Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2429 I don't know who it is

Chapter 2429 I don't know who it is
Chapter 2429: I don't know who it is
Lu Zijun: "Shut up, if you don't shut up, I'll throw you down."

Song Yao shut his mouth tightly, "Okay, okay, he stopped talking."

However, in the next second, Song Yao's pupils trembled violently, and blood flowed backwards all over his body.

"No, no, CEO, slow down, there is a big crane ahead, CEO, please control your speed..." Song Yao rolled his eyes in fright when he saw the big crane that suddenly turned out.

Lu Zijun honked his horn desperately, and the other party also saw his car.

Seeing that they were about to collide, Lu Zijun measured the distance with sharp eyes. Amidst the rapid honking, the speed of the car was extremely fast. past.

Song Yao: "...Made, the president taught him a lesson, and with such a divine operation, he successfully saved his life.

"Huh..." Finally, Song Yao regained his life, and Song Yao's whole body was drenched in sweat.

This is simply too exciting, just now he felt that his whole mind was in a state of emptiness.

For a moment, he realized that he hadn't written a suicide note. He had been with the president for all these years, but he actually had a small fortune.

Fortunately, he survived.

The car slowed down slowly, Lu Zijun glanced at Yuelingxi's phone location, it was a hotel in a village outside the city that was demolished.

He was about three kilometers away from the hotel.

Lu Zijun mentally calculated the time it took for Yuelingxi to get into the taxi, and they should have just arrived at the hotel at this time.

The three-kilometer journey is fast for him, but he is still anxious.

In the abandoned hotel, the water and electricity have long been cut off, and the ground is full of garbage and sundries.

Everything that can be moved has been removed, and all that is left are some discarded mattresses and some garbage.

Yue Lingxi was taken to the second floor of the hotel, where there was still a bed in the room, and the floor was fairly clean.

There is some water and food on the table not far away, it seems that someone lives here.

The driver tied Yuelingxi's hands and feet with a rope, but the rope left a distance so that Yuelingxi could walk in small steps. It was absolutely impossible to run.

Yue Lingxi had no chance of escaping.

The driver pushed Yue Lingxi into the room, and Yue Lingxi staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Hey, hey, big brother, do you understand pity and cherish jade?" Yue Lingxi glared at him viciously. If he fell from this fall, his front teeth would probably fall out.

The man gave her a cold look: "Shut up, I still have a few pairs of stinky socks. If you feel like you're getting bored, I can use them to cover your mouth."

Yue Lingxi shut her mouth forcefully in an instant.

The driver saw that she was scared, and then he showed a faint smile, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, the other party's request is very simple, just let you and me do some things between men and women here. It’s so beautiful, I’m really lucky.”

After the man finished speaking, he sat on the edge of the bed and lit a cigarette. In the smog, he squinted his eyes and looked at Yuelingxi maliciously.

Yue Lingxi was taken aback, "Who told you to do this?"

The driver laughed and said, "Do you think someone would be stupid enough to do such a bad thing and report his full name? The other party just gave me money, and I don't know the other party's name."

"So, even if I want to tell you, I don't know how to tell you."

"For the sake of your beauty, I will take pity on you later. I took a picture, uploaded it on the Internet, and then injected you with something. This is what you have to bear today."

The man said devilish things in a flat tone.

Yue Lingxi trembled all over, and she felt like she was about to vomit after listening to the man's words.

The other party's request is very simple, it is to trample on her dignity, destroy her pride, and ruin her life. This is the most precious thing for a woman. If it is destroyed, it will be completely destroyed. This kind of trampling will also become The stains in my life are always pointed at by others, and I live in endless pain every day.

Who is so vicious?

Min Yu or Xia Qin?

So far she has only offended these two people.

While Yuelingxi was thinking about this, he heard the voice of a man on the phone, "Hey! I've caught him, put the money on my card first, and after I'm done with the rest, I'll send the other half." The money is on my card, remember that I will not do anything to him until you transfer the money."

"Hehe, it's not enough to have me alone. You have arranged for four other men. The people in this world are indeed the most poisonous."

"Okay, okay, I'm not talking nonsense, I'm in room [-] on the second floor of the hotel, let them all come up."

"Listen, don't play any tricks on me. I won't post the pictures on the Internet until the money arrives."

"Oh, I see."

The man put down his phone and looked at Yue Lingxi again, and said with a smile: "I don't know who you offended. The other party thinks that I am not enough alone, so they found you four men. I don't care. Anyway, I don't care about this kind of thing." I’ve done it, it’s just that there are too many people and it’s a bit nauseating.”

The man still spoke very calmly, but Yue Lingxi's face turned pale, and he trembled uncontrollably.

"Bang..." The door was pushed open abruptly, and four punks walked in.

Seeing the beauty of Yuelingxi, several people almost drool.

"Hey... It's so cool to make money and have beautiful women to play with." One of the men looked at Yue Lingxi and smiled obscenely.

Yue Lingxi looked at these people, one was uglier than the other, she felt disgusted when she saw it, and the other party found these men who were uglier than the other just to disgust her.

The driver glanced at the four men, and warned: "I caught them, I'll come first, and then you can play as you like?"

The four men nodded in agreement knowingly.

"Beasts, can you be a little bit human?" Yue Lingxi was frightened. Here, she had almost no possibility of escaping.

The driver laughed and said, "Even if you scold, you also scold yourself. I heard that you robbed other people's boyfriends and designed to frame them. You are also very vicious. So, each other."

When Yue Lingxi heard this, she immediately understood.

"It's Min Yu."

The driver smiled and said, "I don't know who it is, but my money has already been transferred, and I should do what I should do." The man's tone was very calm, and he said such a vicious thing as simple as it is commonplace.

He was taking off his clothes as he walked towards Yueling Creek.

"Don't come here." Yue Lingxi retreated to the window, but her hands and feet were tied, and it was difficult for her to commit suicide.

The driver smiled and said, "Don't think about jumping out of the window to escape, you can't escape just like you, just bear everything obediently, so as not to suffer more."

Being guessed by the driver, Yue Lingxi's face turned pale again.

While talking, the man had already taken off his shirt, and told another young man to take out his mobile phone to take a video.

(End of this chapter)

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