Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 276 She is not innocent at all

Chapter 276 She is not innocent at all
Chapter 276: She is not innocent at all
"Thank you Uncle Lu!" Lan Ziran looked at Lu Haocheng and smiled.

The few times we met, he was kind to himself, beyond the scope of normal people.

Go back to discuss with my brother at night to see if I can find their father.

Now that I have come to Jiang City, I have to find my father who my mother never mentioned.

Jin Yan looked at it and said, "Of course, you can't eat too salty food, otherwise you will drink a lot of water later on, and you will go to the toilet frequently, and eat at night."

"Oh!" Ran Ran put the ribs she was going to eat into her mother's bowl.

Lu Haocheng looked at it, frowned, looked at Jinyan and said, "Miss Le, there is no rush to shoot..."

Le Jinyan interrupted him with a smile: "Mr. Lu, you are not in a hurry, but we are. He still has a movie to go back to shoot?"

If Lan Xin didn't accept her help and insisted on earning money to buy a house by herself, she wouldn't have signed the contract with Lu Haocheng.

However, he is still young, so it is really tiring to let him run around!

Lu Haocheng's eyes were deep, and he glanced at Ranran with a distressed look on his face.

Lan Xin glanced at Le Jinyan, lowered her head, her eyes were full of shame.

She put some light food in Ranran's bowl, "Ranran, eat quickly!"

"Yeah!" Lan Ziran nodded with a smile, lowered her head and ate her food silently, her well-behaved appearance made people feel distressed.

Lu Haocheng looked at it in a particularly uncomfortable mood.

Mu Ziheng glanced at Lu Haocheng and knew what was going on in his heart.

But today, Qin Ningzhen hated Haocheng even more when he went to Lu Zhen Group to make a fuss.

He glanced at the two of them separately. They were originally the happiest of them, and they were also the two richest families. Now both of them are living in pain.

Haocheng's family fell apart, and Lan Xin couldn't return home.

well! !

God really played a big joke on them.

Forcibly separating the two of them for so many years?

Even though he was a childhood sweetheart, Gu Yilan had never left the Gu family, with Lu Haocheng's personality, he would still choose Gu Yilan and put her on top of his heart.

After all, at that time, no one cared about Haocheng's feelings. He lost his mother and sister all of a sudden, and his whole world collapsed.

And Gu Yilan knew that Haocheng was unhappy, as long as Haocheng came back from school, she would cling to Haocheng and make him happy. Maybe at that time, only Gu Yilan gave Haocheng the only warmth.

During a meal, everyone had different thoughts, and Lu Haocheng's mood was the most solemn.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Mu Ziheng had been looking for topics to chat with Le Jinyan. After this chat, the two of them actually found that they were quite good at chatting.

"Manager Mu..."

"Miss Le, we will also work in the same company in the future, so don't call me so unfamiliar, just call me Ziheng!" Mu Ziheng interrupted Le Jinyan with a smile.

Le Jinyan smiled, and didn't care at all. As a manager, what she wanted was interpersonal relationships at all levels, so she immediately became rude.

He smiled and said, "Then Manager Mu, you don't have to be polite, just call me Jinyan!"

Mu Ziheng looked at her with a smile, with a playful look on his face: "Jinyan, you've already said you're welcome, and you called me Manager Mu again."

While talking, Mu Ziheng took out his mobile phone and handed it to Le Jinyan. Junyan also leaned over, "Jinyan, for the convenience of our future work, let's add a WeChat account!"

Lan Xin looked at Mu Ziheng's actions, this Mu Ziheng was also quite tricky, obviously he was interested in Jinyan.

"Okay!" Le Jinyan also took out her mobile phone, and the two added WeChat to each other.

After Mu Ziheng added WeChat, there were only two words, happy, so happy that he almost got up and ran ten laps on the playground to suppress the joy in his heart.

In his heart, Le Jinyan appeared like his goddess.

He purposely changed his name card to Jinyan.

Although I can't wait to look at her circle of friends, I want to see what his so-called boyfriend looks like?
But at the dinner table, he resisted the urge.

Mu Ziheng glanced at Le Jinyan, and asked with a smile, "Jinyan, don't you plan to return to Jiang City to develop? Jiang City is much better than Fan City."

Le Jinyan glanced at Lan Xin suddenly, and said with a smile, "Maybe."

Maybe, these words made Mu Ziheng inexplicably excited.

Do you get the moon first if you are close to the water?

"It's fine. After all, Jiang City is the largest Jiang City in Country A. It will certainly develop better here." Lu Haocheng said suddenly.

He also hopes that Ranran is by his side, so that he and Lanlan can also take care of the two brothers.

Le Jinyan suddenly smiled and looked at Lu Haocheng charmingly. She remembered that this man had always looked indifferent and indifferent. The corner of her mouth curled up with a playful arc, and asked, "Mr. Lu seems to be very concerned about our family."


Jinyan suddenly noticed a problem, Lu Haocheng's face seemed to be somewhat similar to Ranran's.

If you want to talk about the father of the three brothers and sisters, even Lan Xin doesn't know who it is?
Subconsciously, Lan Xin didn't want to find the children's father at all.

She has always felt sorry for this kind and strong girl.

Lu Haocheng pursed his lips, smiled gracefully, his handsome eyes fell on Jinyan's charming face, and said with a smile: "Miss Le, both Lanlan and Ranran can bring great benefits to our Lu Group People, of course I care a lot about them."

"As expected of a profiteer, the calculation is so wonderful. Since Mr. Lu has such a heart, then I don't mind bringing Ranran back to Jiang City to develop. After all, the environment here is good, there is no doubt about it."

Upon hearing this, Lan Xin smiled excitedly and asked, "Jinyan, are you really willing to come back to Jiangshi to develop? What about Mr. Wen?" Wen Lang is Jinyan's current boyfriend, and he also has a place in Fanshi. He and Jinyan have been in love for three years.

Jinyan squinted her eyes and looked at her with a smile: "Lanlan, you are pure, so I have been worried about you and easily deceived by others. What about me and Wen Lang? I don't know what will happen in the future. ? And he also has business in Jiangshi, recently in Jiangshi."

After Le Jinyan finished speaking, she gave Lu Haocheng a strange look.

Lu Haocheng also looked at her calmly.

He definitely has bad intentions towards Lan Lan, even so, she, Le Jinyan, can't stop him from getting Lan Lan's heart.

Lan Xin smiled helplessly, why do they always treat her as a simple little girl?

She is not innocent at all.

She smiled and said, "Jinyan, don't always think of me so innocently, okay?" Lan Xin was a little embarrassed, after all, she was in front of Lu Haocheng and Mu Ziheng.

"Got it, got it, our blue baby is just as cute as Ranran." Jin Yan said, and glanced at Ranran, who was leaning on Lan Xin's body drowsily, her eyes flashed with distress.

She will definitely do her best to make Ranran become the most popular little fresh meat as she grows older.

(End of this chapter)

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