Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2417 I don't want to talk to an idiot

Chapter 2417 I don't want to talk to an idiot

Chapter 2417: I don't want to talk to an idiot

Her purpose is simple, and she also knows Ling Yuchen's character better.

As long as Ling Yuchen has a prejudice against a person, it is difficult to change his concept.

It was his paranoid character that gave her an opportunity.

She wanted Ling Yuchen to completely hate Yue Lingxi, thinking that Yue Lingxi was a very scheming woman, and having her by Brother Xiaojun's side would have a great influence on Brother Xiaojun.

Even ruined Brother Xiaojun, Ling Yuchen is Brother Xiaojun's best friend, so naturally he would not let this matter continue.

The more Ling Yuchen hated Yue Lingxi, the more he would help her.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter with calling me so early? I just woke up and haven't even brushed my teeth yet. There's nothing to do now, and I'm getting lazy."

Ling Yuchen suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Xiaoyu, if you don't work now, you should take a good rest. When you go to work, you have a lot of things to do every day, and you don't even have time to rest if you want to."

"I called you to tell you, don't worry, Xiaoqi will marry you, don't worry, it's just Yuelingxi, it won't be a big deal."

For a scheming woman like Yue Lingxi, how could he let her marry Xiao Qi and let Xiao Qi be bewitched by her?

Min Yu pretended to be worried and said: "Brother Chen, you don't have to do this for us. If there is any gap between you and Xiaojun, I will be very sad. The relationship is about mutual gratification. Brother Xiaojun doesn't like me. I There is no other way."

Ling Yuchen: "Xiaoyu, don't think that way, you've done a good job, do you have to work hard to know? I'll help you."

"I know, Brother Chen, it's because I didn't do well enough that Brother Xiaojun doesn't like me. I will work hard in the future."

When Ling Yuchen heard this, her heart ached.

"Xiaoyu, you are just too kind. You don't need to worry about this matter. You can heal your injuries at ease. I will come to see you in a few days."

"Okay, Brother Chen, you shouldn't be too impulsive, eat well and rest well."

"Hehe..." Ling Yuchen smiled, and his tone was very doting, "I don't know what Xiao Qi thinks, let a kind girl like you not pet me, and go to spoil other women, don't worry, Xiao Qi Sooner or later it will be yours." As long as he is around, Yue Lingxi will never be allowed to marry Lu Zijun.

"Brother Chen...!" Min Yu scolded.

After picking up the line, Ling Yuchen went to the bathroom to take a shower, preparing to go to the Lu Group.

And Yue Lingxi and Tang Yiyi came back from the morning meeting. When Tang Yiyi was watching the news on the Internet, there was no news about Yue Lingxi.

Tang Yiyi looked at her in surprise, "Xixi, there is no more news about you."

When Yue Lingxi heard this, she didn't feel too surprised.

When she just came out of the conference room, she had already received a message from Lu Zijun that he had already taken care of the matters on the Internet.

Even if he doesn't deal with it, she won't feel anything.

If he always cared about what other people said, there would be no such person as Yue Lingxi in this world.

She is not a celebrity, nor is she a well-known designer.

The other party's purpose is very simple. They just want the women of the Lu Group to attack her, make her a laughing stock among the women of the Lu Group, or other purposes.

But no matter what the other party's purpose is, as long as Lu Zijun's heart for him is firm, nothing can affect her.

There are only gains and losses, and there are too few examples where you can have both.

The other party wants to merge fish and bear's paw, is it possible?
Both Xia Qin and Min Yu are nothing in Lu Zijun's eyes now.

At noon, Ling Yuchen came to Lu Zijun's office.

Song Yao knew that Yue Lingxi's matter had something to do with Ling Yuchen, and after bringing a cup of coffee in, he withdrew. The fire was all over the president, and the office was very lively.

Seeing Ling Yuchen coming, Lu Zijun also put down his work.

Ling Yuchen's paranoia comes from his first impression. If the first impression is bad in his eyes, he will never get better in his eyes, and will only get worse.

"What are you doing here?" There was a bit of impatience in Lu Zijun's indifferent voice.

He knew that talking with Ling Yuchen was a waste of time.

A war of words is meaningless.

Ling Yuchen sat down gracefully, with long legs overlapping each other slowly, looked up at him with a smile, and said, "Let me wake you up."

Lu Zijun said with a sullen face, "No, it's not suitable for the two of us to talk about this right now."

Ling Yuchen smiled and said, "I'm suitable for talking."

Lu Zijun: "Your stubbornness has made you very stupid, so it's not suitable for us to discuss this matter."

Ling Yuchen said with a smile: "Xiao Qi, you are someone who has attended an elite academy, and you have touched many meaningful things that others cannot touch. What you strive for is the most valuable and purest things and people in life. But now, you are almost standing at the bottom of the abyss, do you still have a future to look forward to?"

Lu Zijun knew that he was here to teach.

"You don't need to judge with me what I do, you should think about yourself."

"The address is at your home abroad. Who would it be if you didn't do it?"

"Yue Lingxi." Ling Yuchen was firm in his thoughts.

Lu Zijun: "Why did she do this?"

Ling Yuchen: "Because I object to you being together and matching you and Xiaoyu, she has a grudge, so she did this thing to frame me."

"Don't forget, last time in your garden, she deliberately pushed Min Yu down the steps and got injured, but she said that Min Yu rolled down by herself. You watched this matter from the side, Yue Lingxi We all know how deep the scheming is, but you don't know."

"Is Xiaoyu the kind of person with a vicious heart? Would she break herself into that?"

"Yes!" Lu Zijun replied firmly.

Ling Yuchen: "..."


Lu Zijun: "In order to stay in Longcheng Villa."

Ling Yuchen touched his nose. He seemed unable to refute this reason.

Xiaoyu really wanted to stay in Longcheng Villa.

"Xiaojun, don't be so one-sided, okay? Get along with Xiaoyu more, and you will find that Xiaoyu is a good girl."

Lu Zijun pointed to the door of the office: "You, you can go, I don't want to waste time with an idiot."

"Also, if you think Min Yu is good, just marry her. I don't like it, and I won't like it."

Ling Yuchen stood up abruptly, very angry, "Xiaoqi, you know I treat her like a younger sister."

Lu Zijun: "So, why do you force her on me?"


"Get out." Lu Zijun pointed at the door, his face was cold, but his demeanor was still elegant and dignified, "When will you stop being stupid, you are coming to find me."

(End of this chapter)

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