Three children, the president's father is super fierce

Chapter 532 What's the situation? !

Chapter 532 What's the situation? !

Chapter 532: What's the situation? !

"What?" Shen Jiaqi looked at Lan Xin in disbelief, Lan Lan was Yi Lin's own sister.

Lan Xin smiled and said: "Jiaqi, I didn't expect things to develop like this, but I thought about it before. No matter what reason my parents don't want me, I don't blame them. After all, my mother gave me Life, so I didn't get angry, so I recognized them."

Shen Jiaqi was surprised, and also smiled, "Lanlan, you are right, you are alive, you must know how to be grateful, no matter what your parents have done? After all, they gave us life."

Lan Xin watched her avoid the previous topic, gently took her hand, and said, "Jiaqi, my second brother has always been unable to let you go. He came to me a while ago and wanted to see you..."

"Lanlan." Shen Jiaqi quickly interrupted her, "I know you're doing it for my own good, but let's leave it at that about me and your second brother, but please keep it a secret, don't tell Yilin, I live with you Here, after the baby is born, I will look for a house."

When Lan Xin heard her obvious refusal, she also knew that this matter could not be rushed, Jia Qi finally forgot the pain in her heart.

It also takes courage to forget, and likewise, it takes more courage to love.

Shen Jiaqi was silent, she lowered her head, when she really fell in love with someone, the lingering miss made herself unable to control when she was free at night.

She knew that Yilin still had her in her heart, but her heart had already settled down.

In her heart, she couldn't let Yilin go, after all, she really loved Yilin.

She also couldn't control this relationship freely.

The person who once promised to be with you all the way, but disappeared when walking around a certain corner, looking back suddenly, there are only tears dancing.

Lan Xin smiled and said, "Jiaqi, your child is pregnant, but my nephew, there is no rush to find a house. When the child is older, you are moving out."

Lan Xin looked at her and smiled slightly: "But Jiaqi, I hope you will think about the matter between you and my second brother. After all, you are in love."

Shen Jiaqi smiled bitterly and said: "Lanlan, I will consider what you said, but love is the most tortured thing in this world. It is too difficult to really meet someone who likes yourself, but if you want to fall in love with someone, It’s also difficult, but true love has no regrets.”

She had loved, so she couldn't bear to bear the child in her womb, she just wanted to give birth to him.

Lan Xin has never been in love, she smiled and said: "Jiaqi, I have never been in love, maybe the true love in this world can really make people unforgettable, soul-stirring, love with thousands of twists and turns. But Jiaqi, I still hope You are with my second brother. During the period of your consideration, I will not tell my brother that you are here, don't worry. "

Shen Jiaqi smiled gratefully, "Lanlan, thank you! It's great to have you!"

"Hehe..." Lan Xin smiled, "Jiaqi, after hearing your words, I suddenly feel great."

"You are indeed great and courageous." Shen Jiaqi praised.

Lan Xin stood up with a smile, "Jiaqi, if you keep boasting, my tail should be up to the sky, you should rest, I'm going up."

"Yeah!" Shen Jiaqi smiled and nodded.

Lan Xin smiled and turned to leave, feeling much more comfortable now.

Lu Haocheng was processing documents in the room, but his ears kept listening to the movement outside.

All his documents have been read, but Lan Xin has not come up yet.

He came to sit on a stool in the yard and waited.

Lu Haocheng glanced around, the surroundings were very close, and the dark night diluted the hustle and bustle.

Now he is in a peaceful state of mind, and he is no longer worried about gains and losses as before. Various situations, twists and turns, twists and turns, because the person he was waiting for appeared, no matter how big the injury was, he was healed, and the twists and turns seemed to be gradually moving away from him. , only happiness.

When Lan Xin went back upstairs with the book in her arms, she saw the somewhat dim balcony.

The man was wearing a white casual suit with his sleeves half rolled up. His handsome face had a flat expression on it. He looked at the night in the distance and wondered what he was thinking about. His black eyes, when he was alone, were always as deep as the sea. Not a ray of light.

Ever since she knew that the person Lu Haocheng had been waiting for was herself, every time Lan Xin saw Lu Haocheng, she felt very complicated.

As if he heard her footsteps, the man's eyes, deep into the sea, quickly moved to her face, and those deep eyes suddenly became gentle and watery, as if the sky was covered with stars.

"Lanlan, why did you go there for so long?" His tone was like that of an abandoned child, full of dissatisfaction.

Lan Xin watched the change in his expression, and complex emotions welled up in his eyes, which were fleeting.

In his mind, the scene in Haocheng suddenly flashed. At that time, Lu Haocheng knew that he was Gu Yilan, and everything he did was for her.

When Lan Xin looked into his complicated eyes, something surged suddenly, and she quickly suppressed it again.

She walked up to him and sat down. Her tone was a little heavy: "I talked with Jiaqi about her and my brother, but Jiaqi is still unwilling to face it. I have never been in a relationship, and I don't know about Jiaqi. I can only wait for Jiaqi to figure it out by herself."

When Lu Haocheng heard the words that he had never been in love, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, appearing to be in a particularly good mood.

"Lanlan, you can't force things about your relationship. If you love me, you two will be happy if you love each other." His tone was light, but there was a trace of expectation.

Lan Xin looked at him quietly, the surroundings were very close, they sat face to face, a strange atmosphere spread around, she lowered her eyes slightly, and said: "But, the two of them are in love with each other. , it was only because of my mother's objection that the two were separated, so I think they still have a chance. Besides, it is best for the child to have a father. "

It is a kind of pain from the heart that one's own child is called a wild species.

Lu Haocheng knew what she was thinking, he said: "Lanlan, take your time, don't worry, there is fate, no matter when, they will be together."

Lan Xin nodded slightly, that's right.

She got up and said, "Lu Haocheng, go back and rest!"

However, Lu Haocheng sat still, raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were still as gentle as the wind: "Lanlan, I slept during the day, but now I can't sleep."

Lan Xin: "..."

However, she can't sleep now.

"Then go back to your room and read a book!" Lan Xin said, and walked into her room.

Lu Haocheng smiled slightly, got up and followed behind her.

Lan Xin opened the door and was about to go in when she found Lu Haocheng following her.

Before she could open her mouth, Lu Haocheng entered without invitation.

Lan Xin: "..."

what's the situation?
Shouldn't he go back to his room to read?

(End of this chapter)

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