Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 40 If You Are Not Brave, Who Will Be Strong For You

Chapter 40 If You Are Not Brave, Who Will Be Strong For You

Chapter 40: If you are not brave, who will be strong for you

On the other side, Lu Haocheng stared at Mrs. Jiang's mother and daughter who were talking and laughing.

He said abruptly, "Before tomorrow, I want to see Jiang Lanxin's photo, and I want to know which orphanage Jiang Lanxin was adopted from?" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone angrily.

Mu Ziheng on the other end of the phone widened his eyes.

What the hell?

What's wrong with Lu Haocheng?

After a while, one task will pop up. Is it easy for him to run back and forth for thousands of miles?

Mu Ziheng scolded Lu Haocheng a few words in his heart before putting away the phone.

Suddenly, he seemed to have suddenly remembered something.

"Jiang Lanxin? Orphanage? Lanxin? Lanlan?" He said to himself, but he stopped every word.

"Ouch! It can't be such a coincidence!" He would rush to the airport with his luggage, and his graceful steps turned into a trot.

Lu Haocheng turned around and saw that the seat where Lan Xin was sitting just now was empty.

He looked at the glass door, and saw Lan Xin lowered her head slightly. He saw her profile, still in such pain!

Le Jinxi comforted her by the side.

Such a scene made him look a little dazzling.

Lanlan, I have a very strong feeling in my heart that it is you!
How could a normal person erase his address for no reason?

There was only one possibility, and that was that she didn't want anyone to know who she was and where she lived.

Just like his mother, who would send them a letter to tell them they were safe, but she couldn't be found no matter what.

With deep eyes, he just watched the two of them disappear without blinking.

The heart seems to be lost as well.

For the first time in many years, he had such a feeling in his heart.

Lanlan, I've been looking for you for many years, why don't you come back?

I have always firmly believed that you are still living in this world, and you will definitely come back to me. You said that you would stay by my side for the rest of your life.

There is a kind of waiting, always in the most painful place in my heart.

Only waiting for the person who has to wait is the best destination for the soul!

Lan Xin and Jin Xi talked about meeting Jiang Jingyi and Tao Mengyi.

When Jin Xi heard this, she only regretted not going with Lan Xin.

Lan Xin's face was still pale, her expression was in a trance, her big eyes looked blankly at the street under the rainbow light.

Jin Xi was on the side, looking at her worriedly, carefully guarding her surroundings, for fear that she would fall.

After seven years, she still can't forget the pain in her heart.

Seven years ago, she was not seriously injured, but she was completely hopeless and unwilling to wake up.

He and his sister had worked very hard to give her the desire to survive.

Both he and his sister thought that after seven years, at least she would forget some of it.

With Xiaojun and Ranran, and Qiqi's company, at least the hatred and pain in her heart will be reduced little by little.

And for the past seven years, she has been very busy, as if she wanted to keep herself busy, and had no time to think about the unhappiness in the past.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she met the members of the Jiang family, the hatred and pain in her heart would surge out like sea water, completely arousing her fragile side.

"Lanlan, don't do this, if you do, I'll be so worried that I won't be able to sleep." Jin Xi suddenly said.

Lan Xin looked sideways slowly, looking at him dully.

She pursed her lips slightly, trying to laugh, but suddenly felt unable to do so, her eyes were dull, and her voice was hoarse, "Jinxi, what did you just say?"

Jin Xi smiled bitterly, she didn't hear what she was saying at all?
Forget it, she would be even more worried after talking about it.

He smiled, and his voice was soft and concerned: "Lanlan, shall I take you back?"

Lan Xin shook her head quickly. She is in a much better mood now. If she meets someone from the Jiang family next time, she will be able to face it bravely.

If you are not brave, who will be strong for you?
She came back for revenge, next time, she won't be so vulnerable.

(End of this chapter)

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