Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 261 Mr. Lu, I have long admired his name

Chapter 261 Mr. Lu, I have long admired his name
Chapter 261: Mr. Lu, I have admired your name for a long time
When Gu Anan heard this, she frowned and looked sideways at Lu Haokai. Every word he warned echoed in her ears.

She also knew in her heart that in a family like theirs, the daughter-in-law could not make a mistake, let alone embarrass the family.

In front of outsiders, wives are all in hardcover. At home, they must be virtuous and law-abiding. This is for the husband and parents-in-law to see.

She was eagerly waiting to marry Lu Haocheng, but she did not expect such a result.

But she always knew Lu Haocheng's thoughts in her heart, no matter whether he wanted to marry a wife and have children in the future, she would never marry herself.

She is just an orphan, and life will not give her everything she wants because of her fragility, her forbearance and pandering.

No one even cares about her thoughts and hard work.

Others only care about your ability and success, and will not be concerned about your unhappy emotions.

Gu An'an said calmly: "I know, you don't have to worry, I will keep myself safe and wait to marry you."

Without love, money is the best comfort for her. After living in a wealthy family for so many years, there are too many places for money to defend her dignity.

Only then did Lu Haokai smile on his handsome face: "An'an, our two families are neighbors. I know you are a well-behaved and sensible person. Just because our two families are aristocratic families, I will pay for your first time." , I know you don't like it in your heart, but I don't like it either.

But we can't remain indifferent to the pressure from the parents of both parties. As long as you help us Lu Zhen Group, the position of the president's wife of Lu Zhen Group will always be yours. "

When he came back today, he suddenly figured it out. Even if he didn't marry Gu An'an, he would marry a girl from another family. Instead of finding someone he is not familiar with, it is better to find a partner he is familiar with.

After all, he can control Gu An'an, even if he spends his time outside, it's fine.

He is not a man who would give up an entire forest for a single tree.

Not to mention being like Lu Haocheng who foolishly waited for someone who would never come home.

Gu An'an looked at him and smiled: "Lu Haokai, remember your promise to me today, the position of the president's wife of Lu Zhen Group can only be my Gu An'an."

Gu An'an held the phone in his hand and smiled strangely.

From the beginning to the end, she couldn't get rid of the temptation of money. She had worked hard sincerely, and she had paid for love, but she couldn't get any response.

There is a saying that is good, always try to reach the stars with bare hands, but in the end it is still yourself who hurts.

Lu Haokai suddenly said: "In a while, your parents and two elder brothers will come to our house for dinner. We will get engaged first. As for the wedding date, I will let my mother go to see it on a good day. Auspicious day."

"Okay!" Gu An'an nodded, now it's a foregone conclusion, no matter how hard she tries, she can't change it.

But those who can't get it are always in turmoil, and those who are favored are confident.

Gu An'an slowly closed her eyes, as long as Gu Yilan does not come back, the Gu family will always be her backing.

Lan Xin came home and saw Xiaojun still reading at home.

She put the computer on the table, turned on the computer, and changed her shoes.

Xiaojun glanced at his mother's computer, "Mom, do you still have work to do?"

"Hmm! Xiaojun, someone touched my mother's computer. Mom is afraid of accidents, so she has to come back and work overtime to deal with what may happen." Lan Xin looked at Xiaojun's slightly puzzled face, smiled, and was with her son , She said it, and she didn't feel any shock in her heart.

Has the computer been touched?

Xiaojun narrowed his eyes slightly. His mother's designs have always been recognized by others, but because of these designs, his mother suffered a lot, and even dreamed at night, talking about the designs.

He got up and said, "Mom, I went back to my room to change clothes. Uncle Le is about to come."

"Okay!" Lan Xin, who was removing her make-up in the bathroom, responded.

Xiaojun returned to the room, immediately found out his special phone, and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hey! Xiao Qi, why are you calling me if you don't sleep at this time." The voice on the phone was hoarse and full of sleepiness.

Because of the time difference, it was already late at night on the other side.

Xiaojun said seriously: "Master, do me a favor..." Xiaojun explained his doubts to the master on the opposite side, and then hung up the phone.

Immediately, he hung up the phone and changed into casual clothes. Just in time, Le Jinxi called and was already waiting for him downstairs.

After he greeted his mother, he went downstairs.

Lu Haocheng drove by himself to the place that he had made an appointment with Mu Ziheng. Along the way, his heart was very restless. He wanted to know about Lanlan's past, but he didn't dare to know. He was afraid, afraid of Lanlan's past. He was afraid that her life would be bad, and he would feel even worse.

But he had no choice but to check it out. Only after checking this and knowing about Lan Lan's past, could he feel more at ease and feel at ease.

Their appointment was at a high-end restaurant in Fashion Square.

With graceful steps, Lu Haocheng entered the private room under the leadership of the waiter.

In the private room, the dishes have already been ordered, and Mu Ziheng is a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes.

His hair is black and shiny, and the sideburns are trimmed very short, making him look neat and capable.

He is Mu Ziheng's friend, Yang Langyi.

"Haocheng, you're here." Mu Ziheng smiled, then turned around and introduced, "He's Yang Langyi, my high school classmate. It just so happens that his home is very close to Jiang's."

Yang Langyi stood up with a smile and said, "Boss Lu, I have long admired your name!"

Lu Haocheng looked at him and nodded indifferently, "Sit down!"

The three of them sat around the table, and on the round glass table, there were delicious delicacies with their own characteristics, exuding tempting aromas.

Mu Ziheng looked at Lu Haocheng and said with a smile: "Haocheng, Lang Yi is a trustworthy person, you don't have to worry."

"Okay!" Lu Haocheng still nodded indifferently, the trustworthy person is the best!
Yang Langyi smiled, his brows were full of confidence, and there was a calm smile on his cheeks. He didn't understand why Lu Haocheng needed to understand Jiang Lanxin, but it was a matter of little effort, and he could help as much as he could.

Mu Ziheng smiled again and said, "Haocheng, let's eat while we talk! Or talk after we finish eating."

Who knows what will happen to this lunatic after he hears about Lan Xin's past?
Lan Xin is his fate!

Once he loses his temper, he will be hungry again tonight. For the sake of his internal organs, it is important to eat first.

"Okay!" Lu Haocheng still nodded, with a restrained expression, without any unnecessary words.

The wind blowing in from the window, the breeze brushed his forehead lightly, his black eyes shone faintly behind the hair tips, but revealed an inexplicable gloomy color.

(End of this chapter)

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