Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 270 It really is an unreliable one

Chapter 270 Really Unreliable

Chapter 270: It really is an unreliable one

"Ziheng, wait a minute, I'll go with you." Lu Yike caught up with Mu Ziheng who was about to enter the elevator.

He never believed that his wife would do such a thing.

If this incident is true, his reputation will be ruined throughout his life.

Mu Ziheng pressed the elevator quickly, turned around and asked with a smile: "Why, Uncle Lu is willing to believe what I say."

Lu Yike's face was solemn, and his tone was low: "This matter, we must find out what's going on? I only saw it last night. Although I was angry at what you said, I couldn't ignore it.

You also know that this Lu Zhen Group is my life's painstaking effort, and it can't be ruined like this.

Moreover, since Hao Cheng and you three little bastards established the Lu Group, the sales of our Lu Zhen Group are not as good as before. That little bastard is like a wolf, maybe he will turn around and bite me someday? "After Lu Yike finished speaking, he looked at Mu Ziheng with deep eyes.

Mu Ziheng lowered his head slightly and smiled slightly: "Uncle Lu, you have to admit that as a son, Haocheng is indeed a good hand in business, but it's too much for you to say that about him, no matter how you treat him, he will still Give you the respect you deserve."

"Yeah!" Lu Yike nodded heavily, his face was extremely solemn, and there was a touch of sadness between his brows: "You also know that the relationship between me and Haocheng has always been lukewarm, and Haocheng has a deep hatred for me. !
Even if I do it all over again, I'm afraid he won't be able to forgive me. "

The corner of Mu Ziheng's lips curled up sarcastically, but he didn't take his words.

Why did Hao become like this, he also understood from the bottom of his heart.

If Haocheng can't find his mother, he will never forgive him for the rest of his life.

This is something everyone knows well.

The three of them took the elevator to the tenth floor, where the scene of today's new product launch is being arranged.

Qin Ningzhen, Lu Haokai, Lu Sien, and the designer of Lu Zhen Group, Wen Ruyi were also present.

The staff is setting up the scene.

Qin Ningzhen was discussing with Lu Haokai the details of the design drawings scrolling on the big screen, when he suddenly saw Lu Yike and Mu Ziheng coming in.

But when they saw Mu Ziheng, both Qin Ningzhen and Lu Haokai's mother and son had a flash of shock on their faces.

But fleeting!
However, what puzzled the two of them was, why did Mu Ziheng appear here at this time?

"Dad!" Lu Sien walked towards Lu Yike with a smile.

Seeing Mu Ziheng, a shyness flashed across her pretty smiling face, and she called softly, "Brother Mu, why are you here?"

After finishing speaking, she slightly pursed her translucent lips. The pale pink lip gloss made her look more pure and lovely. She looked at Mu Ziheng's eyes, and there was an undisguised friendship.

Mu Ziheng replied indifferently: "I have something to do here."

"Oh! Let me pour you a cup of coffee!" she laughed.

"No need!" Mu Ziheng quickly refused, how could he be interested in drinking coffee now.

He just wants to watch a good show!

With his handsome gaze, he glanced at the frozen design on the big screen, and a sneer flashed across his heart, as it was stolen by their company.

Qin Ningzhen looked into Mu Ziheng's gaze, and his eyelids kept twitching wildly.

Lu Yike looked at his daughter from the sidelines and shook his head, it's really not good for girls.

Sien likes Ziheng, he knows this.

But Mu Ziheng didn't seem to be interested in his daughter.

Love is an emotional spice in life, and he is also a person who has experienced it, so he has a deep understanding of it.

Qin Ningzhen was wearing a noble pink tight skirt. She twisted her slender waist and walked over charmingly: "Hey, isn't this Mr. Mu's family? He came to our company early this morning. He didn't come to Are you playing?"

Mu Ziheng smiled indifferently: "Madam Lu, of course I'm not here to play, Madam Lu might as well wait a little longer, let's watch a good show, I believe Madam Lu will be very interested in this good show. "

Qin Ningzhen raised his eyebrows and looked at Mu Ziheng's calm expression, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Good show?" She lowered her head slightly and pulled the corner of her lips lightly.

None of them said, how could Lu Haocheng find out?

Qin Ningzhen didn't believe that Lu Haocheng could have such a skill?
Lu Yike looked at Qin Ningzhen's expression. As a husband and wife, he frowned slightly. Ning Zhen's expression was a little different from before.

Could it be that what Ziheng said is true?
"Ning Zhen..."

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Lu Haocheng, Yuan Yuan, Lan Xin and Ou Jingyao walking in.

The moment Qin Ningzhen saw Yuan Yuan, his complexion changed drastically, and he became pale and weak in an instant.

Lu Haokai was also in a panic from the bottom of his heart!
Lu Haocheng walked in front, wearing a straight black suit, his handsome face showed no expression, and his whole body exuded a solemn and proud aura.

Walking in front of Qin Ningzhen, his thin lips curled into a cold and arrogant smile, and he said casually: "I heard that Lu Zhen Group is going to hold a new product launch conference today. .”

However, Lu Haokai spoke first: "Our Lu Zhen Group held a new product launch conference, but we did not invite your Lu Group, please come back, Mr. Lu!"

Lu Haocheng looked at Lu Haokai sharply and coldly with his handsome and unbelievable face and treacherous eyes.

"What? Don't dare to show it to us, or..." Lu Haocheng hesitated to speak, showing power without anger.

Lu Haokai frowned slightly, why did Lu Haocheng know the news so quickly.

Could it be that Yuan Yuan betrayed them.

With his cold gaze, he glanced at Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan met Lu Haokai's gaze, and instantly lowered her head, not daring to look at Lu Haokai.

Seeing Yuan Yuan's expression, Lu Haokai instantly understood everything.

It really is an unreliable one.

"Haocheng, what's the matter with you bringing people here with great fanfare?" Lu Yike was ignored by his son, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart, and his tone became sharp.

Lu Haocheng stared at him, with a sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were so cold that people dare not look directly at them.

His tone was low and cold like an ice pick that was hard to melt in winter: "Of course I'm here to catch thieves. I'm waiting for your new product launch. The reporters are all outside, let them all come in!"

"Haocheng, you..." Lu Yike looked at his confident handsome face. This handsome face was very similar to when he was young, while Haocheng was more like him, with vigorous and resolute methods.

"Lu Haocheng, what do you want to do?" Qin Ningzhen couldn't help asking.

Lu Haocheng pointed to the design drawing on the big screen, and said with a sneer: "Mrs. Lu, why did our company's design drawing appear in your company? Why don't we call the reporter in, and let's talk about it together."

(End of this chapter)

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