietly.

After a while, Lu Zijun came out with tea.

"Xixi, drink tea." Behind Lu Zijun, there were two servants holding freshly made snacks in their hands.

"These are freshly made desserts and cakes. Eat a little first. Dinner will be ready in four or ten minutes."

"Wow! It's really exquisite!" Yue Lingxi looked at the small pastry on the plate, and had never seen such a delicate pastry.

Min Yu: "..." No experience!

Lu Zijun saw that she liked it, and he could tell from the bottom of her eyes, he smiled softly: "Eat, eat, there is not much sugar, and it tastes very good with honey. If you like it, write it down, and let the family at home next time." The pastry chef will make it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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