Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2421 Things are beyond her control

Chapter 2421 Things are beyond her control

Chapter 2421: Things are out of her control

"Xixi, I miss you again, what should I do?" He was a good-blooded young man with almost zero resistance to the woman he liked.

Yue Lingxi naturally knew what he meant by "think".

She patted his back lightly, said with a blushing face, "Lu Zijun, you're at work, be serious."

Lu Zijun hugged her even tighter and more childishly: "No, I just miss you and don't want to do anything."

"Hehe..." Yue Lingxi couldn't help but smile, she really was a disaster.

She raised her eyes, looked at him, and saw that his black eyes were full of lust and tenderness, and finally her heart ached.

With a shy face, she whispered, "That's not okay either, let's go back to the apartment together after get off work."

Lu Zijun understood such an obvious hint.

"Solve the problem first, work matters."

Lu Zijun also knew this.

"I'm going to solve the problem now." Lu Zijun picked up the color palette, "Let's go, let's go down together."

"En!" Yue Lingxi didn't want to do this at first, but Xia Qin was too deceptive.

After working hard for more than ten years, it is very sad to be misunderstood like this.

She is another person who doesn't like to be wronged for these things.

The relationship between her and Lu Zijun was an innocent boyfriend and girlfriend, and she had never deliberately seduced Lu Zijun, why should she be talked about?

Lu Zijun called Song Yao and the two of them went to the 24th floor. In Xia Qin's office, the relevant personnel who handled the matter had already gathered.

All four of them lowered their heads, not daring to look at Lu Zijun.

Seeing Lu Zijun and Yue Lingxi coming down together, Xia Qin was very upset.

She took a step forward and said with a smile: "President, all of them have seen the color version. Tang Yiyi is the assistant of Designer Yue. After taking it from here, the version is correct. In the office of Designer Yue, That's not right."

Someone has to take the blame for this, right?

Let Yue Lingxi's assistant take the blame for this matter.

Both Yue Lingxi and Tang Yiyi knew what Xia Qin meant.

Yue Lingxi said: "Director Xia, Assistant Tang is very serious in her work. She found out that the color version is wrong and told me. What do you mean?"

Xia Qin looked at Tang Yiyi and smiled: "Assistant Tang, what I gave you is the true color version, why did it get into your hands, and something went wrong?" Xia Qin's tone was aggressive.

Tang Yiyi never thought that he would be taken advantage of.

Yue Lingxi looked at Xia Qin, she wanted to stay out of the matter today and think beautifully.

"Director Xia, can you think about it after talking, please? It was Assistant Tang who discovered the problem and told me that I knew there was a problem with the color version. Are you putting the responsibility on Assistant Tang now?"

Xia Qin looked at her coldly: "Designer Yue, what do you mean by that?"

Yue Lingxi: "The problem with the color version is caused by you. Why do you want to shift the responsibility to my assistant? It's only ten steps from Director Xia's office to mine. During this period, Assistant Tang has time What are you doing?"

"There are so many things that can be done, Assistant Tang, tell me, don't you?" Xia Qin looked at Tang Yiyi sharply.

Tang Yiyi smiled and asked, "Director Xia, what can I do?"

Xia Qin smiled and said, "For example, changing the color version privately."

Tang Yiyi looked at her with unconcealable anger in her beautiful eyes: "Director Xia, I don't quite understand what you said."

"Assistant Tang, it's not like you pretend to be confused." Xia Qin's gaze became colder and colder, but her momentum was not enough to shock Tang Yiyi.

Tang Yiyi didn't just know what is sinister today.

In all these years of work, I have never met anyone.

If it was before, she must have been scared.

But now it was different, she had to defend her reputation.

What's more, with Xixi around, she has more confidence.

"Director Xia, I'm sorry, I don't take the blame for this. Why did the person who first discovered the problem become the one who changed the color version? If I really want to change the color version, why should I tell Where is Designer Yue?"

"Director Xia, you need to have enough evidence to frame someone else, and when I came to you in the morning, you readily gave me the color book. I watched as I walked. There is no surveillance in your office. There should be Is there surveillance?"

Xia Qin was taken aback, wondering why everyone she met today became so smart.

Lu Zijun looked at Song Yao: "Song Yao, monitor."

"Oh." Song Yao immediately turned on the computer and checked the monitor.

"Huh!" Song Yao gasped, "President, the surveillance video has been destroyed."

Lu Zijun: "Give it to me."

"Oh!" Song Yao handed over the computer.

Lu Zijun took a look and saw that the surveillance video had been deleted.

It is not difficult for him to get it back.

Xia Qin was very nervous. Looking at Lu Zijun's bewitching handsome face, she hated and loved him at the same time.

What I hate is that he doesn't see her in his eyes, what I love is everything about him, no matter what aspect he is, he is excellent.

Two minutes later, Lu Zijun showed the video to Xia Qin.

Xia Qin was taken aback, she had already been deleted, how could he get it back?
"Director Xia, take a look for yourself. After Assistant Tang came out of your office, he kept flipping through the color plates and returned to the office. In less than a minute, Designer Yue came to your office. During this process, what do you think? What can Assistant Tang do?"

"Or do you have other evidence that Assistant Tang replaced it?"

"I...I didn't. I just inferred that Tang Yiyi would do this. After all, assistants would be jealous of designers."

"I... I just..."

"Shut up!" Lu Zijun angrily smashed the computer in his hand, the light in his eyes was as cold as ice.

Yue Lingxi: "..." Get angry when you get angry, why smash things.

This computer is very high-end, very expensive!

Xia Qin was immediately petrified.

Everyone was also startled, they lowered their heads and didn't even dare to breathe.

Xia Qin only felt that something was strangling her throat.

Nervous and scared.

Lu Zijun knew that Xia Qin was not the only one in the company, since she was able to delete the monitoring, she also had accomplices in the company.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he wanted to find him out.

"Song Yao, go and find out who deleted the surveillance immediately. Whoever deleted the surveillance must be found out." Lu Zijun's face was very gloomy, and he would never take it lightly if he dared to do such a thing under his nose spare.

"President, I see, I'll investigate right away." Song Yao also knew that the matter was serious.

Someone dared to delete the company's surveillance video so easily, isn't this a slap in the face?
Isn't this a slap in the face of the president?

Song Yao turned around and left. When he left, he glanced at the brave Tang Yiyi. This little girl is very cute. She was obviously very scared, but she tried her best to defend herself, so cute!
Xia Qin was completely flustered at this moment. If she did an investigation like this, she would be found on her head. The development of the matter was beyond her control.

What to do now?
Lu Zijun must not be allowed to find out about her.

She was just too impatient. In order to frame Yue Lingxi, she was too impulsive.

(End of this chapter)

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