Chapter 2410 Can I give it a try
Chapter 2410: Can I give it a try?
Lu Zijun comforted her with a smile, "Aunt Han, don't be angry, anger is bad for your health, I'll take care of this matter."

Han Jingjing looked at him and said, "Guaranteed to give me a satisfactory answer in an hour?" For so many years, she and Lanlan have cooperated very happily, but now she has changed to another person, who often slows down her work progress, she is very angry, she She has to balance life and work, after all, she also has two children to take care of.

Lu Zijun smiled and said, "I promise to give Aunt Han a satisfactory answer!"

"Well, with your words, I feel relieved. I'll go down first, and when it's done, someone will send it down for me."

"Okay, Aunt Han, go down and rest for a while, don't be so impulsive, if you are sick, I will mess up here."

"If you don't want to make a mess here, just find someone who is more specialized. You have to learn from your father in this regard. You don't have to be suspicious of people, you don't have to be suspicious of people."

After Han Jingjing finished speaking, she turned around and left.

It's not that she doesn't trust Lu Zijun's ability, but that she doesn't trust Xia Qin's ability.

Xia Qin has been a designer of Lu Group for almost half a year, and she is not at all satisfactory.

If the work efficiency cannot keep up, it will slow down the progress of the entire company. Once the progress is slowed down, the opportunity will be lost. In such a large company, so many people have to get paid for food every day, and even if there is too much money, it will be dragged down .

Xia Qin looked at Lu Zijun who had been gentle just now, and her expression suddenly became serious.

At the moment when Han Jingjing was there, in a trance, she saw yesterday again, and he looked at Yue Lingxi with a gentle smile on his face. She had never seen that kind of tenderness in his eyes.

"Director Xia, what are you still doing standing there, why don't you hurry up and deal with it." His tone was cold, with a strong sense of oppression, which made Xia Qin feel a little difficult to breathe.

Xia Qin's face was ugly. She couldn't handle the dress well, and she only gave it an hour. She couldn't do it well.

The clothes are made by another designer, what should I do?
Once she makes a backup, she will show her flaws. The designers here are also professional, so it is easy to see flaws.

She had a little conflict with the other party, but she never thought that the other party would treat her like this.

She will not pay a penny of the final payment.

"Sorry, President, my hand is injured, I'm afraid I won't be able to complete the task." She lowered her head, her long eyelashes blocked the emotion in her eyes, and clenched her hands tightly.

Lu Zijun looked at Yi Fei, Xia Qin's assistant: "Go and call all the designers to the director's office."

"Okay, President." Yi Fei left and called everyone in.

A few minutes later, all the designers from the women's clothing design department appeared in Xia Qin's office. Seeing Lu Zijun there, they all craned their necks to look.

Yuelingxi was standing in the first row.

Lu Zijun looked at all the designs, pointed to the red dress and the gold thread on the model next to Xia Qin, and said, "Which of you can inlay the gold thread on this dress within an hour?"

Xia Qin didn't expect that Lu Zijun would do this.

All the designers looked at me, I looked at you, and they didn't speak. The last part inlaid with gold wire was done by hand.

It's very difficult, and if you don't have ten or eight years of effort, you can't do it well at all.

And it will be used after an hour, and no one has the guts to go up and try it.

Of course, if you have the guts to give it a try, once you succeed, it will be indispensable.

In fact, Yue Lingxi already knew the whole process. She looked at Lu Zijun with clear eyes and a cautious look on her pretty face.

"President... President, can I have a try?"

No one expected that the person who stood up was actually Yue Lingxi.

Lu Zijun watched her cautious movements, with a faint smile in his eyes: "Designer Yue, are you sure?"

Yue Lingxi: "President, I'm very sure! When I was abroad, I learned this technique from a master master, and I know how to do it."

She has done it herself, and if she hadn't done it, she would never dare to do it.


What she made was a children's princess dress, a special custom-made princess dress with gold threads and diamonds on it, hand-stitched, expensive, but really beautiful.

The stunning red dress in front of me is also very unique in terms of tailoring and unique design. It is less serious and rigid than usual, mature and gorgeous, embellished with gold silk, which is the icing on the cake, making it even more stunning and perfect.

It has a strong visual impact and imagination space.

Especially at the hem of the skirt, the hollowed-out flowers are peonies, wrapped in gold threads, dreamlike, noble and glamorous.

"Okay, I'll give you an hour. After an hour, I must see a complete dress." Lu Zijun believed that she could do it.

After all, she is very measured in what she does.

But when he thought of her injured hand, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"No, President." Xia Qin said without thinking.

Lu Zijun looked back at her, and asked in a serious tone, "Why not?"

Xia Qin looked at Yue Lingxi and spoke sharply: "President, Yue Lingxi is a new designer. She can't touch the clothes I designed. What if she ruins them?"

Lu Zijun: "Why not?"

"I..." Xia Qin was in a hurry for a while, she just wanted to prevent Yue Lingxi from taking the credit for her, but she didn't think about what to do for a while.

"President, why don't you let the masters in the factory come over to do it, they are more professional."

Lu Zijun condensed her: "As the design director, don't you lead the designers to take the design road of Lu's Group even further? What you can't do, other designers can do, why can't you?"

"President, I didn't say no. Designer Yue just arrived, and his techniques are not as skilled as the masters in the factory..."

"Shut up, find a master who has time. Basically, it will take more than an hour to get here from the factory. Do you still have time to wait?"

Xia Qin's eyes froze for a moment, didn't he even give her this little time?
"President, as long as you give me an extra hour, I can complete this dress."

Lu Zijun: "Don't your hands hurt?"

"Are you going to keep everyone waiting for you because of your mistake?"

"Do you know how many hours a day cameramen and directors work?"


Lu Zijun didn't listen to her, but looked at Yue Lingxi: "Designer Yue, bring the dress to your office, I'll see a complete dress in an hour."

Yue Lingxi: "Okay, President."

Lu Zijun looked at the designers, "Let's leave, everyone."

Xia Qin bit her lower lip tightly, and a mistake caused her image in front of him to plummet.

Damn woman, damn Yuelingxi
The designers left the office.

Yue Lingxi also returned to her office with her gown and gold thread. She didn't want to take Xia Qin's credit, but after knowing Xia Qin's purpose, she was now Lu Zijun's girlfriend, and she had to help.

(End of this chapter)

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