Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2405 Fight back, I really see clearly

Chapter 2405 Fight back, I really see clearly
Chapter 2405: Counterattack, I really see clearly
Lu Zijun's face was very serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Give me the computer, and you go back to the company and wait for my news."

Song Yao quickly handed him the computer and turned back to the company. He was working overtime on the big weekend and was in a very unhappy mood.

The wind does not understand the wandering of the clouds, the sky does not understand the downfall of the rain, and the boss does not understand the suffering of beating workers!
Life is so hard!

Lu Zijun turned on the computer and took a look. He took a decisive action to deal with it. He held the computer in one hand and worked on the keyboard with the other.

Ten minutes later, he put the virus back into the other party's company, with a wicked smile on his lips.


He was relieved.

Sure enough, it was X. What did the people from Company L do, seeing the attitude of the other party's pursuit?

Before he had time to find the other party, the other party came to their door. It just so happened that he gave them a big gift. This month, his life will be much easier.

How much foundation has he laid in these years of never-winter and no-summer study? With their little technology, do they want to steal important information about the core of his company?

Lu Zijun turned off the computer and glanced out of the car window. In such a hot day, he must be tired, hot and thirsty after squeezing the subway and shopping in the market.

Lu Zijun was a little worried that Yue Lingxi would suffer from heat stroke.

He opened the car door and got out of the car. His slender back was dazzling in the sunlight.

The ink hair was like splashed ink, and was coated with a layer of golden light by the sun, making the whole person much softer.

With one hand in his trouser pocket, he walked gracefully towards the company gate.

Not far away, Xia Qin just stopped the car and saw Lu Zijun's back, she was shocked for a moment, why is Lu Zijun in the company?
Before she could think about it, her phone rang.

The familiar ringtone of her mobile phone startled her whole body.

She calmed down before answering the phone.


"Xia Qin, didn't you say that Lu Zijun is not in the company?"

Xia Qin: "It is true that he is not in the company. He just joined the company. I just saw him enter the company."

"How is it possible? Is there any more powerful hacker than Lu Zijun in the Lu Group's company?"

Xia Qin: "No, as far as I know, Assistant Quan rarely comes to the company, and his skills are not as good as the president's."

"Ou Jingyao is very powerful, but he has already resigned from the company. Now he is running his own company, and he is no longer in charge of the affairs of the Lu Group."

"Damn it, if it wasn't Lu Zijun, who would it be? This time we were not only counterattacked, but also suffered heavy losses, and the other party even found out the address."

"Xia Qin, how do you do things? I give you money to let you complete the task, not to perfuse me."

Xia Qin was in a hurry, her face was pale, and her body was weak. She took the other party's money, which was a fatal mistake, and would leave a fatal evidence for Lu Zijun. Before joining the Lu Group, she never thought that she would Will throw my heart on Lu Zijun.

She hurriedly explained: "President, no, listen to me, more than 20 minutes ago, I saw Lu Zijun's car parked not far from mine, so I called you."

"I didn't expect him to come to the company [-] minutes later, and the company didn't notify overtime. Everyone except the on-duty staff had a normal rest on weekends."

"Hmph! Did you see clearly? Our side failed."

"President, I really see it clearly." Xia Qin was very anxious, afraid that the other party would not believe it.

"Okay, I still have a lot of things to deal with. Next time, show me more clearly, or I won't call you for the money later."

Xia Qin was taken aback, then hung up the phone in a daze.

Raising his eyes, he looked at the building of the Lu Group with a cold and white face. This building carried the dreams of many people.

It is also a place that many women yearn for.

Twenty years ago, all the women here were chasing Lu Haocheng.

Twenty years later, this place became Lu Zijun's world.

And now she is also one of those many women, a very ordinary woman who likes Lu Zijun, but she can get in close contact with Lu Zijun.

How could she let go of such a good opportunity?

Lu Zijun worked until two o'clock, and Song Yao sent some documents. After he signed all the documents, he said to Song Yao: "Song Yao, you can go to the factory by yourself. I have other things to do. Do."

"Okay, President, Mr. Ling has already left for the airport, so don't worry, President."

Lu Zijun nodded slightly: "Yes!"

After Song Yao went out, Lu Zijun called Yue Lingxi.

At this time, Yue Lingxi didn't know how many meals she had eaten on a day of being a foodie.

At this time, she and Tang Yiyi were eating Liangpi at a small stall selling Liangpi.

The hot and sour taste makes this summer's taste buds full of bursting feeling.

She was a little surprised when she received a call from Lu Zijun. He still remembered that he had sent him a WeChat message an hour ago telling him that she had arrived at the market, so he didn't have to worry, why did he call again?

Lu Zijun: "When will you be back? I'll come pick you up."

Yue Lingxi looked at the market where people were coming and going, and it was the time when there were the most people, "It may be two hours later, it will be almost five o'clock in two hours, and we should be back."

Lu Zijun: "Is it so late?"

Nuonuo and their banquet started at five o'clock.

Yue Lingxi: "Yes, it's hard to come out to play for a day, of course it has to be fun. What's wrong?"

Lu Zijun: "If it had been earlier, I would have come to pick you up."

"No, why are you so busy coming to pick me up? I'll be back by myself. Don't worry about me. You're busy with your work. I'll call you when I get home at night. "

Lu Zijun: "Oh!"

He hung up the phone a little disappointed.

It turns out that if you like someone, you just want to be by her side all the time.

When I can't see her, I miss her very much. I just want to put him by my side, watch her smile, and when I see her smile, I feel that the world is full of brilliant colors.

At that time, he had a lot of opinions on the matter of his father sticking to his mother, and this opinion lasted until he met Yue Lingxi.

This urgency really made him restless.

At the market, Tang Yiyi put down his chopsticks and looked at Yuelingxi, as if he was about to interrogate.

"Xixi, tell me the truth, how far have you guys reached?"

Yue Lingxi also put down her chopsticks and asked, "Where has it developed?"

"How far have you and the president developed?"

Yue Lingxi was taken aback, and took a sip of the cold papaya water.

He said slowly, "It's progressing normally."

Tang Yiyi didn't believe her words, seeing the intimate behavior of the two in the car, was it a normal progress?


Yue Lingxi's nerves suddenly tensed up, "What... what's sleeping, what's the meaning of sleeping?"

She shyly looked around, but fortunately, the proprietress was also busy, and the two aunts were chatting next to the tent behind them, and they didn't hear Tang Yiyi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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