Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2426 He is here to convince her mother

Chapter 2426 He is here to convince her mother
Chapter 2426: He is here to convince her mother
When Min Yu turned back, Lu Zijun closed the door with a "bang".

Yue Lingxi: "..."

Lu Zijun held her tightly in his arms, kissed her forehead, and pressed his forehead against her forehead, his voice was full of apology: "Xixi, I'm sorry for making you wronged."

Lu Zijun blamed himself and watched her being bullied.

Yue Lingxi smiled and said: "It's okay, I haven't been wronged, didn't I scold you back? I'm not an idiot, I didn't say a word when I was scolded."

"Our Xixi is awesome!" Lu Zijun kissed her forehead again.

He took her hand and returned to the living room. After the two sat down, Lu Zijun poured tea for Yue Lingxi.

"Xixi, drink some tea first, I'll go get the gift." Lu Zijun patted her shoulder lightly.

Yue Lingxi looked at him in surprise: "What gift?"

Lu Zijun smiled and said, "I prepared it for you. You don't seem to have used the card I gave you."

Yue Lingxi: "I don't have much money to spend. I want to buy clothes, but you have prepared a lot for me in your closet, and they are all the type I like. How can I use money?"

Lu Zijun: "From then on, I will prepare for you. I am very happy to be able to prepare your favorite things for you, my beloved!"

Lu Zijun went upstairs with a smile, Yue Lingxi froze in place.

Lu Zijun quickly came down with a gift box.

He put it on the coffee table, opened it, and inside was a very beautiful white dress with diamonds on it.

"Wow!" As a designer, Yue Lingxi knew that this dress was very beautiful without opening it all.

"Why prepare a dress for me? I'm not planning to attend any banquet?" Yue Lingxi couldn't hide the joy on his face.

She has seen this style before. There are similar styles abroad, but the domestic ones are more beautiful.

Lu Zijun: "This is a gown made by my mother. It is her treasure. If there is no suitable person to give it away, I will give it to Qiqi in the end."

"Qiqi asked someone to bring this dress over, and she asked me to give it to you, saying that it suits you very well."

"I'll thank Kiki later, I really like it!"

Lu Zijun smiled and asked, "Do you want to try?"

You can tell by the smile on her face that she loves it.

"No, Auntie is very kind, of course I have to wait until I can use it." She is reluctant to wear it now.

The slender fingers caressed the smooth and soft fabric, the diamonds on it were shining brightly, it was really beautiful.

Lu Zijun looked at her lovingly, with incomparably gentle eyes.

Yue Lingxi is extremely lucky, she can really wear the clothes designed by Lan Xin, the fashion queen who was popular all over the country.

She looks carefully at the clothes she designs for every season.

The clothes designed by Lanxin make people feel very comfortable no matter in terms of fabric or style.

"Ah... Lu Zijun, I can't bear to wear it anymore, what should I do? I want to keep it well."

Lu Zijun looked at her with flushed eyes, so charming.

He sat beside her and hugged her, "If you treasure it, it won't have the value it should have."

"In a few days, Yida Group will have a ribbon-cutting event, and there will be a banquet at the Jiangshi Hotel tonight. You can go with me."

"No." Yue Lingxi shook her head.

Lu Zijun: "Why?"

Yue Lingxi: "Anyway, not now. After I marry you, I will fulfill my responsibilities as a good wife. Now I am just your girlfriend, and I will become the public enemy of women in the entire Jiang City."

"Compared to Mrs. Fu's life, I still want to live a peaceful life. In our free time, we two date like this, cook and eat together, and do what we want to do together."

Lu Zijun understood, and he was not unhappy. On the contrary, he didn't like his woman to show his face.

"Fine, fine, it's up to you." Lu Zijun couldn't help but kissed her fair cheek.

Yue Lingxi is used to his kisses from time to time.

At first she was shy, but now she's not, it's such a terrible habit.

"Lu Zijun, take me back, my mother will be anxious if it's too late."

"Okay!" Lu Zijun gave her a longing look, put on the dress, and then went to the locker on the first floor to pick up a few bags.

Yue Lingxi saw that they were all clothes.

"Why so many clothes?"

Lu Zijun: "A gift for Auntie and Xiaofeng."

Yue Lingxi was very surprised: "I brought a lot of gifts last time. If you do this, my mother will be burdened again."

Lu Zijun smiled and said: "I'm serious. Auntie should leave you to me without worry. Let's go. I'll take you back and then send you up. In order to make Auntie feel at ease, I have to visit her every day."

Yue Lingxi smiled and felt that what he said was reasonable, so she didn't refuse any more and went back with him.

Four and ten minutes later, the two arrived at home.

Yue Wei saw that the two came back together, and there were many gifts, Yue Wei's eyes showed worry.

Lu Zijun knows how to read words and expressions, and knows Yuewei's worries.

"Auntie, hello!" He greeted respectfully.

"Hi, come in and sit down." Yue Wei hurriedly helped carry the gift.

Yuelingxi entered the house, but did not see Yuelingfeng, "Mom, Xiaofeng hasn't come back yet?"

Yue Wei smiled and said, "Xiaofeng called to say that he is working overtime today."

"Oh!" Yue Lingxi put down her bag and sat on the sofa.

Yue Wei poured water for the two of them and asked Lu Zijun to sit down together.

Seeing their handsome appearance, Yue Wei felt happy and worried.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"Auntie, we've already eaten." Lu Zijun replied warmly.

"Then I'll peel some fruit for you."

"Auntie, you don't need to be busy. Xixi and I are full tonight. I just want to come and see you, Auntie." Although Lu Zijun is not good at words, he has been influenced by Lu Ziran and his three younger brothers since he was a child, and he can still say what he wants of.

Ye Wei was both surprised and delighted, she and the other children were from different generations, so there was nothing to talk about.

"Zi Jun, what do you want to say?" She asked with a smile.

After getting along with him, she felt that Lu Zijun looked arrogant, but he was actually a very kind person with a good character.

"Auntie, thank you for allowing me to be with Xixi. Don't worry, I, Lu Zijun, will never disappoint Xixi in this life." Lu Zijun's coming tonight is to dispel Yuewei's worries.

Yue Lingxi was also taken aback, he was here to see her mother, to convince her mother.

Yue Wei took a look at her beautiful daughter, probably because she fell in love and became even more beautiful.

"Zi Jun, Auntie doesn't have any special requirements. Auntie just hopes that you will stay the same forever." Although there are few such examples in wealthy families, she is a mother. Apart from the desire to make her children live happily, she also has other things. There are no more wishes.

"Please don't worry, auntie, I really love Xixi and will never let her down." Long before that, he had already made up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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