Chapter 2424 Sweet Date

Chapter 2424: Sweet date

After get off work, Tang Yiyi had something to do, so she left first.

Yue Lingxi promised Lu Zijun to go to his apartment, so she went to the garage to wait for Lu Zijun.

Lu Zijun has been working desperately in order to date Yue Lingxi.

When the time came, he asked Song Yao to go home first. As for Xia Qin and the two people who were dismissed, he had already asked professionals to follow them.

He went to the underground garage to pick up Yue Lingxi and go back together.

As soon as I got into the elevator, I received a call from my younger brother, "Of course."

"Brother, are you off work?"

Lu Zijun: "Yes! I am going back."

"Hey... Brother, I heard Qiqi said that you have a woman you like."

Lu Zijun: "!"

"Wow! Brother, I thought you were going to be a bachelor all your life. I didn't expect to find a girlfriend so soon."

"Father and mother have wanted to come back for a long time, but I won't let them come back. The ribbon-cutting event of Yida Group will be held in a few days. You can go for mother."

"Mom and Dad are here with me. I want to wait until Shuyi and Tiantian are on vacation, and we will come back together."

When Lu Zijun heard this, he was in a particularly bad mood, "I like living with my parents so much, you might as well go back to Jiang City, why did you leave your parents there?"

Lu Ziran: "Ah, brother, they are also my parents. I know you miss your mother, but I haven't seen my mother for a long time."

Lu Zijun: "..." His face was very stinky.

"Brother, one month, we will be back in one month. It will be the end of June soon, and the children will be on vacation."

When Lu Zijun heard this, his mood improved a lot.

"You tell mom, Yida Group, I will go instead of her, so I don't have to work back and forth."

"Understood, bro, I'll talk to mom later." Lu Ziran happily hung up the phone.

However, Lu Zijun couldn't be happier.

As soon as Lu Zijun got out of the elevator, Yue Lingxi saw him. Seeing that his face was very bad, she walked over and asked, "What's wrong? What happened? Why is his face so ugly?"

Lu Zijun shook his head slightly, held her hand, and seeing her, he felt much better: "It's okay, let's go back to the apartment, there are still a lot of vegetables we bought last time, so we don't need to go shopping today."

Yue Lingxi: "Okay! Let's go buy some fruits. You should eat both fruits and vegetables. This is the only way to be healthy. I don't think you particularly like fruits. You don't even have an apple at home."

Lu Zijun thought about it too. When he lived in Longcheng Villa, a servant cut fruit for him, so he ate some. Now that he lives alone, he is really not prepared.

Men are careless, and they are always in a mess about things in life.

No wonder many mothers are clamoring for their sons to find a wife.

Sure enough, the daughter-in-law is careful.

"There is a sale downstairs in the apartment, let's go there to buy."

Lu Zijun took her into the car and drove back to the apartment.

For Xia Qin, who was still in shock, seeing Yue Lingxi get into Lu Zijun's car, her heart felt ashamed.

No matter what she did, Lu Zijun would never look at her more.

I don't know if the woman who likes Lu Zijun will continue to punish Yue Lingxi in the future.

When I asked for help today, I agreed very readily, but now I don't know what to do. How can she get the ATM plan?

If she can't get it, the other party will abandon her, and she is very clear about what kind of situation she is facing.

Xia Qin took a deep breath before getting into her car and driving away.

As soon as she returned to the apartment, Yue Lingxi put down her things, and Lu Zijun hugged her from behind.

Yue Lingxi's body tensed up instantly, and she remained motionless.

Although the two have been together many times, she is still nervous and shy.

Lu Zijun was a little ashamed that he was keen on this matter, but when he saw Yue Lingxi, he was very impulsive.

"Xixi, is it okay?" Even if he is thinking of her, he will respect her, and he will continue only if she is willing.

Yue Lingxi turned around and looked at him, the two of them were facing each other, sticking tightly together, the scalding heat on his body seemed to be burning her too.

In his black eyes like splashed ink, only the thick heat remained.

He slowly tiptoed, but he still couldn't kiss Lu Zijun.

Yue Lingxi was a little anxious, the height distance was really flawed.

She kicked off her shoes angrily and stood on the sofa.

Under Lu Zijun's puzzled eyes, he bowed his head and kissed him.

Lu Zijun trembled all over, slightly hooked his lips, and smiled loosely and tenderly, the soft touch completely made his whole body blood boil.

Yue Lingxi was drowsy, and in her heart she gave Lu Zijun a hundred praises for her strong body.

But at this moment, as if she had run 5000 meters, she was so tired that all she could breathe was left.

It was already dark outside the window, and time has proved how terrifying this man's physical strength is.

"Xixi." Lu Zijun whispered in her ear, the satisfaction made him very energetic.

He's damned fond of this sweet date.

Yue Lingxi closed her eyes, even her eyelashes were covered with sweat.

Hungry and tired!

Knowing that she was tired, Lu Zijun took her to take a bath together, then hugged her and lay on the soft tatami.

Yue Lingxi had already fallen asleep.

He smiled, lowered his head and kissed her lightly on the forehead, and turned around to cook in the kitchen in good spirits.

There are a lot of vegetables bought last time in the refrigerator. He can cook simple side dishes. It is not difficult for him to cook a meal for two people.

In order to make Yue Lingxi eat happily, he used a pressure cooker to cook pork ribs with corn and carrots in it, which was more nutritious, and Yue Lingxi liked it very much.

Yue Lingxi slept until eight o'clock, and woke up directly from hunger.

She went to the closet to look for clothes, and saw that the closet was as big as a wall, full of clothes worn by girls, each style had two colors, and all of them were her size.

She smiled, changed into a pink skirt, and went downstairs.

In the open kitchen downstairs, Lu Zijun was washing grapes and apples.

There is also grapefruit that Yuelingxi loves to eat.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he carried the washed fruit over and put it on the table.

"Wake up." He smiled.

Yue Lingxi nodded shyly, and cast a reproachful glance at him: "Hungry!"

Lu Zijun helped her to sit down, "I've prepared dinner, you sit down first, and you can eat right away."

Lu Zijun moved quickly, and served the food quickly.

Yue Lingxi also started to eat politely.

After the two finished their dinner, Yue Lingxi squinted her eyes with satisfaction, Lu Zijun's cooking skills were very good.

"Xixi, sit down for a while, I'll make you some tea." Lu Zijun served his girlfriend attentively.

"Okay." Yue Lingxi didn't bother to move, so he waited on him.

"Ding dong..."

Someone rang the doorbell, and Yue Lingxi was a little puzzled, who would come at this time?

(End of this chapter)

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