Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 511 You are the daughter of our Gu family, Gu Yilan

Chapter 511 You are the daughter of our Gu family, Gu Yilan

Chapter 511: You are the daughter of our Gu family, Gu Yilan

Lin Mengyi looked at Mu Qing, not knowing what it was like in her heart, she called out with a trembling voice, "Sister Mu Qing!"

Mu Qing glanced at her, seeing her pale and painful expression, she asked: "What's wrong with you? Why can't you even walk steadily?"

"I..." Lin Mengyi said, lowering her head in shame, holding back the tears that were about to shed.

Mu Qing said: "It seems that you already know."

Lin Mengyi quickly looked up at her, and nodded with pain on her face.

"Aunt Xu!" Gu Yicen called out cautiously, what happened today was all his fault.

Mu Qing glanced at him coldly, and said sarcastically, "Gu Yicen, why did my Lanlan offend you? You clearly know that she is very allergic to mangoes, but you are so vicious that you sprinkle salt on her wounds, you know, her In the Jiang family, after being abused by the Jiang family, she would tremble when she sees a mango, no matter what the reason is, you have no reason to treat her like this." Mu Qing's tone was extremely excited.

Gu Yicen lowered her head in shame, not daring to say a word.

Yi Tianqi also glanced at Gu Yicen coldly, and said, "Qingqing, let's go in first."

When Lin Mengyi heard the sound of Qingqing, she suddenly raised her eyes to look at Yi Tianqi, and instantly understood everything.

Sister Mu Qing's husband turned out to be Yi Tianqi.

It's unbelievable how the two of them came together.

Mu Qing didn't speak, and walked into the ward with Yi Tianqi.

Lin Mengyi and Gu Yicen also licked their faces and walked in. With the arrival of the four of them, the ward instantly became crowded.

Mu Qinghong glanced at her daughter on the hospital bed, and then at Xiao Jun in her son's arms. Xiao Jun saw his mother's accident with his own eyes today. How sad is this child?
"Xiaojun." She called out worriedly.

"Grandma." Xiaojun came out of Lu Haocheng's arms. He had already changed into the clothes that Mu Ziheng bought for him, and Mu Ziheng also returned to the company due to something else.

He ran to grandma and said in a low voice: "Grandma, grandpa, mom hasn't woken up yet. The doctor came to see her just now, and mom's mouth is full of blisters." Lan Zijun said, tears fell , Mom will wake up, it must be very painful.

"Ah..." Mu Qing's heart ached. At this moment, she was so angry that she wished she could kick Gu Yicen a few times.

Lin Mengyi and Gu Yicen who had just walked in also heard Xiaojun's words.

The mother and son are even more guilty.

Gu Xihong and Gu Yilin also sat on the side with dejected faces.

Lu Haocheng also sat coldly without speaking.

Lin Mengyi looked closely at Lan Xin's still red and swollen face. It turned out that her daughter had already returned to her side. Damn her, she didn't recognize her daughter immediately.

He also said the most vicious things in the world to his daughter.

Is this God punishing her for losing her daughter for so long?
Every time Lin Mengyi thinks about it, it hurts her heart!

"Lanlan..." She choked up and called out her daughter's name.

Lan Zijun who was in front of Mu Qing suddenly glanced at her suspiciously.

"Mom..." Suddenly, Lan Xin, who was lying on the bed, suddenly called out.

Lin Mengyi's expression moved, and she looked at Lan Xin excitedly, seeing her curled and long eyelashes trembling slightly.

Mu Qing pulled Xiao Jun over, and Mu Qing shouted, "Lanlan, where is mom?"

Seeing that Lan Xin woke up, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Lan Xin slowly opened her eyes and looked around. In a daze, she seemed to hear her mother's voice and called out casually. She didn't expect her mother to be here.

She looked at the anxious mother and smiled weakly, but her mouth hurt.

And I'm so hungry!

"Mom, why are you sad?" Lan Zijun asked while suppressing his excitement.

Lan Xin shook her head slightly, "Xiaojun, mom is fine."

Yi Tianqi also came over, looked at her, and smiled lovingly: "You girl, you are really worrying."

When Lan Xin heard this, she glanced at her father with a smile, and said with a smile, "Dad is here too."

When the Gu family heard Lan Xin's father, they couldn't believe that Yi Tianqi was Lan Lan's father.

Especially Gu Xihong, seeing his daughter call someone else's father, felt even more uncomfortable.

Yi Tianqi smiled and said, "Can Dad not come?"

Lan Xin said coquettishly, "Father, buy me the pumpkin and lotus seed porridge from Jiangshi Hotel. I heard that their porridge is delicious."

When Yi Tianqi heard this, he smiled dotingly, "Okay, Dad will ask you Uncle Yang to buy it and send it over."

As Yi Tianqi said, he turned and went out to make a phone call.

Only now did Lu Haocheng have a space to walk over.

"Lanlan..." He looked deeply at her red and swollen face.

Lan Xin looked at him, seeing his worried face, the corners of her lips raised slightly.

Only then did I realize that all members of the Gu family were here.

When she caught sight of Gu Yicen, her mind instantly recalled the scene of being splashed with mango juice by him, and she trembled involuntarily.

Gu Yicen did not miss that moment of panic.

He walked over quickly, "Xiao Yi, I'm sorry, it was the big brother who made a mistake, didn't the big brother know it was you? Xiao Yi."

As soon as Gu Yicen's words came out of his mouth, everyone was stunned.

After Gu Yicen said what he said, he realized that something was wrong. He has an upright temper and can't hide things in his heart. This is why the Gu family members have not told him the matter.

Gu Yilin glanced at the eldest brother, but it's good to say it out, so as not to make the family feel uncomfortable all the time.

It's all here, Xiao Yi should know.

Lu Haocheng glared at Gu Yicen.

this bastard...

Lan Xin was the most shocked. At this moment, it seemed that all the guesses in her heart had become a foregone conclusion.

She quickly retorted: "Mr. Gu, you have identified the wrong person."

Lan Xin denied, she didn't look at anyone, she lowered her eyes, not knowing where to look.

Slightly raising her eyes, Lin Mengyi's face full of tears was reflected in her eyes.

Her heart suddenly ached, and she and Lin Mengyi looked at each other quietly.

"Lanlan, Lanlan, you are mother's daughter!" Lin Mengyi said in a painful voice.

The whole person sat down on the ground.

Seeing this, Gu Yilin quickly walked over to support her.

"Mom, you just fainted because of excessive sadness. Now your emotions can't fluctuate anymore, and you will faint again."

Lan Xin couldn't believe it, tears fell uncontrollably.

"How could this be?" she murmured.

Gu Xihong got up and looked at Lan Xin with distressed and excited expression: "Lanlan, the paternity test has been done, you are the lost daughter of our Gu family, Gu Yilan. Do you remember the first time Dad saw you? That Dad recognized you at that time, but he was not sure, so Dad has been looking for you all this time."

(End of this chapter)

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