Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 505 The One Who Should Shut Up Is You

Chapter 505 The One Who Should Shut Up Is You

Chapter 505: You are the one who should shut up

"Mom, mom..." Lan Zijun's immature voice pierced everyone's heart.

But Lan Xin, with her thin body, lay quietly without any response. This time, she had no time to prepare, and swallowed some of the mango juice that was flowing into her mouth. This time it was obviously much more serious than the last time.

Gu Yicen was also stunned, she didn't expect her allergy to mango to be so severe, is this very similar to Xiao Yi's childhood?

He suddenly remembered that his sister was also allergic to mangoes, and his heart tightened as well, and he stared at Lan Xin intently, his eyes a little red.

Lan Zijun quickly took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and called the emergency number.

Suddenly, he suddenly raised his eyes, with an angry little face, glaring at Gu Yicen, those big scarlet eyes, that angry expression wished to tear Gu Yicen apart.

Gu Yicen suddenly came into contact with such a pair of cold and ruthless big eyes, and his whole body trembled violently. He didn't expect that a child could exude such a powerful aura.

Lan Zijun yelled at Gu Yicen with heart-piercing anger: "My mother is innocent about Gu An'an? My sister lost a foot and a hand, and is still lying on the bed unable to take care of herself. And your Gu family will do anything Framed my mother, hurt my mother, I want you Gu family to be finished today!"

Lan Zijun's heart-piercing and angry voice revealed a ruthless determination, which made Gu Yicen, who was stunned by the side, suddenly feel that his serious words could really make their Gu family lose everything.


"Get out!" Lan Zijun gritted his teeth and glared at him, "I won't let your Gu family see unexpected results at night, just wait for me."

Lan Zijun's small face was full of ruthless revenge, an expression tearing from pain, and bloodthirsty with hatred.

Such ruthless words made the people around them a little unbelievable that they would come out of a child.

Lan Zijun is a silent person, once a silent person erupts, it will be frightening.

Gu Yicen was stunned, and looked at Lan Zijun with dull eyes, wondering in his heart, what kind of confidence did he have to say such a thing as a child?
Ou Jingyao and Mu Ziheng just came back from dinner, they passed by the door of the coffee shop and saw this scene.

Mu Ziheng thought it was a passerby, but when he saw Lan Zijun who was topless, he was taken aback for a moment, seeing that the person lying on the ground was Lan Xin.

He was completely panicked, and quickly walked over with Ou Jingyao.

The scene in front of him left him speechless.

On his handsome face, sullen breath spread, and he roared: "Who did it?"

After being yelled at by him, Gu Yicen instantly came back to his senses. He looked at Mu Ziheng's tense and angry face, and his eyes slightly frowned.

Ou Jingyao quickly took off his coat and put it on Lan Zijun's body, and asked Xiaojun, "Xiaojun, did you call the emergency call?" There was concern in his gentle tone.

Lan Zijun nodded indifferently, "Come soon."

There was uncontrollable trembling and fear in that immature voice.

Ou Jingyao took a deep look at him, and hugged Lan Xin who was on the ground.

Waiting for the ambulance to come, the siren of the ambulance can already be heard far away.He looked down at Lan Xin, whose face was red and swollen, with deep eyes, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Mu Ziheng glanced at the people around him, and said like a fly, "Let's go, let's go, what's going on here, what's there to see?"

Everyone looked at Mu Ziheng with dissatisfaction, and left after discussing.

As soon as Mu Ziheng turned his head, he saw Gu Yicen who was still standing there.

Mu Ziheng looked at Gu Yicen in disbelief, frowned and asked, "Gu Yicen, you didn't do this, did you?"

Gu Yicen nodded calmly, and looked at Mu Ziheng with an air of arrogance: "I did it, why? You, Mu Ziheng, want to stand up for her too, right? This matter is plain It's because of Lu Haocheng that An An didn't dare to tell the truth, so she went out to apologize because of being wronged."

"Grievance..." Mu Ziheng looked like he had heard the big joke, and he sneered instantly, his white teeth sparkling in the sun.

He was so angry that he couldn't help himself, and looked at Gu Yicen with a sneer and swearing: "Gu Yicen, if Gu An'an's mother feels wronged, then this Lan Xin must be wronged. Don't you know the inside story of the matter? Gu Yilin didn't put this matter with Can you make it clear? There was a video surveillance of the situation at that time. Lan Xin didn't push Gu An'an at all, she fell down by herself in order to frame Lan Xin. Are you blind? Ah, for a girl, you Can you do something like this?"


Mu Ziheng was a little out of breath, Gu Yicen's upright temper, to put it bluntly, he was straightforward, to put it bluntly, he was stupid, when others provoked a few words, he really took it to heart.

Gu Yicen glanced coldly at Lan Xin in Ou Jingyao's arms, and still believed in An An more in his heart. After all, An An was a member of their family and would not deceive him with such things.

He looked at Mu Ziheng and said with a sneer: "Mu Ziheng, don't speak for her. She is just a woman who has a child out of wedlock. What are you all doing? She is wronged. Doesn't my sister feel wronged?"

Hearing the words "birth out of wedlock", Lan Zijun suddenly raised his head and glanced at Gu Yicen leisurely.

"Sister?" Mu Ziheng looked at him sarcastically when he heard these two words, "Gu Yicen, have you forgotten that you have a sister because of Gu An'an? Just believe what she says What? Are you really stupid enough?"

"Mu Ziheng, don't go too far." Gu Yicen suddenly roared excitedly.

In his heart, he has never forgotten Xiao Yi.

"Excessive?" Mu Ziheng wrinkled his nose, and looked Gu Yicen up and down, "You foolish guy, came here today to make such a fuss, did it mean that Gu Anan gave you a lot of rainbow farts? "

"Shut up!" Gu Yicen looked at Mu Ziheng angrily, his hands clasped together, and the expression on his face, which was clearly about to beat someone, made people a little scared.

But Mu Ziheng is also a person who knows Gu Yicen well.

Compared with his younger brother, Gu Yicen is really not as good as his younger brother. He is a child spoiled by Mrs. Gu. After all, he is the eldest son, and he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. Naturally, his temper is not much better. go.

He and Su Jingming felt like they hit it off.

Mu Ziheng was suddenly furious: "You are the one who should shut up. Go back and tell your brother about this. Your brother will definitely teach you well. If a big man hits a woman, you will Excuse me? You?"

Mu Ziheng waved at Gu Yicen like chasing flies.

(End of this chapter)

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