Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 2435 Lu Zijun is shopping with a beautiful girl

Chapter 2435 Lu Zijun is shopping with a beautiful girl
Chapter 2435: Lu Zijun is shopping with a beautiful girl
Every time Lu Haocheng received a call from his son, he thought that something was wrong with his son.

I called Song Yao and asked Song Yao. Song Yao said that his son was in a relationship. He finally figured it out. How could he understand the difficulty of being a father without being there?

He stood by the window, looking at the scenery outside the window, his slender figure seemed to be much gentler.

He has a feeling of spring and flowers blooming.

After more than [-] years, his son finally understood him.

It's not easy for him!
"Ah Cheng, we should go back tomorrow, Tian Tian and the others are also on vacation."

"Father and mother are in country M, and they said they won't be back until the Chinese New Year. They organized a group for the elderly, and they want to travel half the world in half a year?"

Lan Xin came in with tea.

"Ah Cheng, have a cup of herbal tea. I just brewed it to clear away the heat."

Lu Haocheng turned to look at her, and smiled softly: "Okay, wife."


The weather in July was still very hot, Yue Lingxi finally separated from Lu Zijun for a few days, and accompanied Tang Yiyi to the shopping mall on weekends.

Tang Yiyi belongs to the kind of mentality that makes her feel comfortable when she buys a set of clothes for herself every month.

She can't afford the expensive ones, and she doesn't dislike the average ones. After every salary is paid, even if she comes to the mall, she feels very happy not to buy them.

The two were hanging out in the women's clothing section on the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is full of imported fashion clothing, each piece of clothing is exquisite and beautiful, dazzling people.

However, C. Y clothing is always popular, and the half-floor store is full of customers.

Yue Lingxi looked at those beautiful and fashionable clothes, with a smile overflowing from her clean pupils.

The business is really good. She designs clothes, and one day she will hang them here for sale. Soon, she is really looking forward to it.

Tang Yiyi followed her gaze, smiled, and said, "Xixi, this season, the clothes you designed will definitely become the most sought-after clothes here."

The clothing under the name of the Lu Group is innovating every quarter, and the old customers pay special attention to the special customization, and they would rather spend a lot of money than compete with others for expensive shirts.

Yue Lingxi smiled confidently and said, "Yiyi, after all, I have just become an official designer. If this season is not successful, I will definitely work harder in the next quarter until I succeed."

She heard from Lu Zijun that his father and mother had returned recently, and Lu Zijun had also moved back to Longcheng Villa.

She wanted to visit Lu Zijun's mother and learn more from her.

She has many skills but does not overwhelm her body, she has many shortcomings, and her life knowledge is endless.

"Hey, you are so unconfident. Show your previous confidence and believe in yourself. I will hold your thigh tightly."

Yue Lingxi looked at her and changed the subject: "Did you go to dinner with Assistant Song last night?"

Tang Yiyi's eyes flashed: "How do you know?"

Tang Yiyi: It's actually not asking for it.

Yue Lingxi: "Look at your simple mind, if I cheat like this, you will be exposed."

Tang Yiyi looked shy and said in a low voice: "Assistant Song is a nice person. I just joined the company. In addition to you teaching me, Assistant Song also helped me a lot. It is most normal to invite him to dinner. You What are you thinking?"

Yue Lingxi looked at her expression that was trying to cover up, and smiled: "It's not me who is thinking about it, but you, you see that your face is as red as an apple."

Tang Yiyi lowered her head, and patted her face lightly with both hands. It was so hot that she felt the heat wave hit her heart.

"Hehe...!" Yue Lingxi pursed her lips and laughed.

Tang Yiyi became more and more shy, and said, "Xixi, wait for me here, I'll go to the bathroom."

Yue Lingxi: "Go, I'll take a stroll here."

She just saw a brand she likes, so she can go shopping and check out the styles.

After Tang Yiyi left, Yue Lingxi turned around and entered the brand store.

The waiter inside was very polite, and greeted her with a smile, introducing various styles of clothes to her.

Yue Lingxi smiled and learned about the price of the clothes.

This is still a general brand. Clothes start at 15 yuan, with no upper limit, and certain styles are more than [-] yuan.

This is a foreign brand, the designer is very famous, no matter from the design to the fabric of the clothing, they are very careful.

Now the market is very competitive, and all walks of life are working hard to do well, and they all want to surpass the industry leaders and become unique.

She has also learned about the market in the past few years abroad, which is not an easy task.

Unless you can really make unremitting efforts like Lanxin, keep updating styles, and never let customers down.

After picking it up for a while, Yue Lingxi bought a white fairy dress worth 8000 yuan.

She picked it for a long time, and she was a little embarrassed if she didn't buy it. She was just looking at the style.

After paying, she walked out of the store, but she still didn't see Tang Yiyi coming back.

Yue Lingxi was about to go to the bathroom to find her, when she saw Tang Yiyi running towards her desperately.

Yue Lingxi: What's the matter?What the hell?
"Xixi, Lu Zijun, over there..." Tang Yiyi was panting.

Yue Lingxi frowned: "What happened to Lu Zijun?"

"Oh, come and see with me and you'll know."

Tang Yiyi didn't explain too much, and dragged Yue Lingxi to another store.

"Yiyi, run slower, what are you doing?"

Tang Yiyi pulled her to stop at a high-end store, pointed to the inside and said: "Here Lu Zijun is shopping for clothes with a woman. That woman is very beautiful. Go in and have a look."

Yue Lingxi's heart skipped a beat, how could it be possible?

Lu Zijun went on a business trip today, so it's impossible for him to appear here.

Tang Yiyi: "Yue Lingxi, I won't lie to you. I've been looking at her for a long time. That woman is very beautiful, both in her clothes and her appearance. Lu Zijun took good care of her. I only went after seeing her. I came here looking for you."

After Tang Yiyi finished speaking, she dragged Yue Lingxi in.

Yue Lingxi could tell at a glance that the light blue suit was very familiar to her. When Lu Zijun left in the morning, he still wore this suit and sent her a photo, and he was wearing this light blue suit.

And he seldom wears light-colored suits. When she saw him this morning, she suddenly felt that her eyes lit up and praised him for being handsome. He also said that he would try to wear light-colored suits in the future, just to make her happy. let her like it.

After talking for a few hours, the words he said when he left still echoed in his ears: "Xixi, I just left you, and I miss you so much, when I come back, I love you! "

However, a few hours later, he appeared here to go shopping with another woman.

Yue Lingxi felt the pain of being cut into pieces.

Yue Lingxi watched him take a pink fairy dress and gesticulate on that very beautiful girl.

The girl didn't seem to like it. After giving him a reproachful look, she turned around to look at other clothes.

But "Lu Zijun" refused to let go, he pulled the woman and kissed her on the lips.

Yue Lingxi couldn't help but burst into tears instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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